Redpill me on steroids

Redpill me on steroids
Is the anti-steroid lobby motivated by big government? The common sentiment of the danger is grossly overstated

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roids are illegal because masculinity is toxic


Roids are illegal for 2 reasons

1 - it's cool to hate men and masculine things
2 - idiots who don't know what they're doing die from steroids

People should not fuck around with hormones. I mean look at traps and trannies taking girl pills

I'm doing TRT (exogenous testosterone to mimic the high end of the natural levels).

It's awesome.

It's technically true, but femininity is toxic too.

do you want your balls to stop working and shrink?

Danger is real in a lot of cases and few people really know what they are doing.

Fit can get you the hook-up, but beware, many are made in basements or Chinese

Just like yours did, kraut?

little nolvadex or clomid balls go right back
test levels are actually highest during post cycle treatment

Pretty standard reply from someone who has no idea what they are talking about.

Since you are adding testosterone to your body you don't need to make it yourself so there is very slight atrophy. Your "balls" aren't the only part of your body responsible for testosterone production.

Once you stop adding testosterone your body will start producing testosterone the same as it did before hand.


ignore alex&glands

Joe Biden.


moderation is key.

not every steroid is good to use. ex: Trenbalone

low dose long term > ROID RAGE BULKING


Trenbolone - *spelling

steroids are cool, about half of the guys on my high school football team are using them and 90% of the instagram fitness types are on them as well

would not suggest being used until you're over 21 as they can shut down your natural production for life but if you take the time to do research and buy from good sources roids are a no brainer.

$35-$50 per vial of test, $20-$40 for hcg, $50 for ai and pct and you'll get great gains

i saw amazing rseults from trenbolone i dont know what the fuck your talking about

pretty sure I know enough about it. Seen enough people talk about it. Enough products and shit out there that are supposed ot help you get your ball size and natural test levels back. Even the mememan Rich Piana talked about it. (But he just said that it's great cause your dick looks bigger in comparison)

what are you taking?

enjoy your short lifespan. Hows your breathing ?

I do know what the fuck i am talking about. I've been around the scene for 30 years.

Tren was/is for bulking cows in prep for slaughter, muscle mass, no care of health long term. more profit per head to sell beef to McDonalds

Every single person I know that has taken Tren in a cycle in the past is now fucked. heavy breating w/short breaths is a telltale sign in every single one of them.

Test E, I think 200ml/L, plus anastradiol.

I did a 9 month cycle of a testosterone blend (enth, cyp, dec), pretty much every aspect of my life was waaaay better. I was happier, more energetic and could fuck like an animal all day. The test made me feel like a superhero and I never wanted to stop, probably why I stayed on for 9 months... The only reason I stopped was because I was getting painful acne that was pretty uncomfortable.

The thing about steroids is that some people can have adverse mental side effects if they have prior psychological issues. The average person will be fine but there is isolated cases of suicide or violent behaviour as a result of steroid use.

Let's keep in mind that not all anabolic steroids are the same either.

really.. you don't even know how many milligrams per milliliter you are taking.. wither you are a fucktard who isn't taking any steroids or you're just stupid as hell.

I get it from a doctor. I WOULD be a fucktard if I administered it myself with so little knowledge.

heart attacks and other health problems

no.. you;re still a fucktard. a Doctor is not going to prescribe Tren for ANYTHING.

fuck off with your LIES

General Stanley McChrystal, then in command of the Joint Special Operations Command, sat down to lunch with some other general and field officers.

Having been in the 75th Ranger Regiment for different commands, and having been the Battalion Commander of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, he values Rangers above all others.

He asked his MEDO (Medical Officer) what could be done to make his Rangers bigger, stronger, faster. He offered up giving them Creatine every day at lunch.

His MEDO stopped and thought about this statement from the Commander of JSOC, and offered up a different solution. He told McChrystal that if the desire was to achieve results of every Ranger being bigger, stronger, and faster, then Creatine would not accomplish this. Creatine was not well understood, not always effective, and sometimes dangerous.

Instead, the MEDO told McChrystal to put every Ranger on a regimen of steroids, administered by the medical staff and controlled. Obviously, McChrystal was concerned, aren't steroids dangerous? His MEDO ensured that when administered properly, they'd be able to control dosages and ensure the safety of the Rangers.

I think you might have me confused with another poster. Never claimed I was taking tren.

