>$13 French toast
It doesnt even cost that much in fucking France
Liberals think this is a political argument
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If third worlders can make a country great then why aren't their countries great?
Also, anyone can cook, its not hard.
What's a french toast ?
I think it's bread with egg on it.
You probably just call it toast
Eggy bread.
So not only is it over priced, but niggers and immigrants touch the food as well?
pain perdu
lowercase bloody mary. how unprofessional
>alcohol with breakfast
>at 12:19
Why are liberals so degenerate?
How is this even an argument? Immigrants make America great by taking away jobs from natural- born citizens and not paying taxes? Doing a job that my mom's dog could do makes you a good person? Maybe if this was a receipt from NASA I'd be impressed, but telling me immigrants are responsible for cooking my overpriced soggy food is not going to make me like them more. I've worked with Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants in food service. They never washed their hands before handling food, always showed up late and frequently got orders wrong (which they blamed on other people).
It's not like they have any responsibilities for the day. Why not?
I don't get it. Is that restaurant admitting it hired illegal immigrants? If so, the owner has some 'splainin to do.
>OPs think this redundant thread is original content
>faggot serious user who reply simply don't care because they're faggots
Oh I didn't know it was a french thing
15 large eggs - 90p
Loaf of bread - 90p
2 slices of bread, dipped in 3 whisked eggs then fried - £13
Hmmm. Extortionate.
I also hate the "America is a nation of immigrants" argument. It's true we are, but we're historically a nation of white immigrants.
>Spending 46 dollarydoos on breakfast.
Fucking christ.
>immigrants make America great
>by allowing me to use a staff of low-IQ low-wage third-world helots, and then dump them on the public welfare system once I wear them out.
I guess it's like how we call French fries French fries. Americans know it's not French, but that's just the name.
French toast, also known as eggy bread, Bombay toast, German toast, gypsy toast, poor knights (of Windsor), or Spanish toast,is a dish made of bread soaked in milk, then in beaten eggs and then fried, a variation from the traditional spanish dessert called Torrija
It's delicious.
It's like they don't understand that there are good immigrants and bad immigrants...
It's actually -- and I hate to say this -- not an argument, it's just stating a fact.
A fact alone is not an argument. I don't know why they keep saying it when it's not even saying anything worthwhile.
fuck these people trying to group legal immigrants in with the current cancer that's coming from the middle east and south America.
Its an insult to immigrants.
Toast with armpit sweat and deodorant
I just went to dinner and got a lemonade with my baked haddock and the haddock came with mashed potatoes and asparagus which altogether was $17
the lemonade was FUCKING $3
write in
>Then I hope you pay them an appropriate living wage, as I won't be tipping.
Youre just not as worldly as the average American
This would be great.
thats the worst photoshop job ive ever seen
12:19 pm
>bloody mary
>first one is not capatlized
If I honestly saw this I would never eat there again
Leave a note on table that reads "i didn't leave a tip because i give it to ICE"
>tfw you dine, and dash, but they can't call the cops because they have a shit ton of illegals working there
Non-immigrants do it just as well. They have to go back.
write that number down 7182303682
Don't harass them, calling up saying some nasty shit to them.
Call them up, be friendly... Make orders over the phone... Never come get the order. And don't everyone do it all tonight either, they would think something is up.
What you gotta do is spread it out to random times over random times on random days.
Small orders... Big orders, mix it up.
Be super friendly, and compliment their food, and service.
I know this story. The guy's a kiwi and our media spread this like it was a good thing.
I'd just walk out. Fuck them.
This is why so many liberal elite support illegals. They know the shit they buy would be more expensive without them. NY is an expensive city. Imagine is the working class were totally US citizens? Oh no, your mimosas would skyrocket!
tldr liberals are pieces of shit
"america is a nation of immigrants" is a mantra created but the jewish ADL in the 1900s. i has no basis in america whatsoever. it is kike propaganda.
A disgusting eggy bread packed with cinnamon or brown suger. It's also packed full of carbs and fat so if you wanna be a fat piece of disgusting shit, eat this for breakfast.
>bloody mary not capitalised
>everything else capitalised
This triggers my autism
50 bucks for 3 drinks and french toast
Soggy toast with a lot of powdered sugar and butter on it.
>$13 for french toast
I better get the whole god damn loaf of bread for that price.
>$25 for eggs and toast
>alcohol for breakfast
Christ, sort your life out.
>A restaurant makes a political statement in the fucking check of all places
Kiss your tips goodbye.
50 dollar breakfast
that's like a month's salary in the developing world. i would honestly feel a little guilty