Are you guys actually fascists or are you just larping?
Are you guys actually fascists or are you just larping?
actual Fascists
any questions?
Depends which news outlet are you from?
i thought this was a star trek fan board
we're all racist nazis yes
We worship a frog.
How serious could we possibly be?
>ctr commenting on their own threads
Authoritarianism is good but not for the reasons you expect.
Column A, Column B
>Taking Sup Forums seriously
It's just a prank bro. Like the holocaust.
Ever been in a political compass thread? Sup Forums is probably the most ideologically diverse community on the Internet. We've got commies, ancaps, traditionalists, and everything in between posting here. People just think we're fascists because we're willing to call black culture, Islam, and third-wave feminism what they are.
I'm an unironical monarchist
I'm not a fascist, I just hate the globalists and want them to die
Friendly tip. Sup Forums is predominately filled with Western Culturalists. The exception being the odd retard now and again
Alex pls calm down
it's all for the lulz even when we fire up the oven
This, although to be fair we do larp a lot.
Though for a Swedish king right?
Most people here are keyboard fascists. At least the Antifa terrorists have the balls to leave their house
t. antifa posting from his mom's basement
No, I'm not a fascist.
Sup Forums is a mix of libertarians from both sides of the spectrum, from what I can tell.
Are you a suicidal cuck liberal or just larping?
>1 post by this ID
I'm just a white male sick of faggot liberals shitting on us for making every major innovation in the history of mankind (don't mention Einstein and Oppenheimer, because Jews are thrown in with whites when the PC police come knocking to check their privilege, although I'll give you peanut butter). I don't buy into conspiracy theories just think this is a fun place to air grievances against the establishment. Everyone is different though, some are here to troll, some to LARP some are genuine Nazis who want to gas the Jews and lynch the Nigs. Some are just edgy white men.
Why would I call myself a terrorist? You're a special kind of retard, you know?
Well, sure. I don't consider myself a nationalist, so i don't care about "Sweden", in the mere sense of the geographical boundaries it constitutes. A country is nothing without its people. And i believe that the very best person from a given people should be that people's ruler.
Look at those digits.
This is why we praise Kek.
I mean there's a lot of hitler did nothing wrong, gas the Jews, day of the rope talk that goes around to be fair. But that's only a few people and I think most of them are just being edgy and don't believe that shit although there is a sizable storm weenie presence here who actually believe that shit.
Anarcho-fascist here. AMA
Good point, but what if his kid is a megafag then we're fucked. That was the problem with monarchy, if someone good was king it was all good. If it was an incompetent boob we were fucked.
are you gay?
It is also a Star Trek fan board... Star Trek VI was the best Star Trek movie
Wat faggots?!
Im only here for the superlative instructables in Mongolian glassweaving
a king relies on his peoples respect, if he doesnt have that he doesnt have any power
Currently the left wing is more fascist than anyone here
Never pretended to be a fascist, I just like shitposting.
t. conservative with libertarian leanings
And democracy never gives us incompetent boobs?
>not being an anarcho-statist
radical centrist here
when did we ever say we were fascists? i didnt even know fascists still existed
At first it was kind of a joke for me then I started reading some of the philosophers that Sup Forums recommended and found I actually agree with a lot of this stuff. Evola and Nick Land in particular. Even some Sup Forums posts were pretty informative and really made me think (unironically).
Wouldn't call myself "fascist" as I disagree with several tenants of fascism, but I definitely am a right-wing nationalist and traditionalist.
The nation is the property of the kings. The people too, are the property of the king. In the exact same manner, that in a traditional family the children are the property of the man. According to such a system, the man may put to death his own children if he wishes, but seldom does so, without a very good reason. The king too may put to death his subjects but does so only with very good reason. They are his property and that is why he will care for their well-being, in the same way that you will care for your computer or your car.
Käre broder, do you even know what a nationalist is? Do you know what Sweden is? Sweden is the reich of the Swedes (Svea Rike = Sverige). A nation is not the geographical bouhndaries. The nation does not simply have people within it, the nation IS the people, and the people are the nation. Being a nationalist means you want to preserve the nation state, and since you say "a country is nothing withouts its people" I think you're saying you are a nationalist. Be proud of that.
None of these retards are actual "fascists" i.e. none of them know anything about fascist economy.
They are just edgy retards that want an authoritarian state.
I just think triggering the left is like candy.
I can't speak for others on this board, but I do think benevolent fascism is ideal. Something like Starship Troopers. However, benevolent fascism is almost as rare as benevolent communism, so I don't think I'll ever see it in my life.
but a father has physical superiority over his kids, for a king its the opposite, hes totally at the mercy of his people, he only has as much power as his people will give him
Do you hate Jews and Blacks?
I think of myself as more of a Jacobite
>haha lol, I don't get it, it must be just foolishness and jest
But how does someone being born into the role make them the "very best person from a given people"?
What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?
A big redpill, is to realize the importance of hierarchy and rulership (imperium). These are principles that through all ages keep reappearing in human societies, and therefore require understanding, if we are to make any true progress. To take the modern route, to deny hierarchy and authority (imperium) is madness.
Pepe is a frog of love.
At this point I'm not even sure anymore.
