What is the best city/town/place to live in The USA for a 26yo /fit/ white master race male and my 10/10 19yo aryan godess cardiobunny girlfriend?
inb4 any city with a signifigant amount of niggers/mudslimes/spics/oven dodgers.
What is the best city/town/place to live in The USA for a 26yo /fit/ white master race male and my 10/10 19yo aryan godess cardiobunny girlfriend?
inb4 any city with a signifigant amount of niggers/mudslimes/spics/oven dodgers.
They're literally all the same just different weather.
altoona PA
USA is a lost cause desu. Germania.
stay envious my friend
post gf
I am all that is man
Can you Sup Forumslocks tell me what to do pls?
I need to bump this for attention
Stop being jelly lol
kek you wish bog-trotter
>mental manlet
Try the left coast
Plainwell michigan op
Newport Beach, California
No spics/mudslimes can afford to live there. 90% white conservatives, many are business owners and alpha.
Eden Prairie, MN was pretty based... but then they imported Somalians...
Lawrence, KS is a sweet place to be and I like it
Pittsburgh, PA. Pretty good gun laws, high wages, cheap cost of living, and a ton of things to do.
ive visited newport beach. it was pretty great so thats a consideration.
i should have mentioned that gun laws are definitely important to us. ill look into pittsburgh. are there any nearby public lands?
Anywhere in PA, stay away from Philadelphia
>cheap cost of living
Sort of....Pittsburgh user here. You'll have to do some searching to find a more old-school realtor who isn't jacking up rent prices like crazy on rundown apartments. You can find them, but you do have to look hard.
Fuck no. Bunch of degenerate stoners and drunks. If you want the California beachside life, Try Morro Bay, outside of San Luis Obispo. Shit is basically heaven.
post pictures of your girlfriend first, bro
not on Sup Forums bro sorry. imagine a nonjew mandy moore that weighs 100lbs
nigga blur her face or some shit