Why are so many of Trump's supporters retarded?

Why are so many of Trump's supporters retarded?

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google.se/search?q=who won the popular vote in 2016&oq=who won the pop&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.5407j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

fuck you, we're smart and stuff, just in a different way. bet you can't bend a pipe or fix your own car.

Here you go ctr

You're right. But i can build a mobile app. I pay a pleb to do it. Jobs of the future man.

alternative intelligence

Almost all liberals believe blacks are just as smart as whites. Absolutely ridiculous I know, but they believe it

We live in a post-truth society, people literally do not care if something is true or not; they just care if it helps their "team" win.

Liberals believe any black can be just as smart as any white ergo we should judge people by their ability instead of their race. This belief is factually true.

Do you really think the government would do that? Just invent a fictional massacre to drum up support for an unfavorable law?

But then liberals turn around and believe that blacks can't get access to ID cards because it is too expensive (it isn't)?

You inherently judge based on race.

No most liberals believe blacks are just as smart on average as whites. Which is absolutely nonsense

How about you go spend a night in Detroit and judge everyone based on their merits individually.

I'm sure you'll be just as safe as you would be in Orange County.

Because half of all people are retarded

>No most liberals believe blacks are just as smart on average as whites. Which is absolutely nonsense


>But then liberals turn around and believe that blacks can't get access to ID cards because it is too expensive (it isn't)?


From 2000-2014 there 31 cases of in-person vote fraud.

Voter ID laws are a continuation of the Republican "Southern Strategy."

"You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger." - Lee Atwater, former chairman of the Republican National Committee.

wtf im with the hillary from president campaign now

my is the lying press pushing the idea that muslim massacres are fake?

Muslims are committing massacres every week around the globe.

let it go man
she lost, move on

um no sweetie
google.se/search?q=who won the popular vote in 2016&oq=who won the pop&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.5407j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

95% of Obama and Hillary supporters think the wage gap is real even though it's been debunked many times.

Fuck, Hillary even campaigned on that.

Why does she look so dry and boney?
Don't get me wrong; i love mature women as much as anyone here. Is it the cigs, or too much high energy?

We were talking about liberal perception of IQ, not sure how safety and racial tension in the city of Detroit applies to the discussion.

100% of clinton supporters lost
like those results

I thought CTR lost all of their jobs

Pee Pee Prez.

They're working for ShareBlue now. Of course, they're doing it for free, because nobody wants to fund another David Brock embarrassment, But at least it keeps them occupied.

>100% of liberal voters think that the Holocaust is real

>This belief is factually true.

If we are so retarded, why did you lose?

Hahahahaha. You shut your fag/whore mouth.

It's over. No matter how much you cry,it's over.

Lololol cry mosr.

As in legally retarded or just retarded but """undocumented""""

you do know that there are like, droves of shitty, mentally deficient white people too, right?

Probably because Trump's a man or Hillary's a criminal, and those are simple, easy-to-understand reasons to support Trump. This has nothing to do with the fact that you have to be retarded to support Hillary.

This SCREAMS 'manufactured narrative."

Every article I've seen about the "Bowling Green Massacre" flub, from Fox to fucking Salon, has done nothing but point out that it was a misstatement.

Conway herself went on Twitter afterwards and admitted fault.

I can't help feel like this is fake news, and solely to serve the idea that Conway is 'dangerous" (remember how much the left loved that word during the per-election?) and therefore should not be given airtime.

>"blame Trump's messenger, not ours"

>alternative polls

At the same time, this "study" may serve as another way to attack the travel ban, for example:

>people only support it because of fake attacks like le Bowling Green Massacre"

I don't know, guys - I find it just find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that anybody would actually still think that the "Bowling Green Massacre" was real.

>From 2000-2014 there 31 cases of in-person vote fraud.

On record.

Were they looking for them? Were they prosecuting? Not really. Because BOTH political parties do shit with the votes, and neither one wants to remove the ability to cheat the other. It's a public secret.

Now that we have somebody who isn't a career politician in office, he doesn't give a shit about that. It has no impact on him, whether or not the parties can cheat later.

>Voter ID laws are a continuation of the Republican "Southern Strategy."

The Nazis made the fucking autobahn, advocated for maternal leave, ran the first anti-smoking campaign - the list goes on. So the republicans had racist reasons for wanting voter ID in the past, and maybe even now. In fact, I'd bet you that fascists STILL think that highways are a fucking good idea. Does that mean that there cannot be alternative reasons to support highways or voter id? No, it doesn't. We already have reason to believe illegal immigrants influenced the election, and there were twitter posts claiming people were able to file votes in multiple locations, because security was so lax. Maybe they were jokes, maybe they weren't. But people have posted much dumber shit to social media, so I frankly wouldn't be surprised.

Maybe you're comfortable with the possibility of our democratic republic being subverted. I'm not.

I want more than just voter ID. I want only physical ballots, and I want at 1 or two cameras live streaming at every ballot station. Fuck trusting any small group of corruptible individuals, let the whole world watch. It would be better if we could have some substance in the box, so that when the ballots were removed, they would react with the air and make any ink added after obvious, as well as ensuring we could easily tell that a box hasn't be tampered with.

I just googled it. Ive seen it posted here but was never all that interested

Why do liberals believe clickbait?

And they call Trump supporters retarded...

Why are the majority people feel the left retarded? I don't know, maybe the left dumbed down people on purpose? I don't know. Gee.

>kellyanne told us a thing

>we told you the thing that kellyanne said

>it's kellyanne's fault that you misconstrued what we said she said


Keep talking.

Trump is smart for them.

So smart.

low iq people commit violent crimes more