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wtf i hate trump now

Lip shits?


Guys, I want to rail these jewesses so hard that my seed covers the hinterland. Help please. I have a problem, no one takes me seriously

Sure that shit get´s Trending and Alex Jones censored. Fucking jewish trickery.

Not sure if they are mocking liberals or not.

I'm 24 and I absolutely hate my generations sense of humor.

too bad i don't understand women humor

I wish you were banned for posting this OP.
Why is Sup Forums such shit?

Fuck liberal "humor"


That's peak Jew.

>Alex Jones censored
Firstly, you're autistic, cause you're German

Second, when was Alex Jones censored? What was the incident?

I couldn't make it past 30 seconds.

Literally a Jew and a queer spouting shit about GOP gay conversion camps.

>What was the incident?

>AJ on JRE
>Apple makes podcast unavailable
>Despite stunning numbers Jewtube wouldn´t put it on it´s Trending list
>Google removes ability to access podcast for new people, old ones have still access in their libraries

Who is this for?

This comedic timing is terrible. Women shouldn't be allowed on to have cameras. It was a mistake.

>This comedic timing is terrible.
Like BBT without the laugh track tier.


>I just remembered im jewish and a woman
someone needs to send that to the TRS goys, it would make for a great drop.


that was lame.

You don't understand how problematic you are being right now so shut up.

>le wrong generation

Jews fund both sides




Wtf, I hate pence now


Responding to the wrong person much?

Trust me, they aren't mocking libshits.

That girl in the glasses was a buzzfeed reporter that is into cucking guys (not even kidding, it's true look it up), she's into all sorts of other degenerate shit too that only buzzfeed covers.

Yeah, except liberals think the red glasses girl is the rational one.


Kek, this crossed my mind too. They already have one which is very similar. It's just perfect.

Fuck it, i'll waste 20 seconds of my life to find it


Women and humor.
I really doubt that I would find this funny even as a brainwashed gender fluid queer transformer.


oh cool you guys are triggered again

This, I recognized her the second I opened up the video. It's supposed to be making fun of the ones that are overly emotional and not taking on
>le ebin Trump Hitler

>female comedy

Also 24. Please gas us all

no, op thinks they're making fun of libs, but they aren't. cant say i blame him, its hard to tell when far leftists are trying to be satirical or they legitimately believe what they're saying.


who got here from requiem for a dream?

>those arms


Are you having a stroke? Is your face sagging on one side?

it's not hard at all, 90% of Sup Forums is legitimately sub-100 IQ

this is obvious "le self aware" Tina Fey tier garbage, OP is probably one of the two unfunny cunts in the video, probably the Jewy brunette.

You can tell she'd get off to strange men verbally bashing her on the internet

White women, and Caucasoid women in general, tend to be a bit on the hairy side, it's totally natural and unless she has a dark treasure trail or hairy tits there's really nothing wrong with it.

Giving in to the jewess is the final redpill. To the goy, there is nothing higher than a fertile jewess with a foreskin fetish and a thirst for goy jizz.

They entire Jewish pseudo race is built around using the jewess as a weapon, by having her seduce the genetically superior goys. That's why Judaism is matrilineal. The jewlet is then circumcised to partially neuter him, nagged into submission, and networked with other Jews to acquire capital for the jewess ruling class. Nature has endowed the jewess with extraordinary powers of seduction over many generations, powers that allow even mediocre-looking jewess to acquire high-level goy sperm.

Most people don't know this, but circumcision in the US was a carefully designed plot to allow the white race to survive, by throwing off the foreskin sensing organ located in the jewess' upper palate. It was believed that the jewess would then assume the white males were fellow Jews and avoid seducing them.

FUCK YOU that shit is INSANE. I don't mind a little hair on my women, but that woman is a fucking truck driver. LOOK AT IT

not funny

>Trust me

i trust you bro

>millennial """humor"""

At least the straight one is somewhat attractive.

>woman """humor"""


this is excellent lmao

>foreskin sensing organ located in the jewess' upper palate
god I love Sup Forums

wow, liberals are retarded....

This is the greatest thing I have ever read

Kek. I came here for this.


I admit to liking jewish girls too in the past. I like smart women, but the smartest girl I ever dated was half Japanese.

This is fucking horrible.

Lel, I had a huge crush on a girl in middle school and a thing for the same chick in HS and she had those kind of hairy arms so I guess I have a bias. She was self conscious about them so she'd always wear sweaters, long sleeves, etc when she forgot to shave them (lel)

Your views are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>something mocking shitlibs
You piece of fuck you made me sit through all of it and lose at least 4 whole IQ points just to confirm it's two women being retarded for youtube views.



shock therapy helps people and it not what you think it is i was offered it but turned it down because it takes months to monitor you and i wanted out of the hospital when i tried to kill myself but a there was doing it ans said it helped her. do gays need it for being gay no i dont think so.

This is great troll bait.

But i will reveal a related red pill.

Jewish women dont use feminine products and sometimes not even underarm deodorant because they know about the power of pharamones.

Fuck, I hope this turns into a copypasta

...my god, I finally see the truth

Both of these girls are Jewish and from Buzzfeed.

>that's a little burger on her shirt and not the Star of David

>when women try to be funny

why is it never funny? i dont think ive ever laughed at anything a women has ever said

>subscribe to you newsletter

Why are their voices so nasally?

Also, Pence doesn't believe in conversion therapy.

i'd fuck that jewess so hard if you get what im saying


the brunette is a qt, am i a jew now?

Generation Zyklon's probably gonna work on that when they become adults

She's a massive whore and druggie too.

You were already a jew.

your id can be nothing except

she is call allison raskin fi you what to know more


Pasta time
Giving in to the jewess is the final redpill. To the goy, there is nothing higher than a fertile jewess with a foreskin fetish and a thirst for goy jizz.

They entire Jewish pseudo race is built around using the jewess as a weapon, by having her seduce the genetically superior goys. That's why Judaism is matrilineal. The jewlet is then circumcised to partially neuter him, nagged into submission, and networked with other Jews to acquire capital for the jewess ruling class. Nature has endowed the jewess with extraordinary powers of seduction over many generations, powers that allow even mediocre-looking jewess to acquire high-level goy sperm.

Most people don't know this, but circumcision in the US was a carefully designed plot to allow the white race to survive, by throwing off the foreskin sensing organ located in the jewess' upper palate. It was believed that the jewess would then assume the white males were fellow Jews and avoid seducing them.

Why are you thinking about Gay Sex so much? Go have some Gay Sex, as it's Friday night.

This is getting my Italiano pastanigger bullcock hard as fuck.
Keep going user.

i really think i somehow jewish, my mother's side of the family is big nosed

what is that??

Wtf did i just watch? I don't even understand what they were trying to say. Is this shit pro trump or pro shill?

thanks man

Same desu

Top kek


Delicious fresh copypasta. Thank you, fellow user.

Women never have and never will be funny.

I think we've broken them to the point they've become parody and when they try parody it just falls apart.

Something has happened. Trump did this, he planned this.

Whoa. M-maybe she's just on testosterone.

A benthic isopod. Basically, gigantic, deep sea versions of roly poly. Not sure if those exist in your white country.

they seem serious in the other video youtube.com/watch?v=JGMhdmhAd2A