Whitehouse.gov petition to repeal the NFA,
>Needs 7,271 signatures by February 19, 2017 to get a response from the White House
Send this to friends and family, we have until the 19th to get the rest of the signatures.
Whitehouse.gov petition to repeal the NFA,
>Needs 7,271 signatures by February 19, 2017 to get a response from the White House
Send this to friends and family, we have until the 19th to get the rest of the signatures.
Rather get the HPA passed first...
I think that has already been brought to congress by a few senators?
It's only just been introduced.
Would love to see the entire NFA gone, but we should really get behind the HPA first.
The NRA is basically a lobbying group for big business and the military industrial complex.
we will!
Meh. Not so much the MIC. But the big businesses they lobby for are the big businesses we like. Also wtf do you know about it from way the hell over there?
They support the righ things for maybe wrong reasons, but does any other organisation would have the capacity that the NRA has? both financially and when it comes to influence?
The answer is no
you live in the timeline where /k/ legalizes machineguns
Hell, I'd be thrilled if we could just get suppressors and SBRs free and clear again.
whats is that pic from? I remember also seeing a pic of roman soldiers with a german ww2 soldier and an mg42 lol
wew real digit hours
Bump for guns.
bump, tell your friends to sign this fucking thing.
we have less than 9 days to get the remaining signatures for this.
Let's get this on Sup Forums where literally tens of thousands of people are shit posting right now, and would sign this for the lulz.
let's do it
I hope you get your hands on all those lovely toys, ameribros. Meanwhile in the EUSSR: GIBGUNSGETREFUGEES.
Working on it
bump. Don't let this die down.
Well Sup Forums seems to be fairly productive.
the nra gets the majority of its funding from $50 membership dues. it's the only big government lobby that actually does represent the people. also the guy from magnum pi is on the board of directors.
I had made a different OP, the current one on Sup Forums just beat me to posting it here, although the image for this one is nice.
should we make some plebbit posts about this
>posts mid-length 16"
>drumpf gives rednecks and hillbillies their bangsticks with extended clips
>gets shot by disgruntled sjw with newly legal assault rifle
>Needs 6,754 signatures by February 19, 2017 to get a response from the White House
Silencers are an NFA item. This includes the HPA.
Why the fuck would this need to be repealed...
>Why do you need tea? If you want it so badly just pay the tax on it.
oh because tea and fucking machineguns are the same thing
Why shouldn't it be repealed?
It's a terrible law.
Most of it doesn't even make any sense.
>Would love to see the entire NFA gone,
it has to be repealed, this is very important, with NFA gone full constitutional access is restored
They froze the petition. It's over.
The petitions actual signature count is 6456 over 45mins ago, yet is stuck at 6754.
Hundreds upon hundreds of people have signed it on Sup Forums since this post, and when it was posted on Sup Forums earlier, it went down by 3,000 alone.
The White house is fucking us over.
I want a gun that will fire Snickers bars from a drum magazine.
Whoah now son. Unrestricted shorty shotguns are one of the few things us leafs can lord over you. Please don't take that away.
>we have less than 9 days to get the remaining signatures for this.
how many more do you need?
its a glitch, it goes down, it just takes awhile
We can use super shorty shotguns as well. they fall under the AOW category.
Even a AR15 with a 10 inch barrel and no shoulder stock is legal to both own and shoot.
we got about 2500 signatures today alone
I agree, tea is a rather trivial concern when weighed against our constitutional right to bear arms.
Please burger-kun, it's all we have.
Because it is an unreasonable restriction on civil and constitutional rights.
The second amendment was explicitly for the purpose of defence, be it from people or government.
Automatic weapons are essential for maintaining a parallel of force with a government.
It is the right that ensures all others and must be maintained.
Plus, suppressors are hearing protection and restrictions on barrel length when pistols exist is inane.
I'd agree with you if Trump hasn't been shitting all over us (people who voted for him) this past entire fucking week.
We may have been duped, boys...
It's unconstitutional. The purpose of the second amendment is so the citizenry can be on the same level as the government for the most part. If the government can own it, I should be able to own it, should I be able to afford it.
>yfw you never had it to begin with
Well I guess we still have cheap Norinco shit and SVTs.
It's a design issue with the front end of the site, votes are still being tallied, but the front end of the site only receives the tally after a designated period of time (let's just assume an hour).
Basically it works like this.
>Back end is tallying votes.
>Every hour front end of the site communicates with back end for an updated tally.
>Communicating once an hour is much less taxing on resources.
>Front end knows that count is X, and average voting rate is Y, and time since report is Z.
>Front end displays X+Z(Y/3600) with some variance thrown in.
>Tally updates and due to a reduced or increased rate of voting the tally can either go up or down.
Fuck off Bluey.
Thank you for patronizing me
Digits say NFA will be repealed
Fuck commies
Already signed but fuck the NFA, fuck gungrabbers, and fuck Commies.
God bless America.
If you don't love this you're a cuck.
