You guys ever think we are just as bad

As the SJW snowflakes we criticize? I feel like we're just like them but opposite. Horseshoe theory n that...

i think we arent a hive mind. that being said, there are way too many sjw here who think they arent sjw just cos they support trump.

like how everyone got so triggered over the barron home school shooter joke.

Depends, some of us are libertarians. It's an ideology that resists extremism because bipartisan extremism usually requires authoritarianism, don't believe the dumb YouTubers, black bloc aren't ancom, they're just communists.

Nazis are just as bad though, of course.

I generally think our acceptance of the leaf is what makes us worst. We all know the leafs true intentions.

uhm, you guys are social justice warriors.

You know what? I literally can't count the no of right wing riots these last few weeks...

i want to fuck the frog

>I can't count
>the no of right
>winged riots

what did he mean by this?

The criticism is valid, but there is a big difference to me. We can't help but be exposed to opposing viewpoints. It's everywhere and no matter how much you ignore it you are still seeing it. Yes, Sup Forums can be a bit of an echo chamber, but I bet everyone here is fully aware of what CNN has said today. I likewise bet almost nobody from the "progressives" knows what happened on Fox news today, much less this place.


I outright would dig it if every nig, sand nig, and kike just got rounded up and shot or deported back to wherever the fuck else.

Can you name an SJW ethically "worse" than that? Not that I really care though. Feels vs reals always leaves reals winning.

Try counting up to zero

The only bit of truth about the horseshoe meme peddled by radical centrists and extreme fence sitters is that both extremes energize one another.

SJW are wrong because they are biological and cultural dead-ends concerned with trivial and degenerate bullshit while we want to secure a place and future for our people.

The only commonality between each of the bullshit causes they support is its outcome : fewer and marginalized white people in their own land. Only then it makes any sense.

Yeah, they arrogance of "we won get over it" isn't much different to the arrogance of the left in the past "we're on the right side of history get over it"
It's only going to get worse over time and it's going to drive people to the left. The pendulum keeps on swinging

please stop sargon, we know you got buttblasted, but this is too much


Yeah, ex have regulars Commie scum, centrist, anarchist, fascist, Protestant, Catholic and Muslim threads with posters from around the world. Kind of impossible not to be exposed to many views. Unlike FaceBook. Or plebbit.

True. And most right wingers can at least break down leftist ideas, because many were libshits before knowing any better, while the left doesn't understand fuck all outside of their own bubble.

It's mainly just the Christians. You tell them they can't tell every woman what they're allowed to do with their bodies, or not allowed to make school prayer or teaching Creationism mandatory, and they cry "Persecution, oh woe is us, Jesus saaaave us".

You are very much alike, in the sense that you get easily offended, you want to censor people you don't like, you LOVE public shaming, and you do these stupid internet campaigns to stop things you don't like. Don't like a show with black people? Raid the YouTube trailers. This is similar (although not the same) to the non-platforming approach of SJWs.

You claim to be champions of free speech and complain about SJWs not being able to handle a civil discussion, but you even support government censorship of things you deem offensive, which is quite a lot.

But they infested colleges. They have the upper hand there, so they are more visible and their impact is more destructive than yours. But if you had the same numbers in campuses, you would be just as bad.

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>1 (one) POST BY THIS ID

"both sides are just as bad!" mentality is the gayest fucking thing on the internet right now. It's just faggots who stand for nothing,
can't be fucked to weigh both sides of an argument and pick a side so they just say "everyone is dumb but me!'

>we're all equal
>waaaaaaaaah don't be equal to us

both of your sides are rooted in the fact that both of your lots are

a) sexually frustrated

b) have higher standards for a mate than you yourself are actually capable of living up to.

literally everything else about both sides is a sublimation of these facts. maybe you should fuck an sjw?

>lol u can't get laid

Really made me think


I think a lot of people here are like them. They just don't want to listen or accept any criticism and think all issues are black and white, right and wrong.

Honestly, I don't think we are like them at all. The difference between snowflakes and Sup Forumstards is that when you offend a snowflake they go crazy and try to ban everything, when you offend a Sup Forumstard the most they'll do is take their money elsewhere, or call you a cuck. The left always projects, and now that they are starting to lose they're going full Trudeau

>I-if you use our tactics against us, y-you lose

Snowflakes won so much ground because they play dirty. That's why we were losing for so long, but now people are sick of all the pseudo moral outrage all the time, and they are turning on the left. Claiming that we're the same as tumblrtards because we're winning is another womanly tactic to shame us into compliance. It ain't working.

Get the fuck out of here lefty. You're not fooling us.

nope, never thought of that, and never will

I'm not retarded, you see

It's not the content. It's the hypocrisy that's triggering.

Yes. Of course there are people like that here.

We know this of course because most people are idiots. Morons with 100IQ points give or take.

And because most of these people are idiots most of our interactions with other people is with 'average' people (retards).

You can usually tell the idiots from the smart people based on how willing they are to parse individuals from groupthink arguements.

s u b v e r s i o n

If you are here unironically, you need to kill yourself unironically.

Totally black or white amirite (((red pilled)))

>ShareBlue concern

Hello, jewess.


Not at all.

Haha. No.

>both sides of this armed conflict use weapons!!
>they're the exact same!!