Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos

>Has been in the country for 21 years in Arizona
>Got caught in a job raid by Joe Apiao
>Got caught using a fake SSI number
>Reports to immigration officials routinely for the last 8 years because of it
>Gets deported just now because of Trump's immigration policy
You idiots really believe Trump was only going to deport the criminals?!? And if so do you really believe the criminals were going to listen and stay in Mexico? No they will be right back.

Illegals are criminals because they just not broke our laws, they broke laws from other countries.

How the fuck did she break Mexican law when she has been here for 20 years?

I'm all for deporting the bad and people that don't contribute to the country and are just here to take money from us, but not the hard workers or people that are actually allowed to fucking be here. Trump is worried about Juan who sells flowers and oranges or Maria who's making your food.

But have no problem turning the conditions for mentally unstable John and Jim to be allowed to have a gun and go shoot up a non white church.

We have other people who work.

>Hard worker
Good goy

You said in your OP

>using a fake SSI number
She was a criminal.


The DoJ recommended her deportation back in 2013.

Illegal means criminal, dumb ass.
Deport every illegal who gets caught breaking the law.

If they return throw them in a work camp building the wall.

>>Got caught using a fake SSI number


She got caught stealing a real person's identity. This was not a made up SSI, this was the id of someone in Tuscon AZ, an actual red blooded american, who had their credit destroyed and got into huge trouble with the IRS because of her act.

It was not a victimless crime.

Mentally unstable John and Jim get the death penalty for shooting up a non-white church, with "hate crime" enhancements. No wonder Juan and Maria want to get out of Cartel Land, where criminals make and enforce "rules" selectively, and enter the US by any means necessary.

I know some mexican who use a SS number of other person to work in the USA and now is married to obtain the citizenship, Where do I report it?

Do you think he drives his wife to the hotel where she gets the BBC or just waves her off and lets his entourage take care of the details.

Just how big of a cuck is this guy?

>got caught using a fake SSI number
criminal. deported. simple.

I'm an accountant. Do you know how many american citizens have to deal for years with the IRS sorting out problems because an illegal spic has been using their SSN? Its way more common then you think and it is a massive pain in the ass. I have clients who have had their tax refunds held back for years because the IRS can't get their shit figured out because the problem is so widespread.

When has any of these parasitic supremacists ever felt any mercy or pity for one of us? They talk about how superior they are until they are on the way home, then they cry and hope we are gullible.
You have to go back.

Illegal aliens are criminal invaders. That mexiroach got what it deserved and I hope the cartels butcher it when it gets off the bus. As for the anchors, that's what they get for slithering out of a criminal piece of shit that could care less about them, much like the laws they break while they leech off the hard working citizens and wanted legal immigrants.

All illegals need to be deported and their country of origin fined for us handling their trash they didn't dispose of properly.

It's an insult to legal immigrants to even try to liberal cast these criminals as remotely close a legal immigrant. On your toes wetbacks, you have to go back and we are reporting you. Keep telling yourself it won't be taken seriously while you remember this story.

not a FAKE SSI number, she used SOMEONE ELSES

that is a crime, nigger.

fuck you

Number of illegal aliens removed by ICE under Obama. It's like Trump can't do anything right at this stage. Sad.

Committing identity theft and/or social security fraud is a criminal act. They aren't going to "be right back" because we are actually enforcing our borders now.

I can confirm this.
Read the news stories. Way down the story, not just the headline and first few paragraphs and you will see she was caught using STOLEN ID. She was using the SSI of a living person.

What does what you've posted have to do with Trump??

Source? About to btfo my once illegal (now legal) parents with this.

By definition, all illegal aliens are criminals. Ergo, you have just lied. Fuck off liar

fuck her

drop her from a heli

That's a criminal, user. It's very illegal to use someone else's SSN.

Niggers are a bigger problem in America than Pedros who stand outside of Office Depot looking for work.

