Le Pen


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Tell me when the cuckold majority doesn't unite against her in the second round


Pretty sure the first round is easy and the second round is infinitely less viable.

Do it for her, france bros

Hopefully the French still have some balls. They are truly our greatest ally. God knows the Germans hate themselves given the popularity of Schulz.

>supporting a neo-nazi

uhh excuse me but Sup Forums is a zionist board




No matter what Euros meme about the UK and USA - having multiple round elections is the most idiotic thing in the world.

>Hah well this party may have won 49 percent of the vote but we need to have a SECOND vote to make it so the parties that scored 5 percent, 8 percent, 18 percent and 20 percent form a government!
>Continentals love this


>subject trying to feel superior to anyone

If she wins, is the EU done for?

She would still lose to uber-globalist Macron in the second round.

>first round

The scandal was staged by Putin. DonĀ“t belive it! Le Pen is no alternative and is a Nazi!

Not right away, but the momentum in that direction will be undeniable


EU without France and UK is not EU. It's Germany and the satelites. If she wins EU is as good as finished.

If my country had the same moronic voting system as you do on the continent we would have had Labour, SNP and Lib Dem coalitions for decades.

A candidate wins when they receive more than 50% of the vote but that's not going to happen in the first round, so there will be a second round between the two candidates with the most votes.

Reminder that lepen is a commie

Currently in the UK we have majority parties elected off retarded figures like 40% of the total vote.

Now the victory of those parties does rely on their willingness to garner ideological votes from other parties and adopt their talking points, but it's still a bit silly.

Over time the awareness of this reduces any real interest in politics by people because it seems so arbitrary and meaningless.

A two-stage round ensures the current president of France is always one with at least 51% of the vote, so they have and mandate and then it is settled.

It's not perfect but it lends itself better to stability. There's also no iron-cast guarantee that Le Pen will lose the second round, stranger things have happened already.

Its not the government thats being elected retard

>wealthy alpine nation which is probably the most beautiful place on earth
>have zimbabwe tier "elections" and let someone who rigged the first one run, and win, in the second attempt
>if anyone remotely right gets near power they die in a car crash or have the EU sanction them to wide Austrian approval

Sounds nightmarish desu

Bump for Le Pen!

Thousands of young Australian men died to protect you France, don't let the sacrifices of so many be forgotten.

That's good, the only chance for her is to present herself as the "left-wing candidate" against Macron in the second round.

You got it

She didn't win yet
Until then false flag shit could happen in order to keep people away from the far right
Also, shitskins tend to lay low since they've understood that we're fed up with their bullshit

I predict Continentals will pussy out 100%

>supporting this whore
But why?
>using the younger slightly less ugly one to shill the old hag
What a strategy.

C'mon frogs!

It would be extremely painful

dark blue and blue bloc make up 55% of this country m8, and this was according to a left-leaning thinktank

tories would ally with ukip easily more than 50% of votes



This is the France that has had three currencies, however many Republics and various constitutional changes over the past 50 years. It is not stable. Having a second round is there solely to exclude right wing parties from winning, which it has done.

I hate this fucking shop and I want ot stop seeing it

>Hurr, durr duh! No one else does it.

excluding far left and far right parties*

notice the GUID in the filename

it's CREW shit

France is a first world country with the political stability of Liberia, at least historically

The far left always gets a look in. They either have their friends get them a job or move seamlessly across parties.

Who has had the greatest influence on French politics, the far left or far right?

Unless Assange has something on her likely adversary. One can only hope.

The election was also rigged by russians, thank god van der bellen won!

>The outgoing telecommunications transmission that woke up France

Ok ok seriously

Oh look another covert globalist Germanic retorting to calling nationalist 'nazis'

Your reign and slavery over the good people's of Europe is coming to an end

Notice the conspiracy ramblings of triggered racists who can't accept the truth

Reminder that the French political system is set up so the establishment can gang up on up-and-comers and FN will lost the second round, which is the only round that matters.

t. Achmed Dubois

>presupposing that there's something wrong with being a nazi


after I wrote this I felt kind of dirty tb h

Remember what happened to her father.

yeah definitely a shilling kike

and so it begins. the third world war

Where the fuck can i watch french debates jesus fuck. Useless french cunts


best case possible scenario would be le pen in france and schulz in germany (afd isn't going anywhere)

schulz is going to push hard for the EU, maybe even for a USE, which would only sour relations with le pen's france

if the two major powers of the EU are not getting along and some huge event like the deutsche bank going under happens then that could trigger EU's quick demise

Nah 3rd world war would be averted if EU collapses

((They)) want a war between Islam and Europe a few decades down the road

US I'd already in good terms with China and Russia

She'll win the first round, but I don't think she'll even come close in the second.

I don't feel the energy, and the people there seem too cucked. The current polls are probably Jewed pretty hard, but even accounting for that, it doesn't look good.

and soon they will also be red pilled on women in power

Let me tell you why this presidential election is a high way to Marine Le Pen.

few statement
>Vth Republic traditionnal left and right parties are falling down in the polls, mainly because of their lacks of ideology, but also because of their NUMEROUS fraud, sex, fiscal scandals. Every week have another one, this is a huge shitstorm happening right now in France.
>Electoral voters: 80% estimated participation of the electoral college, which means 37millions.
>5 big candidates (95% voters), 5 small (5%)
>Le Pen, liberal patriotism + social nationalism
>Fillon, liberal capitalism, social multiculturalism
>Melanchon, ultra socialism, and multiculturalism
>Hamon, socialism
>Macron, ultra liberalism, ultra multiculturalism

>electoral force repartition (according to polls since few days, and by many a long time before)
>27%: 10million for Le Pen (alt right)
>23%: 8,5million for Macron (french young Hillary, unknown in US, pure Democrat militant)
>20% 8million for Fillon (traditionnal right)
>16% 7million for Melanchon (alt left)
>9% 3million for Hamon (traditionnal left)

If she face Macron, she can clearly win the Presidential, getting all the right voters for her candidacy.
Fillon's candidacy is trolled at maximum, and dead.
Melanchon is too far left.
Macron is hated by most of the french.

