It is now legal to behead and cannibalize someone in Canada

It is now legal to behead and cannibalize someone in Canada.

Leafs, start explaining yourselves.

Dog blowjobs were far enough.

Other urls found in this thread:

just trimming the leaves

I saw the pics of the eaten head once, does anyone have them?

>muh legal precedent

it's legal to behead and cannibalize as long as the voices in your head told you to

you should see the fucking tumblr queens responsible for arguing this guy out of captivity, holy shit

lmao Canada can die
fucking a, what a timeline
>criminals are seen as victims and innocent


We need a wall in the north.

If you're a leaf, and you read this, and you live within 50 km of this guy, then the only way to get into heaven after you die is by driving there and killing him right this instant

America help!

you have to go back

Doesn't pose a threat.


Well, I don't think it's quite that cut and dry but this is fucking ridiculous. Canada, straighten your shit out. I don't want to have to build another wall in a few years, you guys are supposed to be the grown up neighbors.

Maritimer here.

Somebody do it

I expected this. We let Karla Homolka go and she participated in the killing of her own sister

So he only tortured and beheaded a random guy on a bus? Seems a good idea to release him

I love how they assert he's not responsible for his crime because he's crazy, but that he's also not a further risk.

I guess there's some big rule that crazies only have to kill one person before the crazy voices are satiated? Maybe?

>this sick fuck walks free
>meanwhile the freedom fighter frenchie guy is probably going to get life in solitary

If anything you should just move the Mexico wall to the Canadian border. They're way more fucking retarded than Mexicans with Trudeau in charge

He ate the poor guy

>It is now legal to behead and cannibalize someone in Canada.

only if you are a chink. the white guy that did pretty much the same thing will rot for the rest of his life.

He's not white guys, he's been underprivileged and oppressed it's not his fault

Maybe racist Canadians should be more tolerant, otherwise this is what they deserve :^)

Listen, decapitate and eat someone sure, but he's still being monitored 24/7 to make sure he doesn't misgender anyone. Pronouns matter, everybody.

The charter of rights and freedoms ruined everything.

You could call your buddy a nigger and you'd serve the same sentence as this guy, fuck this shit

Anyone who beheads a random passenger in a bus is a permanent threat in society. I recognize he wasn't medicated when he did it, but most schizos are perfectly able to be totally nuts and still not commit acts of violence. It requires a fundamentally violent / anti-social personality to do what this guy did. It is not the schizophrenia that "made" him do it. The schizophrenia gave him distorted input about the world around him, but the decision to behead someone was his regardless. This guy should've been locked up in a nuthouse for life.

I still don't why anyone bought his defense of "the voices told me to do it"

Is it true in Canada it's not illegal to call someone a nigger but illegal to not use someone's pronouns?

>Leafs, start explaining yourselves.
And you all wonder why they sit around and shitpost all day...beheading and eating people has to get boring after the 4th or 5th victim.

>The RCMP arrested Li soon afterward.[8][10] He was shot with a Taser twice, handcuffed and placed in the back of a police cruiser. Parts of the victim's body, placed in plastic bags, were retrieved from the bus, while his ear, nose and tongue were found in Li's pockets. The victim's eyes and a part of his heart were never recovered and are presumed to have been eaten by Li.
why didn't they shoot with bullets?

A vigilante will take care of him, sooner or later.

Still, this is fucking insane. You can go to jail for life just for saying mean, racist words, meanwhile you can cut a guy's head off and eat him then get off scott free

Pretty sure those pics were from something unrelated. Are you talking about the pic with his like ears and eyes and shit lined up?


It's Canada

based canada. some chinese guy comes and murders/eats a leaf and then you release him 8 years later. meanwhile i'm sure you've got people serving longer terms for petty shit that's non-violent and even stuff like hate speech.

based canada


I don't get it. Why do they want to destroy the world with this kind of insanity in every corner of the globe? Surely it can't just be to torture the sane?
Are they trying to get us so angry about the state of the world that we'll demand to hand the world to a planetary monarch who rules with an iron fist? What the fuck is going on?
I refuse to believe all this astonishingly absurd bullshit going on in the world isn't part of some bigger plan to get otherwise high IQ people to demand to be strictly ruled over as an escape from the forced chaos of today.
There's no way the globalists actually want to rule over a planet of a bunch of retarded muslims and useless jiggaboos. It's a red herring, a step in a broader plan for something even more sinister.
Sometimes I think Trump is in on it too, an actor in a play that was written long ago.
God help me. God help us all.

Don't sit next to a chink

we need to build another wall and make canada pay for it

things are going to escalate, god willing it escalates in some way that benefits your average hardworking white that just wants to live their life and raise a family

>On July 17, 2014, the Toronto Sun reported that one of the first officers on the scene, Cpl. Ken Barker, an RCMP officer, had committed suicide.[33] The family stated in his obituary that he was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.[34]

Too bad he didn't pay Vince a visit first, with a police badge he probably could've walked right in

The guy was in custody for almost 9 years, and plus he has the right for a speedy trial

>does not pose a significant threat to public

Are they fucking serious?

Canadian men are faggots so no vigilantes.

However...if he is among the homeless or natives then MAYBE he will get beaten into deep brain damage by somebody with nothing to lose.

Inappropriate pun of the year award should go to whoever renamed the cannibal "Will Baker"

Woww, Canada is becoming more like Brazil faster than I imagined.


yes, his one armed jewdoctor and tumblr queen handler have asserted "this time he'll take his meds we promise"

>this man will be walking freely around my neighbourhoods.
grinds my gears when people say "oh he's learned his lesson he just has schizo and didn't take his meds!" People who have that condition stop taking their medication after a while because they think they're better, then relapse. that man is a time bomb and next time it will be a little kid who's heart he eats or someone's grandma who's eyes he pulls out.