Why in hell anyone (except actors) would take roids if you WILL loose ALL your gains after the cicle? Your body will produce the opposite hormone unitl you become a female. You will probably fuck up your tendons and ligaments too.
I have been training for almost 15 years. That is why I have muscles today. But I can not compare myself with a six pack juicer. Sorry Anglocuckloosers, there are no shortcuts in life for muscles and success. There are better techniques and knowledge, but that is it.

Roids are the injectable red pill.

This leaf pretty much nailed it

You wouldn't get prescribed tren for anything, ever. Either you're a liar or just very confused.

I know doctors will administer your TRT shots for you most of the time but by the time you actually receive your first shot you would be fully aware of what your taking, risks involved etc.

I don't understand why two people now think I've claimed to take tren.

I just get test for TRT. Never said otherwise.

Lots of athletes who abused steroids in their youth end up becoming trannies later in life i.e. Jenner, Kroczaleski, etc. Steroids may be causing some sort of irreversible brain damage.

HPTA shutdown is very real. Yes, it is possible to recover through general PCT protocols or even Human chorionic gonadotropin injections in more extreme cases. However there is always a risk of reducing total efficiency of the endocrine system when reverting back to purely a endogenous source of testosterone. Varies case to case, but it is very well documented.

Test E is not Tren.

I just read anons post chirping you about tren, thought I'd add my 2 cents. Real sorry for the confusion eh

For pussies only.

Jesus christ the amount of idiots itt is high even by Sup Forums standards.

Test is the shit. Don't do it if you're young. Use pharma grade, dont bother with underground stuff. It's too risky. Cycle. See a doctor - a good endocrinologist will help you sort yourself out afterwards if you cant figure it out, they aren't there to rat you out. They are they to keep you healthy.

Of course if you juice to the point of being one of the biggest or strongest people on earth you're going to have issues.

No worries. I was starting to think I was retarded. Good to hear I'm just a normal level of ignorant.

They're pretty good for giving yourself a heart attack.

Why do you think /fit/s traffic has dropped so much?

Look at it this way

A woman gets prescribed hormones to prevent herself from ovulating - OK

A guy wants to grow tits and gets prescribed estrogen - OK

Xenoestrogens in the food supply feminizing little boys - OK

A woman wants to become a man, prescribed testosterone - OK

A man wants to increase the amount of testosterone in his body - OMG TOXIC MASCULINITY, YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL FOR POSSESSING THIS DANGEROUS HORMONE

>Doctor, I think I'm a woman, I want to take estrogens to look more like my gender ideal
>Ok here u go lols

>Doctor, I'm a man, I want to take testosterone to look more like my gender ideal
>That's illegal u cis scum

wtf and they say trans ppl are oppressed

the medical establishment is cisphobic

Yeah, I don't understand this. Fucking bullshit.

If you're under the correct levels for your age / sex you can get it prescribed by a doctor. It's easier than HRT for gender transformation.

No psych eval, no waiting time to "make sure" etc.

Long time lurker here, ive been bigger and stronger than probably every single person here at one point.

Don't do it. You don't know what you are doing, you don't even know why you are doing it because you can get plenty fit as it is. Eat big, lift, and leave it alone.

Long term AAS at high doses can turn your blood into literal syrup. Google "AAS induced Hematochromatosis," or look up what happens when you have Poly Cythemia. You have to drain your blood. Every 8 weeks.

I'm 24, I've been 230 lbs at 10% BF @ 5' 11". It's not worth it. You will also fuck up your fertility, aka no white babies.

I'm healthy now, and only do TRT / I will be fine, but it can get ugly. It's not what it does to your heart, that's not how it works. It's what it does to your blood, which fucks up your heart.

are you saying roid rage is real?

Trenbolone is 5x more anabolic and androgenic than test, it can absolutely make you angry. In addition to the night sweats, shortness of breath, tren fog, etc.

and to further add to The legal issues of doing point 2 and 4 are exactly the same as recreational use of AAS.

It doesn't discriminate by use, it simply prevents fucktards like Sup Forums injecting too much or too little, potentially bunk oil and destroying themselves from the inside out.

If you want to cultivate your masculinity? Lift. Sleep. Eat. Read. If you only want to get wicked strong? Study the endocrine system THEN take roids.

The illegality is most of the problem. Because no one can legally take them, there is very little published science on the long term effects. Also there are no controls or assurance or purity and quality. They may be fairly safe, but we will never know for sure. The biggest issue I see with them is that mass is much easier to gain than to lose. Roids are a ticket to life long weight issues and cardiovascular problems.