"Republican Front" which is a de facto alliance between the left-center-right traditionnal political parties, against the Front National (because all those traditionnal parties reject sovereignism/patriotism/nationalism)

You should know that Emmanuel Macron is
>an ancient Rotschild trader employee
>gay, married with a 20years old+ teacher women, who is his personal domina
>the last economy minister of the most hated government ever
>his promulgated laws were not voted by parlement, but only applicated by a exceptionnal decree of the prime minister, because of a lacking of parlement majority (french democracy lol)

see ya

Did she actualy said that?

Sounds like a good fucking reason to vote for her to be honest. And a civil war in france will only do good to Europe. Either you kill the shitskins or show the rest of Europe how it will look when the shitskins will revolt and murder everybody. In any case you are french so nothing of value was lost - and that's coming from a Russian.

>t. Piefke shitposter auf Urlaub
Geh ham, Saupreis



Yeah, it's no surprise that a Russian wants to see a European civil war.

>tfw still havent searched my house for my lost voter card and even if I find it in time I may not be able to vote as my ID card is outdated and it takes months to change it

Well, it's not like one vote will change anything anyway

bahahaha. say goodbye to bicoin frog faggots. the french were never big on freedom anyways so don't sweat it.

Second most voted in first round usually wins the ballotage tho

but the second round of "democracy"

I think the Swede is right

Dude I hate islam etc ... but ... fucking ban a simple veil (not the burkas, just an hijab) ... everywhere in the street .. I find this insane ...
It will cause chimpout everywhere in France


>It will cause chimpout everywhere in France

TWF I'm too much of a lazy piece of shit to do even the smallest thing to save my country

Get out of Sweden Achmed

Yeah, forcing them to live like us is soooo evil
Better let them turn France into another Middle Eastern shithole...

Because second round would become Socialist party vs Le Pen. And everyone hates the socialists right now.

>voter card relevant
>piece of bad quality carboard
>pick one

you can use your french passport.
you can ask a legitimation paper, by going ask for it in your townhouse
you can get back a new voter card anytime
you can participate to this huge shitstorm, because that's cool and a lots of people die for the right to do it.

>mfw your lazy attitude


Fucking want to ban kippa, simple veil in the street ... and she think she's gonna win ... lol

>((((the popularity)))) of Schulz.
>German polls

I want to see shitskins removed from the west. If you think this can be done without a violent conflict, congrats you are delusional
Chimpouts are not the end of the world, and the de-legitimization of Islam is a top priority in the west. Not to mention that chimpouts will only antagonize Muslims further. You know damn well that they want to take over your nation, I don't get why you are against pushing back and not allowing them to express their death cult in public. Muh religious freedoms? They want you to submit to Islam. Your quality of life getting hurt because of chimpouts? They will violently try to take over sooner or later, it is better if it's sooner, and not on their terms.

Explain pic related then.

It can't ALL be Jews. Even with Brexit and our own election, the Kikes couldn't fix the polls by that large a degree.

I don't think you imagine dude.

ok, guys, going to sleep now.

tell me when I was right about wwiii

Zios gon zio

this would come 4 years too late

>you can use your french passport.
Too bad I don't have one

>you can ask a legitimation paper, by going ask for it in your townhouse
Too tiresome

>you can get back a new voter card anytime
Maybe but without valid ID I still can't vote

You really underestimate how naive Europeans are politically.

The Green parties regulalry dupe large chunks of the Austrian and Swiss electorates into voting for them using ridiculous lies about their ski resorts melting. These are not stupid people, they're just incredibly gullible.

Le Pen will not win or even come close to winning because 70 percent of the French electorate will buy the same lie as they have done before. There could be a 9/11 scale attack in Paris the week before the election and they would still unite against the FN. There is no way she can win.

France has among the highest % of jews accross all Europe, they won't let her win, no matter what. If you think the media where against Trump during the election, it's nothing compared to how ours portrait the FN everyday.

I've lived in Marseilles for years, and all these veiled women make you feel like you're in Iraq

We can't make them look white but we can at least get rid of their disgusting habits

think Trump winning, and Putin being in power this whole time is some kind of accident???

Yea, we're awake alright!
and our actions speaks louder than words do

there are more us producers, contributors, men of action in general, than there are of them. We want the power back in our hands, on our side, its for the greater good.

is our time now. A time of raw justice and peace

our countries are gonna storm across europe just like last time

actually... if you try to ban religious garments and this will cause riots then the ban wasn't actually the first problem to begin with

Some frog explain first and second round to me. I only understand it in turns of getting Budweiser at the bar

>pagan frog
>possible antichrist pedo pissbed incest commie autist illiterate
>bombing iran
>bombing china
>bombing mexico
>peace and justice
Bibi gon booby

And then they'll regret when the muslims start genociding them upon becoming the majority by 2050

>65%-35% Macron/Le Pen
The second poll is an amazing peace of bullshit.
You can't explain me how Macron will get this amount of voters during the second round.
This represent more than 12millions voters gains for the second round.

First poll is credible.
This second poll is a propaganda one.
His ideology represent only 25% in France.
It's impossible. Too multiculturalist for the right voters. Too liberal for the left voters.