Are we anglos or viking Sup Forums
Are Danes Anglos or Scandinavien
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What does that map mean?
You are snowniggers
I hope you don't say that in real life as you'd probably be bleeding out of your nose and crying on the ground.
I can't find the source but, there was a source that showed danes were more anglo then Scandinavien
That i would like to find
Jutes are what the Anglos fled to Britain for, they're fairly tall, Anglos are basically attractive manlets that get bullied easily. Skaellanders (sp?) are Scanians and basically Scandinavian farmers, their basic thing is overpopulate during the warm periods and migrate during the cold periods when nothing grows.
Vikings are just northern European pirates, raiding was only common during famine and used as an alternative to migration, or as a means to scout for new lands to migrate to. If you can beat up the locals, you don't have much to worry about if you start settling near them.
Scandinavia can't be peaceful without industrial civilisation to keep them warm, comfortable and happy. Such regions demand war and violence to survive.
Scandinavian, honestly. But you're the most sub-human nigger-tier of Scandi's.
Glad I could help, OP.
Sounds like somebody got cucked by the Danes
literally t. Alberto Barbosa
That sounds allot like my ancestors cause they were basically dutch raiders
Dutch are actually republicans and urbanites, it makes it fairly difficult to trace their actual genetic origins since urban communities usually attract people from all over. Rural communities are the best indication of the ancient genetic origins.
FYI, all low land Germans and Scandinavian people are fairly tall. Shortness comes from Gaulish/Celtic/Alpine ad mixture.
they are not norwegians
Dutch republicanism actually makes much sense since my whole family have always been against the monarchy, and i have several dutch historic heroes in my blood line
Danish People.
Do something.
Poland got half of Germany and you lost half your country, wtf
That's a shame. The Danish monarchy is pretty based, imo. From what I recall, your queen has mentioned that she thinks that the status of being a Dane is reserved for those of Danish heritage, and she's not particularly fond of immigrants. She basically supports a culture of assimilation. Why doesn't your family like the monarchy?
only Prussians know how to collect a country
do you think Poland will own east Germany after ww3
Yeah i know that but she is fully corrupt. You can give her a handbag worth all of your taxes and withdraw that as if it was your debt.
angles and saxons came from denmark
You already own east germany the only part you miss is Pommeren east Berlin and East Saxon
we wuz vikangs n sheet
hey shitskin lowlander scum. Its time you left my country.
Go be a Dutch republican somewhere else cunt.
Anglos came from southerner Jutland, which later was conquered by the Danes, after the left. Then we went to England with our heroes Ivar the Bones, Halfadane White-shitte and Ubbe Ubbinge.
Thier sons where incompetenten and lost the empire
indeed. Do not forget the Jutes.
First you have to stop being an empire you cunt, im a Faroe (the we wuz of nations).
That map is of Danlaw, the Danes ruled over England for some time.
Angles are danes from Jylland
Saxons are danes who went south into what is now know as germany before the went to englang with the Angles forming the Anglo-Saxons
Norwegians from south Norway and Viken (now know as the Oslofjord) regaraded themself as danish (remeber because of lack of infrastucture the sea connected people better then land) until the Fairhairs subjugated them
Norse was known amogst it contemporaries as danish tongue
Germanic culture probably spread from a danish core
The largest viking group was danish (funny if when you think about it, the first immigrant wave danes fought off the second immigrant wave of danes)
The Normans were danish settlers in Normandy, so a third danish immigrant wave defeated the first one for the throne of England
Here comes the fake science.
Classify the three in the picture.
hah implying you islandnoggs would survive without your overlords.
You should be grateful that Denmark is still a colonial asshole.
Pro tip: Swede, Swede and Swede
Protip: The first guy looks Anglo-Saxon, the other two are North-Atlantids
Do you even know how much money we make by trading whit Putin. We make more money then after the EU EMBARGOED us, and more the we have ever earned in history you cuck.
