> controls the presidency and both houses of congress
> counterculture
Is he a retard Sup Forums?
> controls the presidency and both houses of congress
> counterculture
Is he a retard Sup Forums?
He is
>doesn't control a lick of the Cathedral
makes you think
He lives in britainistan
he's trying to say that opposing liberal ideas is opposing the establishment now, instead of in the past
But PJW is a alt-lite retard who would rather rant about the mainstream medeor or the intolarant lefffft instead of address the question of race or the JQ
He's just a fag, says anything he thinks will make Alex Jones hard.
Conservatism is an enlightenment meme that has outlived its usefulness. Reactionary is now counterculture.
Whatever helps him sleep at night.
> opposing the establishment
> the establishment is one person
> there are no conservatives in the establishment
>Government employess being mostly right leaning in the current administration equals majority of media and populace being right leaning
lmao, are you retarded user? Trump won BECAUSE people are going conservative for counter culture reasons.
Honestly you might be a retar-Oh, the flag. Haha, ya got me.
When your retarded ideology is in its death throes,and you don't have anything intelligent to say,maybe you should just eek and ook.
Nationalism is quite clearly the counter culture.
Right. Conservatism is cringey as fuck and is much to blame for where we are than the left wing. Reactionary politics, Fascism, traditionalism, etc are actual counterculture. Although I'd hesitate to call it "punk rock."
We can use this as a stepping stone to undermine the Synagogue. Patience.
Notice how (enormous faggot) OP doesn't include date stamp. Because this was waaay before the election finished. Faggot
Sup Forums eats itself more than SJWs sometimes.
>conservative is counterculture
No retard. Conservativism is controlled opposition.
National Socialism is counterculture.
This guy knows what's up
The Republican Party is not a true conservative party though.
> I'm le fiscal conservative and cultural marxist
> I'm le countercultural
Hes just cashing in on a new trend
Joking? The Alt-Right is the new counter-culture. White Ethnostates all the way, not "imagun my shawk, liberals are the real racists"
>he doesn't realize the establishment has been liberal for decades
fucking leaf
That's not the kind of conservatism the new generation is attracted to, jackass.
The new conservatism is edgy and insulting, also the age of old guys being the spearhead for the conservative crowd is fucking dead, people like POLL JOSEFF WHATSON and Blonde Faggot are the faces of Nu-conservatism, not Rush fucking Limbawwwww
Yes. About the only "punk rock" figure I can think of today is Shkreli the medicine man.
>what is popular vote
Also the dominant culture usually means what's dominant in the media & social media, specifically among young people
It is counter culture. All major cultural institutions are very liberal. The media, Hollywood, and academia all control culture, thus the culture is liberal.
Before the 60's the church, Hollywood, academia, and to a lesser extent the media, although the media was more objective back then, but those were all controlled by the right wing.
We used to go to church every Sunday and be taught our morals, masculine heroes like John Wayne were our role models, now our role models are the female leads of Star Wars and Steven Colbert. Every day we are pushed left wing propaganda through the TV and through movies and the media.
That's why the Trump election was so profound. It was a direct fuck you to those cultural institutions that tried to control us. Middle America sent a message that they wanted their culture back, because through all the media shilling and through all of Hollywood doing what they've done for decades now, accuse people of racism, this time people didn't listen to it.
Conservatism is the counter culture until we take back our cultural institutions
the more butthurt you are, the truer it gets
He's trying to woo kids like you. And it's working. But framing it like "conservatism" is wrong. It's more reactionary in that people are fed up with feminists and progressives getting too in your face.
> Alt-Right
faggot plz go
That's true, but just because you're "counterculture" doesn't mean you're right. Anarchism and communism is also counterculture. The real "meme" that's somewhat interesting here has to be more specific though. I think the fact that being a young man wanting to start a traditional family, move out of the city, and have kids is counterculture, is very interesting. Conservatism in general is not necessarily counterculture though, and neo-conservatism is just retarded like you said.
O-my gash bro, conservatism is totally BASED.
He just put out a video about it, check his channel.
Can someone give me a rundown on why we hate him now? Persuade me with facts and proof of idiocy by video.
Are you mentally retarded son? What do you think the current mainstream culture is like?
le controlled opposition meme?
Good on you for telling us papa
He got blown the fuck out by Quantanamo fantamo.
I bust a nut reading that in his voice. Topkek bruv
>Public schools
>News media
>Central banks
We're the counter culture until these are taken back
The left is the establishment.
Say white pride in public, see what happens.
What do they teach in school?
Lefties in denial
Leftist have been in control for decades and still have the west in a vice grip but the pendulum is swing as it always does. Right wing ideology has become the new counter culture but thats just the first stage as the political spectrum begins its swing farther to the right.
Do you think culture and government are the same thing? Are you retarded.
