What is your opinion on where you live from a Sup Forums perspective. Country State or City
What is your opinion on where you live from a Sup Forums perspective. Country State or City
Monterey Bay area
Degenerate shithole full of homeless, dirty hippies and Bernouts.
orange county
last conservative county in CA until this election
too many mexicans
I live in Arizona.
It used to be a really strong combination of liberal and conservatism, but for over a decade now you can feel those sentiments eroding.
First post is somehow my area. Holy shit
Charlotte, NC
North Charlotte niggerville
Any of the white areas outside the city are fucking badass, Matthews, South Park, Ballantyne
urban california is trash by default, but rural CA has some nice people and cool white owned shops.
Southern Ohio.
Comfy but mind numbingly boring. Increasingly liberal cities and a self hating youth. Suburbs and men are redpilled. Women under the age of 40 are bluepilled. Also heroin.
orange county, ca
used to be conservative
used to be white
used to reject degeneracy
used to have far less mexicans than surrounding counties
not so much anymore
It's okay l guess
Gun laws are very lenient and our niggers don't riot
Red niggers are the main problem really
definition time!
what is a red nigger?
I'm surrounded by a bunch of annoying cunts, but they all have a lot of money and are easily convinced to part with it so I don't hate it too much.
Houston, Austin, and Dallas are fucked beyond repair, but the rest of the state is alright.
one of these days, brother
Horseshoe Bay master race
Junkie smelly hole (Glasgow), Im from Donegal which is a pol/acks dream
this state is so beautifful and i cry every nifght knowing that niggers and mexicans are being enabled by the cancerous libshits turning my beuatiful state into a degenerate shithole like australia. im waiting for the day they try to take mah guns.
Saw that state going to shit years ago. Used to live in Rancho Cucamonga. Then building low income apartments went ape shit. Before I know it niggers are in my neighborhood. In one house they stole the fucking copper pipes in the walls. Get the hell out of dodge.
it used to be big news when stuff like jonah mowry, a single teenager, came out as gay. now the entire community is full of degenerate multigender multisexual goobers with blue hair
im going to uni in san bernardino so i have a few more years to tolerate sadly
Las Vegas
Pretty much what said but full of calishits as well.
You see people like pic related all over the strip. Some even do it ironically.
I have two places I consider home, really
I was born in southern Colorado. It's pretty nice there. Very few blacks, and those that are there are fairly decent people most of the time. Otherwise it's mostly whites and legal hispanics. During the harvests things shit up some but it's okay.
Denver is where I am now. Everyone knows the stereotypes of this place, but I don't really run into too much leftist shit except for those marches back a while ago. Niggers are much more of an issue here.
City: St. Louis. Usual lefty shithole filled with minorities. However, not as dangerous as statistics would lead you to think.
County: St. Louis. Technically separate from STL city but it doesn't matter; same metro area. About the same as above.
State: Missouri. STL, KC and Columbia are the only 3 blue areas in the state. Rest of the state (especially south central / Ozarks region) are deep red.
Overall: Stay out of the biggest couple cities and you're good. If you have to live here, live in Cape Girardeau, Springfield or Joplin.
Charlotte NC. A rather non-unique, but clean enough city. Still has a fair amount of blacks. Too crowded from all these New Yorkers moving down here.
im moving to the bay area and most of the cities in the area make me want to puke, in regards to their politics.
any Sup Forums approved towns in the bay?
Also fuck these fucking panhandlers
You cannot walk past any fucking intersection without some nigger or the like with the sign they picked up off the sidewalk after the last one abandoned it there to get drunk
If I collected all of the abandoned begging signs I see and burned them, I could incinerate the whole of Downtown
Oh, and STL has the largest Bosnian population in the world outside of Bosnia. We had no mosques here until they were dumped here. Thanks Bill Clinton.
Anyone who answers this is officially an idiot.
Rural Eastern Kansas is fine.
I'm in rural Texas and everyone likes Trump. Antifa would never dare gather here because they would get killed.
needs to be annexed by the US
nuke it
nuke it twice