I fucked my stripper Gf everyday for 2 years without a rubber while on 750mg Test C, 500 mg Tren E (sometimes) / 750mg Deca /wk, GH, Insulin, etc.

Never knocked her up. I came off for 5 weeks one time...knocked her up. She had a miscarriage.

It def fucks up your HTPA, and causes Azoospermia. I'm telling you it does.

Permanently shut down, no, but permanently effect, yes it can.

Luckily there are ways around that now, Ie GNRHs.


>The common sentiment of the danger is grossly overstated

Roid raging manlets.

Women are loons because of hormone imbalances a week a month, when on the HRT or hormonal contraception and so are manlets on steroids.

>I'm doing TRT (exogenous testosterone to mimic the high end of the natural levels).
>It's awesome.

Look a junkie.

>little nolvadex or clomid balls go right back
>test levels are actually highest during post cycle treatment

Another angry little junkie

>Pretty standard reply from someone who has no idea what they are talking about.

And another junkie

Exactly what I'm talking about brah, youre always gonna produce sperm, maybe the count will be low. But as you said, there's ways around that ;)

Currently running test/deca bulk, looking joocy af what's up boyo

>moderation is key.
>not every steroid is good to use. ex: Trenbalone
>low dose long term > ROID RAGE BULKING

another junkie explaining why he thinks hes a better form of junkie

>steroids are cool, about half of the guys on my high school football team are using them and 90% of the instagram fitness types are on them as well


>i saw amazing rseults from trenbolone i dont know what the fuck your talking about

Angry little junkie

>The thing about steroids is that some people can have adverse mental side effects if they have prior psychological issues. The average person will be fine but there is isolated cases of suicide or violent behaviour as a result of steroid use.

Well that fine.

No wit it is not and should disqualify you from being a cop or any position of responsibility.

>Instead, the MEDO told McChrystal to put every Ranger on a regimen of steroids, administered by the medical staff and controlled. Obviously, McChrystal was concerned, aren't steroids dangerous? His MEDO ensured that when administered properly, they'd be able to control dosages and ensure the safety of the Rangers.

Medical experiments on soldiers. Disgusting.

If steroids where half as toxic as the media portrays them as, Arnold would have died decades ago, as would all the bodybuilders and professional athletes in general

>Roids are the injectable red pill.

Injecting yourself.


>Steroids may be causing some sort of irreversible brain damage.


Hey guys,

How do I get on roids?


Sugar fucks your blood up too just side note. But side note what about doing small doses of test? No need to be 230 why not a juicy 200 10%

>Look at it this way
>A woman gets prescribed hormones to prevent herself from ovulating - OK
>A guy wants to grow tits and gets prescribed estrogen - OK
>Xenoestrogens in the food supply feminizing little boys - OK
>A woman wants to become a man, prescribed testosterone - OK
>A man wants to increase the amount of testosterone in his body - OMG TOXIC MASCULINITY, YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL FOR POSSESSING THIS DANGEROUS HORMONE

They are all shit that lead to damaged crazy people

>Currently running test/deca bulk, looking joocy af what's up boyo

Another junkie

what would your opinion of just running 500mgs of test be?

Roids are probably fine as long as you take pharma-grade stuff. HGH at least is 100% safe as long as you don't mess up the dosage.

>I fucked my stripper Gf everyday for 2 years without a rubber while on 750mg Test C, 500 mg Tren E (sometimes) / 750mg Deca /wk, GH, Insulin, etc.

What a beautiful life junkies have with their little syringes injecting shite into themselves. And look. A prostitute too.

raging junkie manlet

>Trenbolone is 5x more anabolic and androgenic than test, it can absolutely make you angry. In addition to the night sweats, shortness of breath, tren fog, etc.


But insecure little manlet junkies don't care

Stick that needle in your arm

someone's got an axe to grind

>what would your opinion of just running 500mgs of test be?

Thinking of being a junkie because of self loathing manlet syndrome.

fuck off McFaggot

I'm 6'4 200lbs.

I just want to see what my body is capable of when enhanced by drugs

On testo eth and deca right now, 3/10 today.
Kicking in as fuuug now.

10 weeks is a long time, at the end it takes in a bit I like the 8 weekers moar.

Made illegal here in 2014, but you couldn't exactly just go to the pharmacy and buy it anyways. It was just legal to use it, but you can never compete pro in anything, damn strict on that here.