We are the counterculture, and as far as I can tell, Bannon is the quintessential /ourguy/.
Anyone have that pic of PJW as the feels guy at a party?
>I wish I was at home shouting in front of my map
>Imagine my shock when no gf
Good times
No, you are for thinking that a conservative president means that conservatism can't be the counter culture
Gay as fuck
better off calling yourself a right winger or a nationalist/patriot
is this fucking real?
hes one of us because this is autistic as shit
This guy gets it
>Is he a retard Sup Forums?
>western """""""""""""culture"""""""""""""""""" is white genocide/anti-racism code word for anti-white/gibs/socialism/marxism/communism
>western counter-culture is traditional values and most importantly not white genocide
>hey, maybe we shouldn't castrate white men to please feminist and invite hordes of muslims to destroy civilization?
very simple shit
The court of public opinion is liberal, which is the established custom these kids are punking against.
>kek must agree he has slight retardism
But he is right. People are waking up and realizing whites are not the enemy.
Nigger culture is a one way trip to jail and or welfare town. Nigger culture is on a downward trend.
Look at all the shitskins larping on a white nationalist board. There is all the proof you need.
They know who there daddy is and always was.
If it aint white, it aint right.
> mfw Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, Juius Evola and Pat Buchanan never called themselves "counter culture"
> mfw they weren't massive faggots either
This is what most people don't realize. Niggers and slants are posting hate speech here.
There is no true counter-culture in today's society, but anti-PC Libertarianism is probably the closest thing.
If you're a post-Reagan's Republican Revolution "conservative" then you're probably a globalist shill.
No, I am afraid it is you are the retard.
> 3 million difference in votes
> le punk rock lmao
>O-my gash
Can we please meme feminists into saying this instead of oh my G*d!
Daily reminder that Hillary had the most votes
The majority of the people wanted Hillary
So yes: counter culture
Fuck off with your edited images CREW
> win presidency
> wtf we emo now
Trump had more votes than Jill Stein does that mean Enviromental socialism is also counter culture?
He Sounds like gavincuck mcinnes
He wouldn't know culture, counter or otherwise, if it took a dump on his chest
yeah this is a really bad mis-step...
>Is he a retard Sup Forums?
your post is a ray of sunshine in a storm of shitposters, retards and analphabets
>Le illegal and voter fraud base
You're a fool if you think shitlary won the pop vote
I wouldn't see it as a counter culture or punk rock in any way, but if you think of the social trends over the past decade or so, people craving a traditional lifestyle could be viewed as being strange when the majority seems to promote living a life unhinged.
Think of it like artists. When you have a majority pushing to be avant garde, it becomes mainstream. The guy painting the landscape is the rebel in this scenario.
Well he IS a retard, to answer your question. However, he's correct in the sense western society is still farily left leaning in terms of Overton window. By that logic, the right wing is in fact contra.
Republicans are as bad as democrats, the ideology he's speaking of doesn't control shit.
The establishment refers to the Jewish problem.
Trump is trying to solve it without going full 1488
You faggots dismissing this don't get it. Progressives still dominate the media, courts,universities and most bureaucracies- despite the fact that Republicans are running the show.
This is the heart of the swamp draining. Liberals don't give up power. They don't want to negotiate
. They don't care that people voter republican. They want their agenda and won't let you monkey with it.
You mean the guy eating icecream with Samantha Beee?
That doesn't seem very relevant.
With your retarded insinuation, "leftism" isn't counterculture anytime the Democrats are in power. The Democrats and Republicans are hardly removed from each other on the political spectrum, and only have major disagreements on a handful of very specific issues. Not to mention they've only been in power for less than a month.
Considering that mainstream society is largely left-leaning in matters of culture and media, it seems pretty accurate to say that the current counter-culture is conservative. And you have to recognize that America doesn't exist in a bubble, and there's a world outside of it. You're a fucking leaf after all.
Yes, he is obviously retarded. Pic very much related.
Most people don't even know what all that means man.
This, but you left out one thing. Un-elected career bureaucrats all over the government. We need a Bill Clinton-style purge of anyone in the Executive Branch.
Aside from that, popular culture will always be against us. Much like women do not go into sciences, conservatives do not go into Hollywood, or many teaching positions, and to a degree are intentionally shut out.
Please. Conservatism is dead. They failed to conserve anything. All the big battles, gay marriage, abortion, deregulation , rule of law, religious freedom, they have consistently lost ground on.
The people have caught on to the bullshit. Hence the dawn of meme magic, shit posts, and weaponized autism.
Perfect example of someone whose parents told they were smart and talented their whole life, but no one else seemed to agree. He's still convinced he's some sort of revolutionary figure.
Too every contrarian edgelord retard in this thread (it would take too long to link each person individually), he said culture. It is undeniably true that Liberals control our media still. Quit being faggots just because you hate this guy, it makes you all seem like retards.