Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to ‘Curry Favor’ With Trump: Official
Snowden: The Final Days!
Good, i dislike him for now reason other than his shitty haircut and smug face
Like Assange, if they were the true ethical people they claim they would have leaked and awaited "justice"
>Everyone wants to be a hero but no one is prepared to do what needs to be done
It shows how stupid he is if he thought Putin would ever look after him
Can't wait to finally see this traitor get what is coming to him. Hope he enjoys rotting away in a tiny cell for the rest of his life.
You guys don't even try anymore.
Trump has said he deserves to be executed
I wonder if he'll commit suicide or get assassinated before he gets a chance of being deported. Oh man how many illegals wish they were in snowden's position of being wanted in the USA!
I'm being serious, Bradly Manning is the only one who stuck around.
Snowden and Assange fucking ran like cowards all the while talking about morals etc
Trump said Russia should hack Hillary Clinton also
>Implying i like Trump
I feel sorry for you burgerbro, your country has gotten a raw deal.
I don't see anyway this can play out well for you unless Pence takes over
Go fuck yourself you Fucking southern sheep fucker.
yeah m̶a̶n̶ning did stick around and faced the punishment and because of that his sentence got commuted to end this may. Snowden screwed himself royally be running away!
Did anything happen with that vault 7 stuff? I thought someone said the deadline was noon washington time, passed hours ago. So was it fucking nothing?
Or do we have to wait for Assange to get his ass out of bed UK time?
>breaking character
nu-Sup Forums gives me gas
Well, if Trump goes out of his way to jail Snowden, I'll be done with him already. Snowden's a hero, plain and simple.
>too much of a retard to know not to leak stuff about US fucking with other countries, basically souring relationships and giving enemies a heads up
>too much a pussy to actually stick around like other whistleblowers did, then goes around preaching about "MUH COUNTRY" when he's jacking off in other countries
He's not a hero, he's someone who wanted to play as one. If he was he would have thought things through instead of being a reckless coward.
I read that as Curry Flavor and now I am hungry. Fuck you.
nvm I thought it was created to mock RT but it's older than RT
>ran away like a bitch
>joined twitter to jerk himself off
>cashing in with the help of hollywood kikes
I hope Trump personally pulls the trigger on this faggot
Good night, literal ((((SOROS))) shill.
I used to support Snowden strongly.
The more I grew up, I realized he really gave away all of the secrets of NSA activities, even if they were perfectly legal and legitimate. He should therefore be brought to justice and publicly hanged as a message.
why is pol suddenly anti-snowden? blue crew? reddit invasion?
Shills and cunts matey.
In equal measures.
Glad to know that you're #WITHHER!
>Snowden and Assange fucking ran like cowards
yeah because spending your whole life in prison sounds like great fun. any rational person would do the same thing.
Are you people this dense? Do you like your rights being taken away by someone you didn't vote for?
Who cares if he did stupid shit.
The NSA spying is fucking wrong. No matter what authoritarian utopia you have in your dense skull, it will never work. The government cannot be trusted with your private information. It's like you want to get put up against a wall and shot for thought crime you fucking retards.
Anyone who sides with a FUCKING SOROS deserves at least the oven.
We are now authoritarians who want to see death and arrests to all of our enemies.
any rational person would realize that a government needs to keep some secrets in order to protect the homeland. The process of intelligence gathering is one of them
>leak documents about how the NSA tracks everyone
>normies don't care
Sad story.
>Trump is #WithHer now
wtf I am now a #CruzMissile
They aren't just dense, they are most likely CNN reps. They have an agenda.
Yesss! I feel much safer knowing that big daddy Obama's administration was watching over me before the leaks happened. After all, I have nothing to fear. Since you're so happy with giving up the 4th Amendment for security, I'm sure you'll agree with giving up the 2nd Amendment as well, right? The military knows how to use to guns much better than the average joe.
If they had left their own citizens out of it, nobody would have dropped that bomb on their heads.
They were and still are doing illegal shit (or at least shit that SHOULD be illegal), and your bitching about Snowden?
I agree some secrets need kept. Don't do shady shit to your own people and then call anyone who brings attention to it a traitor, though.
BASED. Hoping it does happen.
Agree mostly. But the fact is he ran into the arms of your adversary with some of the most highly sensitive national security information. He's a coward and should face his fate.
