Something that annoys you about the country above
Other urls found in this thread:
Think they are the world police.
Not making chinese girl cartoons fast enough
Fuck you we have Joran van der Sloot AKA the American slayer.
Whats wrong boys? cant handle the bantz?
Chink overload
fat girls
not cloning steve irwin
women think theyre men now when they were the last place in the civilized world where the females were feminine.
The fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote
Not being my home country
Beach niggers
I have no idea who this is. How dare they
Always confusing flag with Bulgaria
Think they can outshitpost the mighty leaf
Being the raza arya.
How third world they are despite pretending to be the cradle of civilization
Oil niggers.
I can't think of anything. Norway is heaven on earth.
Have an economy 20x larger than you and still have people think we are shit.
>Not migrating here and helping to establish a white home base
European land won't be tainted by black blood. We can always reconquer but if we lose both our continents we are pretty fucked desu.
populated by americans
lots of shitskins
not enough imported shitskins
Too many kikes and niggers for my liking.
Give me back my rightful clay you French supported cunts.
Even though they aren't above me, fucking Canada. One of the most liberal, gay, feminine countries on earth. I wish all Canadians death.
wildcard * because americans
hey norway rooks rike you got more of us coming soon! ^_____^
gook colony
gooniest country in the world
Isn't drinking bleach
Holly "communist propaganda" wood
I thought the UK likes Canada
Im a filthy phone poster what country is this
On behalf of the entire UK, no.
Sweden 2.0
Sweden 3.0
Sweden 4.0
They all think their country's name ends with an R
hey listen you stupid fucking sub-nigger aboriginee
I don't know if it's the gas fumes or what but in case you haven't realized we're the best country on earth. We made it to the moon. We made it so that your stupid koala-fucking ass isn't in gulag right now. We're the reason you can even post on Sup Forums right now because without moot there is no english speaking chan. We elected TRUMP. Your economy is so far down the toilet not even poland can fish it out. I would suggest you kill yourself but your country is so full of stupid fucking manchildren you aren't allowed to own a gun. So instead why don't you fuck off and stick your dick down one of those spider holes assuming your limp dick could even get father than 1 inch deep
Not enough black "Swedes"
President is a literal cheeto
oi m8 u wonts to go, fokken gheyboi? Il smash ur nans clam in cheeky kunt
Tall people
Refusing to deal with your glaring Jewish problem.
You bring dishonar onto your famiry, Reaf.
The bantz hurt my feelings
Letting dingoes eat your babies
When you people say "mate"
Didn't California decriminalize child prostitution
Being gay
m8 ye avin a giggle ye cheeky kunt? yee betta watch ur fokken arse b4 me n me m8's rek ya propa
Leafs are always leftist pussies
Not releasing Breivik
Are you Sweden?
I like you
I agree with this. Also, I know about as much about your country as the average person so nothing really
This guy gets it..
and, stop eating dogs.
Thinks he's an expert on a nation he's never lived in due to the cartoons that they make
Also, existing. Not the country. Just you. Existing.
Your protesters are scum
Your gang rapists are pretty bad too
paki overload
Your OK
Capital City having a Muslim mayour
Yeah, pretty much
I like you
That fact that you have a BLM movement
the fact that you smell like a bowel movement
the fact that you smell like an abos unwashed pits
the fact that i like smelling abos unwashed pits
the fact that I don't even have to say why I'm annoyed by Australians
I can't trust anyone, not even myself
Not white
smelly, and not white
whiter than you, fucking abbo
I-I believe you Tyrone