
Are niggers better than mudslimes?

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wtf I love niggers now

well, at least they're american, and too stupid to ever wreck the nation.

They aren't numerous enough to. They are only 15% of the population. But they wreck the cities they inhabit.


do blacks wreck the cities, or democrats?

i find blacks in republican cities like dallas and houston are generally well behaved

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Based black man speaks truth

Fuck niggers and fuck white people

The bottom of the list are zionists

that's this guy here

A nigger may hate you for materialistic reasons

A muslim will hate you if you're not a muslim

he's right, these liberals have their heads in the clouds.

Could we make a new rule where anyone who says 'adjective-ass' anything is instantly deemed an enemy of all whites and made an enemy of all humanity?

>s.. sheeeit. cracka dun turned raycyss ageen. i bedda supports him befo i get hosed down.


>when the pregnant woman walks by

My nigga

You can change what a black thinks. Changing what a muslim thinks would mean him not being a muslim, unless you believe in Islam reform or whatever.

You can find common ground with a negro in different cases. If they're raised in decent environments, there's no reason not to do so.

A religious Muslim will automatically designate you as non-friendly because you aren't Muslim. There's no getting along with them. You can't form any sort of relationship of trust with them.

Besides that, being black is a matter of genetics. Even if you are black, there's nothing stopping you from getting with the program and improving yourself until you can't be called a nigger with a straight face.

Being Muslim is a religious matter. It's something that you chose to follow and can easily abandon. You make the choice of antagonizing people who are not of your religion.




"view content" should be lower left

He seems somewhat redpilled.
Though like he mentioned, Muslims are getting hell of a lot more money than blacks and I this is real reason why he's angry as shit.
Mudslimes are now getting the gibs and they're becoming the new pet group for the leftists to shelter.
Nigs are really getting the short end of the stick in this case.
They're losing their special status as the group that can play the racist card and they're also losing their gibs to other more special minority groups.

Is he, dare I say /ournigger/

>That emotion at the end right after "Go Trump"

almost cried desu

the Black population suffers from a relatively high percentage of criminal niggers.

It's like, let's say 3% of whites are criminals, but 10% of blacks are criminals.

You will say that the 3% white is the exception, but you will generalize that the 10% blacks is the generalizable norm.

If 100% of blacks were criminals, believe me, the liberals could not keep up such a massive lie.


We should send him to the Hoteps.

Hotep/Alt-Right broship

He's like 100% right though. Who the hell are we to just let them start up little colonies of shit ass foreigners like that when they're probably not even American?

Fuck Muslims.
Fuck Arabs.

I don't even like nigs, but I'll take a hundred of them over a single sand nigger.