>Guy from Magnum 3.14
Higgins? A fag.
why are stens ugly as shit, but aesthetic? like, i could look at one for a half-hour and not get bored
Even if youre a nogunz faggot who could care less the asshurt it would cause leftists to repeal this would be pay-per-view tier
>Automatic weapons are essential for maintaining a parallel of force with a government.
Functional aesthetics.
Absolute top tier.
Reminder that this petition while everyone should sign it is nothing more than a gesture and will accomplish nothing of real value.
Real change will be accomplished by yourself and getting everyone you know to start emailing and calling especially your senators and Representatives politely voicing that you want to see these things done or they will not receive your vote come reelection.
>military industrial complex
That's easily the dumbest thing in this thread.
The military industrial complex is not effected by law regarding civilian ownership of firearms because all their money is made almost exclusively from government contracts.
And as another user pointed out the NRAs voice and power comes from the millions of members who because of their love of firearms rights are on the same side as those who want to sell them the things needed to exercise said right.
It's like saying people who play videogames and opposed all the bullshit laws trying to stifle what games can be owned are "lobbyist for the game developers"
>The NRA is basically a lobbying group for big business and the military industrial complex.
The MIC doesn't give a shit what civilians can own, it doesn't affect them at all.
The NRA is protectionist in regards to US gun makers, but they are also traitors to gun rights, backing the NFA and FOPA - the GOA is the better organisation.
Even the second in command at the ATF put out an internal memo(that leaked and has been dubbed the "white paper") voicing an opinion of how fucking nonsensical and stupid the NFA is.
It is no different than a poll tax for what it is meant to do and like poll taxes the case law exist to completely trash it of the courts weren't biased crap in large.
Link related the necessary run down
More likely people aren't verifing their email because yes people are that fucking stupid
Their support for fopa was short sighted but fopa did a lot of very good things for gun rights that needed to be passed with the Hughes amendment being the big ball of cancer attached to it.
That being said the NRA is hardly the fudd organization it was in the 80s with their organized efforts for national reciprocity and the HPA currently being their biggest effort by far
They knew FOPA was detrimental to citizens' rights when they supported it, they supported it because of protections applied for FFLs.
Listen here, you little fucking wannabe American Kangaroo fucking abbo nigger - You don't know what's been going on in the United states or what Trump and his team has been doing. So, why don't you mind your own goddamned business, instead of sticking your fucking ugly shit posting leather face in OUR business.
As in Shareblue you fucking drop kick.
>You don't know what's been going on in the United states or what Trump and his team has been doing.
I've been following it - he's doing his absolute best to deliver on his promises - he's followed through more than any other president in history.
Stop trying to sew dissent, you fucking lost, we won Congress, we won the Senate, we won the White House and we won the Supreme Court.
Shitty meme guns.
Fucking pathetic. Why don't you spend as much time worrying about your own shit weapons legislation than you do sucking our dick you kangaroo pajeet poo-in-loo motherfucker.
Trump dissing the 7th ammendment and suggesting it shouldn't exist is fucking bullshit.
Trump sending a team of HILLARY FUCKING CLINTON ex staffers and organizers to Haiti and fucking our deal up with them was bullshit.
Trump backpedaling on the One China issue is fucking bullshit.
Trump claiming the sanctions on Russia shouldn't be lifted yet its arguably bullshit.
Trump allowing his half assed, fucked up pathetic attempt at temporary immigration control, not realizing it was purposefully sabotaged and allowing it to be fucking ruled on in the 9th circuit court is bullshit.
Trump green lighting a mission with wrong intelligence was fucking bullshit.
He is causing more harm than good right now.
Why don't you fucking actually READ what's going on for yourself, stupid abbo nigger.
Trump needs to calm the fuck down and get these fucking judis' under control before they ruin what we started.
>bullpup machine gun
The only time this law has been before the supreme court
>the defendant was dead in a ditch
>his lawyer didn't show up
Oh and
>It was over a $10 shotgun
>with a $200 tax on it
>Fucking pathetic. Why don't you spend as much time worrying about your own shit weapons legislation
Because I have a chance to help people avoid our fate.
I lobby here, as much as I can, but if I can make ANY difference preserving the single most important right of all, for anyone else - then my efforts are worth it.
>Trump dissing the 7th ammendment and suggesting it shouldn't exist is fucking bullshit.
The 7th amendment prevents him from directing courts to take cases where an unbiased decision has been made, the 9th circuit was stacked - there's a reason the motion was filed there.
Trump is right to have a personal opinion that the issue be taken to a higher, more impartial court.
>Trump backpedaling on the One China issue is fucking bullshit.
Not my issue, don't give a fuck.
>Trump claiming the sanctions on Russia shouldn't be lifted yet its arguably bullshit.
He's a business man, he's not going to bend over for anyone without cause. Crimea is just a position he can fall back from.
>Trump allowing his half assed, fucked up pathetic attempt at temporary immigration control, not realizing it was purposefully sabotaged and allowing it to be fucking ruled on in the 9th circuit court is bullshit.
I thought you were against him influencing the courts.
>Trump green lighting a mission with wrong intelligence was fucking bullshit.
Not his fault. People who purposely supplied disinfo should be punished.