>make benevolent unchangable constitution
>make it the fascist government's goal to uphold constitution
I want to live free under no man. In fact I don't want to be part of society.
Not sure. I just hate faggotry. tell goy...I mean guys!
>New fascist leader
>decides to say "fuck it" to that
>does what he want, shits all over constitution
Now, you may be thinking "well duh, there will be balance checks. Other parts of the government that can keep the leader in check" well how do we assure that THEY don't abuse their power and shit over the constitution by trying to coup the leader out of power?
I don't want to make the "country" or "nation" into a holy image. In my vision, the holy images are those of the Gods, and to an extent that of the King, in the sense that he would be the embodiment of one or several of those gods, almost like a demi-god, i think is the correct word to describe it.
The nation, the folk, the people, the country, the reich, these all matter, but they do not represent a higher principle, not a true "guiding star", in my eyes, if you will. Rather then ends, they are means.
Relax, smell the flowers.
see the usa for how liberals can fuck up a constitution. you just interpret the language differently
>unchangeable constitution
One's society would have to be perfectly designed from its inception to be efficient. I don't disagree with the principal, but I think the practice would be nigh impossible.
A king is not elected, his rule (or imperium) does not come from below (from the will of the people), it comes from above (from God).
There's no need for a fascist leader.
It doesn't, clearly, that's a big problem that needs discussing i believe...
how do I replace the air filter on my AC unit?
This place is a board of peace
The individual is important, and so is the collective. Without sex, there can be no people, no societies. It's a law that cannot be avoided. If you live alone, you won't live for long.
>Sup Forums are just memers who speak truth
>Truth is then redefine by MSM to be facist, racism and sexism
actual fascists who served in ww2 etc
I'm an actual fascist.
Are you gay
I'm not larping when I say that feminists and journalists belong in coffins.
Both of which don't understand the ideologies they support other than baseline buzzwords and empty platitudes.
And ironically most of antifa are more fascist in practice than the people here as they behave identically to the brownshirts.
A fascist government is based off of a single strong leader...
I basically agree with 90% or more of
it always comes from the people. if they dont respect the king they will turn to another kingdom, or claim the king is illegitimate. unless the king is 100 feet tall and can shoot lasers from his eyes, the power comes from the peoples respect
i'm a devout kekist and in that i am a dyed in the wool absolutist, debate me
>And i believe that the very best person from a given people should be that people's ruler.
Good people don't need a "ruler".
Collectivism is a tool for the unsuccessful to either leech or wage war and pillage those who are successful
Am I a stormweenie if I only want to gas a few select Jews? Also nigs will nog, I just want them to nog elsewhere.
The problem with the US stems from the fact that a) they have common law and b) the option to add amendments.
Just don't have those two.
That's why you allow the people to leave that are not comfortable with it or remove the ones tha aren't capable to. This shouldn't be a violent process; I never understood the need to force fascism on others.
I think that fascism would be a way more efficient and stronger system that we have now, and thus would lead to a voluntary participation. I mean, just look at how many people we have running around right now that'd love to have a fascist state guiding their lives in a more productive and purposeful fashion.
a) no it's not and b) "the leader" would be the constitution.
I believe in balance. I think that the things Fascism believes in, like family, nationalism, traditional masculine and feminine roles are good. But I think there needs to be moderation.
Some men have always been effeminate. You can read about musicians being considered this in Ancient Greece in Plato's Republic. Likewise, some women have always been masculine. I think that cultural expectations that most people follow certain roles is good, but some exceptions should be okay.
Likewise with anti-degeneracy stuff. People like to unwind, and even the strictest prohibition leads to black markets. I don't think exclusive repression works with sexuality either.
There is no question that we live in extremely degenerate times, and any attempt to fix that is going to be perceived as authoritarian even if it really isn't. But Neo-Nazis don't understand that hard authoritarianism is incredibly unstable because it breeds resentment. Use of force is only so effective as a way of managing a country, appealing to the public mind broadly is much better.
So we may need to take on some values which to the very liberal among us seem fascistic, but I think a system that acknowledges the need for balance and both shaping and responding to the public consciousness is best.
I'm here to make sure all of the digits are checked because you lazy fucks miss a lot of numerals.
1. People have different qualities
2. It follows that one person has the best qualities
If you need a ruler or not, does it really matter? If the king is willing, and able to assert his rule, what will you do? Defy him and die, subject to him or live, those are your options. Liberty, freedom, independence are all dreams, look at history and show me one man who was truely "free".
I'm a frogfucker.
Why would anyone be a monarchist ironically?
Parliamentary monarchy is the best system of government.
>I think that fascism would be a way more efficient and stronger system that we have now, and thus would lead to a voluntary participation
That's a self defeating argument because when left up to voluntary action the majority of all people choose some form of private property rights based capitalistic system with a government that will support it.
Fascism on the economic side especially is no where near as effective which is why people at an individual basis don't choose it and it is almost exclusively imposed through violence.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Sup Forums is apolitical. Sup Forums is whatever annoys normies most. Currently that's facist white nationalism. Only a small minority here would actually join a white nationalist group IRL
Brits are weird, i don't understand the parlamentary thing they got going. But they ruled the waves back in the day, so i respect them bigly.