He should be forced to live next-door to whatever judge released him. I'd like to see just how comfortable they truly are.

Also, his name is no longer "Vince Li" because he got it changed for obvious reasons. Does anyone know his new name? I know it's public.

Will Lee Baker

"Will Baker" get it? The actual name though

I get this feeling too. In the last year I have felt nothing but boiling anger after seeing how they can just keep turning the "retarded brainwashed bullshit" dial up and people actually buy it. If we don't win against this type of shit, a nuclear war which completely destroys everything is the only answer. People are so fucking stupid.

Weiguang Li (simplified Chinese: 李伟光; traditional Chinese: 李偉光; pinyin: Lǐ Wěiguāng commonly just called Vince Li)

>he learned his lesson

Oops lol killed a dude.

He should be kidnapped and given the funkytown face-peel. Same with the judge.
Justice has not been served until the webm of their deaths has accumulated ten million views worldwide.

nice reading comprehension skills, friend

Reminder that the canacuckistanian thought gestapo can to throw you into their tolarancecamps and violate your human rights, if you argue with feminists on social media or look at japanese drawings.

Meanwhile beheading random people and eating them is fine and legal, and is not a threat to society lul

Now he's out, it's up to a member of the public to do some real justice.

If the killer was white he would be even more famous and be serving stacked life sentences.

So you aren't correct.

He chopped up a juggalo, should've been legal in the fist place.

Imagine what the victim's family feels? The lunatic who brutally murdered their son and cannibalized him is let free. Not to mention the family of the cop who killed himself because he got PTSD from the crime scene.

The severely mentally ill should be culled. This shit is ridiculous.



>Dog blowjobs

>It is now legal to behead and cannibalize someone in Canada.

damn that's my fetish

It seems like the only thing illegal in Poodeau's Canada is weed.

Beastiality is now legal in canada.

Also people are posting the pic of the half eaten body on Sup Forums and anons are downloading it and jerking off to it

the mom is adamant her sons killer has just been freed to do this all over again, be it tomorrow or in two decades

god, this country

>tfw this happened in my city
>tfw my high school psychology teacher was lecturing us not to judge him and saying that he should be let go because he dindu nuffin

I hate this country so much REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Did they at least make him add himself to the National Beheader's Offender Registry for life? And make him notify the courts every time he moves?

Why do we tolerate such reckless faggotry so close? We should be conducting drone-strikes in Canada with no regard for what the sitting government thinks, just like other third world hellholes.

If his family wasn't pussies they'd kill the chink

Pls respond

Nah, they only do that if you're caught reading a comic where someone gets beheaded :^)

Well Manatobians if you don't like what the verdict is why not phone the review board or contact your local MP - List of current members on the Manitoba criminal code review board. - On this website you can find the locastion and phone number of the review board (under R)

Phone, write letters, protest, and demand that they tell you why they let a murderer go free.

this is in my province of manitoba, this guy was fucking insane, and people were shocked, but (((cbc))) gave it the most minimal coverage, also he was probably insane and out mental health laws are dumb as hell

Who the fuck watches CBC news?
It was on Global a lot.

The fact that the Canadian government let this guy change his name is so beyond fucked up that I can't even fathom it.

What country lets convicted killers CHANGE THEIR FUCKING NAMES upon release?

Child molesters have to inform their neighbours when they move in nearby, but in Canada you're allowed to behead people and eat parts of their face, and then change your name so that people won't be afraid of you.

ahmed please, we let the state do it, they're just doing a shitty job. I wonder (((who's))) to blame

what the fucking fuck

that fucker poses a public safety risk.

fuck man. Is it always the same nip making these based as fuck posts or is there like a team of japan's best animie writers working around the clock to make japan great again (on pol)?

isn't there some jap cannibal that got out of jail and became a restaurant critic?

is ur teacher a kike or a snowflake

u of w?

No, they let him change his name. I'M NOT KIDDING.

>Tim McLean
Maybe he just confused him for Brendan MacLean

He said high school.

No, U of M

its on in every local place because "canadian pride". also global was founded by the guy who my school of named after,, Israel asper. :)

dude U of M here...i didn't even know other Manitobans existed on this board :)

>cannibalism is legal in canada
>weed still isn't

So, I'm just mulling out-loud here, but hypothetically how hard would it be for a small group of local leafs to acquire the names and addresses of those responsible for his release, for perhaps the purposes of sending them a lovely card? Nothing nefarious of course, suggesting such a thing would be terribly irresponsible and I'd never encourage mob justice, naturally.

we're all over it my dude. do you even listen to the radio? I've heard a few Sup Forumsacks calling 92 every now and then.
Sup Forums is a board of peace. But I promise there are tons of angry people who are unaffiliated with this board

winnipeg has virtually no organized crime, none that would stick its head out anyway. He'll get his justice, but we must elect the man to lead us to that era


CIA plz

in Italy a guy recently killed another guy who accidentally killed her wife in a car accident. he wento to her wife grave and laid a pistol on her tomb

Any elected officials have a hand in this? I imagine this would be political suicide in the states.

It's hard to think so when the bus loop is darker than the traction sand.

also 92 is the last bastion of white pride in the town, also asper here, you? if you're first year or something just play along, make friends even if they're morons, the uni has a a serious (((agenda))), no reason to get swept to their bad side.