I wish we could deport everyone who repeats that she used a fake SS number. Like you could just go to a job and be like

"Oh, yeah, my number is 5551234567, yep. That's my number. "

She stole someone's identification. The same shit that people use to drain your bank accounts and commit crimes in your name. To hell with this bitch

Nah buddy I support trump but you´re plain heartless

Using a fake ss #
It's identity theft you ginormous faggot.

So in all that time why didn't she try to become a legit citizen?

been in the country illegalls for 21 years
using a fake ss number for 21 years

finally we can flush the shit out send them all back. pro tip op if thats the best you got then you are seriously fucked

hahaha that's the best story I ever heard

She has no excuse to have been there 20 years and never attempted to regularize her legal status

Shoulda been deported somewhere else tho, we hate pochos

game set match

says the taco... sorry not sorry you all need to go back

ask yourself this if illegal mexicans truly make our country greater why dont they stay home and make their country great? Answer is because they are a net drain on any place they go.

It looks like ICE are just going about their business and retards are protesting just because Trump is president.

>for the last 8 years

I wonder why, oh that's right the traitor Obama. She and her spawn must go.

"hard worker"

the criminal whore popped out 2 kids while in our country illegally and stole an American's job because she committed FELONY fraud ID theft

an American was impacted by this piece of shit living here and she is stealing from taxpayers

>get her the fuck outta here

You think we are saving money but in actuality we now have to take care and pay for her US-born kids via foster care, etc. Yeah she got the last laugh.

Using a fake SSI number is identity theft you fucking nigger! That is a felony.

Also she was sentence to be deported under your precious Obama.

>I used fake number!
>I got deported!
>I thought only people who broke the law would be deported!!


She was here illegally and was using a fake ssn. Case fucking closed.

Send them back with her.

Thats what we need more citrus merchants and dirty cooks. Fuck off pancho

>break laws
>break more laws
>continue breaking laws

Bye bye, good riddance.


End of conversation.

Keep shilling for $$$ while selling your soul to pedophiles and a Jew/Nazi billionaire.

>Identity theft


seriously, fuck her.

That was my fucking SSN. She grabbed my IRS refund last year then I had to file a fraud case. Took 9 months, fingerprinting at local police station to prove I was me to get my fucking money back. CUNT.

some "niggers" served in our military, their parents paid taxes for our roads and hospitals

The "pedros" have done NOTHING to help Americans...they are basically leeches or roaches

Joke's on you, they all broke the law and became criminals when they came here haha


She broke the immigration law AND used a fake SSI number.

Fuck her and fuck you for making excuses.

Edgy posts like this are counterproductive. Makes you sound like the left.

I killed a guy, but c'mon, I have kids. You can't break up my family like this. Just make sure I check with a parole officer and keep mailing me checks.

"She came illegally to the United States in the mid-1990s with her parents when she was 14. She was arrested in 2008 during a workplace raid and convicted one year later of felony criminal impersonation."

Basing shit on feelings will get you nowhere.

Yup. Law 101 son. Its just b that slimy liberal faggota have been b turning the othervway for years.


Yeah, surely she's laughing.


Silly liberal, you emotion driven lunacy is a major part of the cancer destroying this nation. You should be stripped of your citizenship, like anchor babies should, and sent to Mexico with the wetback cancer you empower. You're no better than an emotion driven cunt, no sense of law and order and no balls to do what must be done. On second thought, you sound more like an anarchist with your total disregard of laws.

she leaves her kids behind

>What a fucking nasty whore

>fake SSI number
>not a criminal

>You idiots really believe Trump was only going to deport the criminals?!?

Why would he deport legal immigrants?

There's millions of people in Mexico living in poverty that haven't committed any crimes

Why should this bitch get preferential treatment over them?

I bet people wouldn't be so bleeding heart if it were THEIR Social Security number being used illegally.

>Trump's immigration policy
AKA following the law

Obama changed the meaning of deportation to also include anyone turned back at the border for any reason.
Got a shipment heading for the US with the wrong paperwork? Get turned back and counted as a deportation. Get caught 25 times this week trying to sneak over the border? Woohoo, 25 deportations on record.