Use your fake science on these.
looks like three subhumans Swedecucks to me. Is it time for another bloodbath Svensker?
t. dansken
The EU is cancer ill grant you that.
look like vikings behave like anglos
We literally spread our seed in the whole Anglo population, so it's they who might share some traits with us on occasion.
And the EU embargo has only earned us more money
what is that supposed to mean mr. continental Europoor?
you did nothing of the sort Sven.
I see no problem with that.
the norse settled in places like orkney and other far northern islands
they were eventually kicked out of everywhere else. unless you count the saxons and the angles as scandinavien, the norse really didnt leave much lage settlements other than normandy and even still didn't leave a huge impact of dna
>Didn't have a huge impact on DNA
When your whole population shares our blood I'd say that's pretty huge.
What website is that?
We took their hot laddies and made them into "strong men breeding machines"
The Norwegians settled the northern isle together with Ivar the Bonless and we alsmost had a war about a personal union if it wasn't beacause Swedes were downeren and we could win the war
> Our blood
What part of Denmark are you from?
>whole population
What funny is that about 2/3 of all female settlers in Iceland was irish celts.
ignore the Swedes brother.
Just like most Danes have Irish blood.
This part
Wtf is billinge?
Danes and Brits are barely "Nordic"
Isnt most of the red hair in Scandinavia from irish slaves/trells.
This is when we were all living together in caves mate.
why do you want to say we are the same as you
don't have enough achievements of your own?
Ah so when we lived i Russia
"angeln" is in germany
"anglos" are literally just fucking island germans
Norwegians and Danes lack in that area, is there a genetic reason for that perhaps?
My grandmother had red hair you fucking bygdalia.
No, i'm just asking how different we are, when we have raped you twice.
Still Nordic though famalam
OP is not even a Dane so you can relax.
What does it matter, really?
They are first and foremost Danes. Everything else is irrelevant.
Odin had red hair you snow nigger
well more Nordic than you Netherlandians cucks will ever be.
probably, I mean how many times do we have to raid their capital for them to get the message
Yeah i'm more Norwegian
Hold kjeft trell
most based answer ever
Are you retarded? The jutes and angles , Saxons went to Britain and conquered it.
This is why I love Finns. They dare to say how it actually is.
luk roeven trael
HEY give us half of the thorium discovery!
But they didn't rape the Britons.
They only thought them there language.
He's just repeating what big brother said earlier:
Viking mixed with Saxons and some Frisians.
>pic related: Schalburg-Kreuz for Danish Waffen-SS Volunteers for extraordinary Bravery
nah the Danes where peaceful invaders! Danes of Peace!
u wot m8
They intermarried with them. At least, those in the east.
t. Cornish diaspora
i wish that it was wide spread so we could begin the fall out age but alas
haha I made a mistake. Was not meant to reply to you bong but to the salt non Dane in the thread
>exactly what i said
2-5% isint a huge impact on dna
danegeld = gibs
But my country is still 40% cletic you cuck.
Tbh danegeld is the biggest debt of the UK, since it has not been paid for a 1000 years
You seriously need to get rid of that big brother complex. You are inferior to us in various aspects.
I'd like to add that William the cunt killed most Danes that still lived in England, the highest percentages are in the north of England, where he basically caused a genocide of muh 6 million Danes
Surely you must be joking.
The BFO wars.
what about it?
pretty based apart from the women's suffrage part, i'd remove that part
Why didn't you conquer us it would have been much less embarrassing, you Vasa scum.
You ruled over us because you were civilized before us due to proximity to core-Europe. That's not the case anymore though.
Svenskersvin conquering Denmark? hahahahah
deep down you know your place
Jeg hved det men tænk hvis vi havde gjorde Europa Luthersk.
You serve your purpose.
We allied us with the Catholics.
I advocate for collaboration and friendship of Sweden and Finland, but I despise extremist Svecomans like you.