Viking appreaciation thread

I heard alot of you being fags on the subject
Here are a list of Viking deeds

>>Conquerors of Normandy and England - The current queen can trace her lineage back to the vikings

>>We were the first to fight against the muslims hordes in the first crusade as Normandy and fend of the muslims from Italy

>>Vikings got so powerfull that they married into the Byzantinopel Family and through the marriage brought Christianty to Scandinavia

>>Kickass Varangian guard

>>Discoverors of ancient beasts and lands

>>Great mythology and books

Other urls found in this thread:

They fought and found beasts like these

Coiners of Hollow earth!

They were savage fags

>Never ever conquers Finland, land filled with riches right next to them
>Actually their invasion force of 2000 vikings got beaten up by 30 finnish men.

Hmm.. makes my raisins rustle

>>Founded the rus tribe & Kingdom, by being acting warlords to ensure their survival


>Modern swede
>Brags about mediocre vikings

Hue hue.

Wrong. Rurik was finnish, not viking.

your just buthurt for being a vassal state for 500 years


all nords were vikings

Finns were NEVER vikings. We were masters of Vikings. Vikings were fucking terrified of mythical land of Jotunheim (check Eddas) - nowadays called Finland. Land of Giants and wizards and shamans.

You can check this fact from Surströmming history of norwegian traders for example. They traded this bestial shit to finns, but we loved it.

Vikings NEVER conquered Finland like I said, land next to them. Can you give me any other logical explanation to that, except that finns are too tough even for vikings?

Rurik was Swedish
You are mad about being cucked for so many years

No he was not. Check your facts.

Rurik was, go check your facts

The Anglo-Saxons are who they are thanks to the vikings, thanks for the Nordic genes famalam

Enough we are here to apreaciate how cool we are

Finns are good folks highest iq defeated the rus etc


Mine is throughout DNA research.

Rurik was from Kanta-Häme (about middle area of Finland) area.


rurik was a germanic from modern day Sweden, but not Swedish. Just like how the Gutes and Geat didn't consider themselves "swedish" back then. He was a Rus.

I have seen viking graffiti in the Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (currently known as Istanbul), its on the 2nd floor. Varangian Guards.


what did he mean by this?



You are not cool anymore, have not been in ages.

Also this is fact from nowadays Norway. Från reva.

what of it - damn vikings traveled around so much its impossible to say, and settling in foreign lands doenst make you rus or fin your still a viking

The other day I was reading about some theory that said some Vikings had contact with native Mexicans :

Meanwhile You all are getting fucked by muslims, and seams like you all like it for what I see in the news.

viking is an occupation, not a nationality dipshit.

>what of it, bakers are all over the place. Settling in foreign lands doesn't make you French or Vietnamese, you're still a baker.


You stupid gook, the Rus being Vikings is how Nordic loan-words ended up in the Russian language, and why there are names like Olga (Helga.) Not to mention all the artifacts of Norse origin in Kiev, for instance.

>pic related: Rurik in the Fingolian's mind.

were kicking them out 2018 based party set to win, kick out 6 years of vermin is on their priority
go stick an emu up your ass, thats the kind of mentality that creates niggers claiming they were kings n shit



from Nestor's Chronicle,
>"Thus they [the ilmenian slavs] went overseas to the Varangians [Scandinavians], to the Rus. These particular Varangians were known as Rus, just as some are called Swedes, and others Normans and Angles, and still others Gutes, for they were thus named."

>Norse origin

You got your "origins" jewed. Check the facts now before talking, fatass.

>video related mfw when travelling back home from Tallinn with booze cargo

Vikings were black


>go stick an emu up your ass, thats the kind of mentality that creates niggers claiming they were kings n shit
t. Sven Mywifesson

>Kievan Slavic monk
>earliest history written of Russia


sheiiit, is it a secret apollo landing site?!

Where are the Finnish artifacts in Kiev, Jiao? No archaeologist has found any rice bowls or ancient recipes for dog...

its the leviathian skeleton - got more monsters if you want

Filthy savages. I'm ashamed desu. Wish we were as civilized as the greeks and romans

Google it. Plenty of finnish artefacts throughout eastern lands. Farming tools and spearheads.

your what we call in sweden a danskefan


your not giving up are u perkele

We wuz vikings n sheit. Salaam alekum

North Atlantid best phenotype.

fucking trash

>Give up when facts are with me

Ye try harder Achmed

Have a (You)

tell me, swarthy finn. Is the Finngolian meme true?

il let that slide knowing ur buthurt

It is very, very widely misunderstood. WE are ancestors of Mongolians.

No translation, but you can google - basically Finland is "home" of every civilized world. Sumerian being one of the first. Article says this is revolutionary and it is about 6 months old.

Mongolians are finns. That is more correct, than other way around. Also, I will give (you) for rich implementation of english language with word "swarthy". That is indeed very descriptive word.

I was just trying to banter a little bit m8, apollo is a hoax.
I don't know what to think about your pics but they seem to come from google which claims Earth is a ball so I wouldn't put a lot of faith in them.

seeing as flat earthers are tavistock + jew propaganda to infiltrate the Sup Forums forums you are a shil

When i move, you move.
Just like that.
When i move, you move.
Just like that.


etc. shit. This is what Sweden is nowadays. Pure bullshit, last, dying bloodline of vikings trying to grasp on straws and dying under Muhammedian assault.

Shame on you. You deserve to be vanished from the face of earth. Energy totally wasted on "leviathan" and other bullshit

and you will know im the lord when i lay my vengence upon thee


sounds as real as your Leviathan story, m8.

Also I have been in Mongolia three times. Culture is very similar to finnish one, with mannerism and minimal expressions. You can understand eachother with one word, or without words at all.

Mongolia is also extremely "racist" (read: not bowing to Soros or chinese occupation) . I like it there, too.

Drunkard talk


:DDDD ebin :DD You guys still manage to use internet? :DD

>Thousands of years behind every non-white people but niggers, and even then some niggers
>Entire culture built around pillaging and looting
>Told savage and gullible kids that if they raided churches and died they'd go to Valhalla
>Writing shit on rocks was their legacy



Bunch of glorified pirates who attacked innocent people. The dindus of medieval Europe.