ID Theft is a serious criminal activity. She has to go back.

with drumpf as president she should be happy to be going home.

What this shows is that leftists will stretch ANY definition to avoid setbacks to their evil marxist plans.

Suddenly felony identity theft "isn't that big a crime to be deported".

I wonder if they'll defend murder and pedophiles next. Certainly drugs.

All illegals are criminals, just by being here.

White house website. There's a section on it

And if she was using your SSN? Nvm, you wouldn't care because you're a neet loser with nothing to lose

What's a pocho, pedro?

>You idiots really believe Trump was only going to deport the criminals
Illegal immigration and identity theft are crimes.

ENEMY COMBATANT. What was her career? Community organizer? That isn't a real career, that is a marxist invention. See: Nobama.


and what about the American that had their ID stolen?...

how many hours did it take them to fix that shit
How much money did they lose? How much time away from THEIR children did they lose?
Were they unable to buy a car they needed? A house

You are the heartless asshole, ya fucking traitor

Who the fuck said he was only going to deport criminals?!? We WANT him to deport ALL ILLEGALS, PERIOD.

Get legal, or GET THE FUCK OUT. That's the law of the land, faggot, so comply or get tossed over the wall and pay another coyote $2000 to smuggle you back again.

This is fucking awesome.

this is what always gets me. You think everyone in the world should be given the right to come here?

So why do you focus on the people who are willing to come here illegally to the detriment of those others? If you really think everyone should come here, we should go and get all the africans living in worse conditions before we get the poor Mexicans.

It's because they don't want to seriously consider the issue, but rather every time they're shown a sympathetic poor person by the media, want to insist they be helped.

>don't tell the truth about illegal aliens you damn goy!
>don't encourage Americans to MAGA and support legal immigrants you damn goy!

That bitch is a criminal. She's illegally here in the US. For 21 years. And still not a citizen? That's her fucking fault. Not the president's. Not ICE. Her fault.

My dad was an illegal. Deported 2ce in 3 years. Came back and said fuck it what do I need to do to be a citizen. Started the process was a citizen 3 years later.

Fuck her and fuck you white guilt faggots.

she's an illegal alien who is also a felon who practiced identity theft and got deported. Now if my mom or your mom did the same as this illegal, would our mom given a slap on the wrist and deported or would she end up in prison without some asshole like you or the protester's giving a jack fuck about her? Fuck your racist appeal to emotion bullshit.

Identity theft is a felony, you got to go back Lupe

Obama literally did up not uphold the law for 8 years, Trump doesn't even need to pass that much since its on the books but we don't enforce shit.

She can go back. We possess the secret recipe for tacos, we don't need her anymore


I hope we get some nice livestreams of ICE agents rounding up families

Report directly to your local wall building post.
they'll take down your info and give you some bricks to mortar..
> good beaner!

>let's just bend over and accept it

As someone who has had their identity stolen it takes MONTHS to unfuck everything and even then you still get caught out because you'll try to do things and find that they're still fucked up from before.

lol fuck her

if i have to follow the law so do foreigners

>fake SSN
>not a crime
Should've jailed her for a few years, then sent her back tbqh

Kill yourself kike

>nobody came by with a bat and just went to town on his face

Missed opportunities man :(

she's fucking retarded, both for doing what she did for 20 years and then going to a fucking protest about kicking out illegal criminal aliens, what did she expect?

>use someone else's SSN
>fuck up someone else's credit
>fuck up someone else's ability to buy or rent a home
>fuck up someone else's ability to open a bank account
>fuck up someone else's ability to get a job

She should've been deported a long time ago.

America's Funniest Deportations!


>pay for her to live in a lavish women's prison for a few years
No they should have cut her hands off and sent her to Venezuela.

Really? Had it happen to someone I know, the IRS put him through hell because they thought he was deliberately under reporting earnings.