>They knew FOPA was detrimental to citizens' rights when they supported it
Only the Hughes amendment was detrimental.
The safe passage and registration prohibition parts were massive wins for all gun owners as was removing the requirements for keeping records on ammunition sales.
The Hughes amendment was a massive negative to all these great things but making it out as if the NRA was supporting it because of "ffl support" is disingenuous. They made the mistake back then thinking that the otherside could be negotiated with and have recently learned that lesson and have taken it to heart. They aren't good regarding import restrictions but they're simply silent on the issue and have never really directly supported them.
And I'm not disagreeing that the Goa is significantly better and more principled but the sheer volume of members the NRA has to rally makes it more important for change at the legislative level while groups like the Goa are much better for the court room battles
Realistically speaking though, I hope they at least take Suppressors off the NFA this Congressional year. I'd be impressed as fuck if Rand Paul added a rider repealing the Hughes Amendment.
>I hope they at least take Suppressors off the NFA this Congressional year.
Don't hope get to emailing and calling your Congressmen user. That's the real fight this petition doesn't do hardly anything towards that goal
>We may have been duped, boys...
if he doesn't arrest Soros he is working for him
Tacking on the Hughes Amendment at the last second as a rider is how they added it onto the FOPA so they could turn an otherwise nice law into a less nice law.
sent it to my network the remaining votes are guaranteed to come in, keep pushing this and getting signatures and be prepared to do it again
>We can use super shorty shotguns as well. they fall under the AOW category.
well then we are cucks, fuck those laws we want cheap legal machine pistols
He's doing most of what he said he would.
It's just that Trump being shit was overshadowed by Hillary being the most concentrated corrupt and evil candidate possible.
>Because I have a chance to help people avoid our fate.
No comment.
>The 7th amendment prevents him from directing courts to take cases where an unbiased decision has been made
The 7th Amendment of the United States Constitution prevents illegal seizure of property without being Charged>Tried>CONVICTED of the crime, and the subsequent ruling of seizure of property by the courts.
i.e. Officer Cocksucker MacFartugget pulls you over in front of your house, he accuses you of being in possession of a large sum of money (say, $1,000.00 in this case, you just came from the bank) and says you might have committed a crime...he could then just take your property, impound your car, go into your house and seize whatever the fuck the Department wanted and you can't do shit.
That's an extremely unlikely scenario, but that's a fucking slippery ass slope saying the 7th amendment isn't needed.
>>One China back peddling
>Not my issue, don't give a fuck.
Same with the gun regulations itt. Then fuck off.
>I thought you were against him influencing the courts.
I am. He shouldn't have brought such a shit case to court where a precedent could be set.
>Not his fault.
Yes, it is. He made the final decision. The responsibility lied with him ultimately. And, yeah, the people who gave him that mis info should be tried for treason.
Bump for freedom
He's fulfilled the lions share of what he promised during the campaign, that's true, but now we (people who voted for Trump) need to keep his ass in line. We're about to see the real Trump - the man with all the secret polices and plans he didn't want to tell us about because people would sabotage him.
We chose the mystery box over the one when knew had a pile of dog shit in it.
Time to get serious now.
>but now we (people who voted for Trump) need to keep his ass in line
I agree I was just pointing out that allot of what he promised was absolutely ass as well.
The sole advantages he had over Hillary were pro gun and wasn't absolutely going to start a land war with Russia in Syria and a desire to actually control our border even though his specifics weren't that well thought out.
That was about it.
Everything else he and Hillary were terrible on with Hillary being worse
Bruh, you mean the 4th amendment.
7th amendment is to prevent people going full Japan over court cases.
Should have expected a ShareBlue poster to be the ignorant.
>Same with the gun regulations itt. Then fuck off.
No it's not.
China is a completely separate issue.
China is a matter of the state, gun rights are a matter of human and civil rights.
>Yes, it is. He made the final decision.
No it's not - it's basically comparable to entrapment.
Fallout New Vegas
>That's an extremely unlikely scenario
Civil forfeiture laws are extremely common unfortunately user and all of them are flagrant violations of the 7th
To add insult to injury the Hughes amendment never even passed to be added onto the volkmer substitute which did pass and was added to fopa.
If you watch the vote on the Hughes amendment not only is it blatantly clear that the ayes didn't have it but the committee chairman an absolutely antigun wacko denied request for a paper vote and essentially unilaterally forced the Hughes amendment into the bill.
And when I say he's an antigun wacko he said this gem
I agree somewhat with that. I'd rather shoot chinks than white people, though.
Man, no, I said the 7th and I mean the 7th.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
The 7th prevents rogue departments from trampling on your rights under civil law when they know they can't get you criminally.
>No it's not.
>China is a completely separate issue.
>China is a matter of the state, gun rights are a matter of human and civil rights.
Let's keep it real here - there is no such thing as Rights in the United states or any place else, because a true Right can't be regulated, given or taken from you. It can only be acknowledged.
In the current state, Rights are magical unicorns.
China represents a massive national threat to U.S. safety, and global stability. It does matter.
>I agree somewhat with that. I'd rather shoot chinks than white people
We shouldn't be fighting either period