No plans on that anyways.

Not advocating for this shit, because it can fuck you up far worse than drugs. I take my cure then I take my break. Some people shoot up like 6 needles a week then and never take breaks, then you lose your balls and may go completely nuts.

anti dote is important, but this is really fit stuff.
I never go there, because it's just full of homosexuals.


Steroids are the hormonal equivalent of having plastic surgery to look good and then your children are ugly

>someone's got an axe to grind

Clean needles and injecting rooms like smackheads, injecting shite into yourself.

Acting like hormonal women.

Yead you are not junkies at all.

No actually you are and narcissistic little fuck wits at that.

Don't bother.

I took them whilst I was playing rugby at university. There were certain performance increases, particularly in short term recovery, but ultimately it wasn't doing me any good. My stamina and capacity went to shit. I was stronger, but had poorer balance due to the weight shift. My cardio went out the window. There are benefits to steroid use but only in certain instances and for particular disciplines.

Outdoor pursuits are far better for you overall. Taking up a team sport and training hard for it will do you a lot more in terms of balance, coordination, acceleration, speed and stamina than a bodybuilding program will.

Ultimately it boils down to what you want. If you want to be seriously fit then take up ski touring, distance running, cycling and so on. If you feel as if you have hit a natural strength ceiling or a bodybuilding limit (none of you have) then steroids are going go be what you need.

tldr don't flatly avoid but think realistically about if you need them in the first place

>fuck off McFaggot

Have you got your little syringe junkie?

>Not advocating for this shit, because it can fuck you up far worse than drugs. I take my cure then I take my break. Some people shoot up like 6 needles a week then and never take breaks, then you lose your balls and may go completely nuts.

Thinks he's best junkie.

These druggies tend to be degenerates in most aspects of their lives. Just go on /fit/. These pathetic fucks immediately jump on the roid train begging for any opinions on plebit source board. All just to create a nice tinder profile picture in order to create another thread asking fit how to have sex and not fuck up an easy lay.

Zyzz is the patron god of these stupid faggots.
Unless you actually are a competitive athlete, and no..spasming on stage with a fake tan while rocking a thong doesn't count.

tl;dr typical roid fags are degenerates like any other drug user

you usually have to pay the attendant

Look into test subcutaneous injection, way better than


make friends at your local gym.

there are probably lots of guys there cranking and you dont even realize it. its not obvious in most cases because people are dumb about it

>tl;dr typical roid fags are degenerates like any other drug user

Who the fuck in their right mind compulsively injects filth into themselves because they are insecure little cunts and then stamps around like a woman on the rag clutching their pea balls?

A junkie.

Can someone give me the basic gestalt on trenbolone?

You also got tons of per-hormones now that's actually preddy gud.

They are invented all the time, not sold here, but we can go to sweden for that stuff if we want. Not sure if it's illegal to bring over or not, don't think the customs will care unless you bring like shitloads.

Thing is one is made illegal, so they come up with a new one, then that one gets illegal and so it goes on.

nanodrol ie is pruddy gud to increase you in size. and you don't need to deal with no damn needles. Fucknig hate that part still.

>make friends at your local gym.

>there are probably lots of guys there cranking


Nice disease possibilities.

Steroids are unnecessary if you maintain a proper vegan diet and an intermittent fasting eating cycle along with plenty of cardio, resistance training, and rest. Contrary to popular belief, dietary cholesterol has no positive effects upon the human body whatsoever and in fact can lead to clogged arteries and heart disease. The liver makes more than enough cholesterol on its own and only nutrient dense vegetables and fruits help increase the natural amount of testosterone production.


There is a lot in this, as crude as it is.

Most, if not all, of the serious gear users I know have a serious physical or mental drawback. Former fatties, acne scars, small kid growing up, glasses, gay, asthma, adult wrestling fan, convict etc etc. It's a dream they're injecting.

I don't have a problem with those guys as it's their time and money, but they are rejects. No sportsmen or competitors among them, really.

>nanodrol ie is pruddy gud to increase you in size. and you don't need to deal with no damn needles. Fucknig hate that part still.

Loves his junkie lifestyle and pea balls.

You are a moron. If you have a testosterone deficiency there is nothing wrong with roids. The Jews have poisened all your food and water to make you less of a man. Stop being a fucking idiot. Nothing wrong with roids in proportion. Being a fat fuck beta with bitch tits is degerate.


I thought Kroc was trolling but he's still playing
dress up.