Can't wait until Trump grants him a pardon and has a monument built of him\
Oh wait he won't because he's a shill just like the rest of them
>Who cares if he did stupid shit.
>"lmao who cares that he was too lazy to leave out secrets regarding how we operate in other countries"
People like are why liberals are walking, breathing jokes. Instead of being sensible and agreeing that he shouldn't be praised for being stupid about handling information, you shout "WOW IT'S LIKE BIG BROTHER BUT REAL LITERALLY AUTHORITARIAN". Yes, exposing the surveillance on Americans was needed, but to call him a hero and let him walk free would only encourage other retards to copy paste other info without actually checking if it would compromise anything important.
If I were the russians, I would insisting for Trump to pardon him.
((Fake News)) because:
"A Russian residence permit for US whistleblower Edward Snowden has been extended until 2020 and soon he will have all legal grounds to apply for the Russian citizenship."
Snowden raises a good point:
"Finally: irrefutable evidence that I never cooperated with Russian intel. No country trades away spies, as the rest would fear they're next."
>trusting a fucked up system to give you due process
Lol, look at what happened to Manning.
Thank you. Can't believe this has to be said.
This. Also if anything happens to Snowden there will be a huge backlash in the hacker culture. If they killed Snowden everyone in the community will be pissed. He's a hero to them.
>>too much of a retard to know not to leak stuff about US fucking with other countries, basically souring relationships and giving enemies a heads up
Exactly, he's a hero.
>>too much a pussy to actually stick around like other whistleblowers did, then goes around preaching about "MUH COUNTRY" when he's jacking off in other countries
They would've executed him.
Alex Soros doesn't have the money is father has.
I doubt when the old man croaks Alex will have any doubt what to do.
Just look at the new generation of the Rothschilds, literally got cucked by a manlet nigger.
I'm not a liberal at all, and how is autistically screeching for his death any more sensible?
What else do you call him for exposing the corruption of the government? I'm not saying he should be pardoned, but having him killed for treason would only make him a martyr.
The founding fathers would lose their shit if they were alive to see what the NSA does with our rights. This kind of unchecked power is wrong.
Truly this statement.
>for years people been saying big gov is spying on you
>every MSM outlet says "lol u schizoparanoid"
>NSA leaks
>"ok so what if we've been spying on u"
And as the prophecy foretold normies don't care and the earth keeps on spinning.
Fucking hate those retards.
There should have been blood in the streets after that horrific violation of our fourth amendment rights.
Mostly true, but he was the only viable choice we were actually allowed to vote for.
>NSA activities
>perfectly legal and legitimate
Nazis also thought that burning people in gas chambers was legitimate.
I never said he should be killed. But I don't believe in the hero talk and hate that his recklessness is praised as such. I can only hope that he's imprisoned if he ever comes back here. Makes the Trump administration look merciful while the guy can finally face serve his time with some dignity.
He does, he's been groomed since he was a child to subvert and destroy nations. He meet with Nelson Mandela when he was like 10 years old, and Obama, Hillary and Cuckdeau visit HIM at his NYC apartment when they needed to bend the knee.
People see security in what the NSA does. If you want something to blame, blame the multiculturalism that has turned every American against their neighbors
But of course liberals and libertarians will still advocate for open borders like the retards they are
Fuck you and your authoritarian bullshit. The guy gave up his life to help the people of the US understand the extent to which the constitution has been eroded. You want to prosecute when you should be thanking him for giving you a choice to fight back. (You can't fight what you aren't aware of). Grow up and understand what it means to be a man who values freedom.
He would most likely be killed, as he committed treason, but I would not be opposed to him serving time. It would benefit his cause if he did.
>I'm being serious, Bradly Manning is the only one who stuck around.
>Snowden and Assange fucking ran like cowards all the while talking about morals etc
So did brown yet you are celebrating a tranny instead of an actual jailed journalist
Has is father seen this?
How would serving time in the US benefit him or anyone else? He is already living free in a country deemed to lack freedom by the US. What does that tell you?
By like 20 years. Lol. Most popular newspaper in the country.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
You're the fucking traitor you dumbass
No just typical poltards who cream themselves at the thought of a Fourth Reich but don't realise it would be hell, for 90% of citizens only slightly better than Soviet Russia.
The God Emperor wins again.
I hope that traitor hangs for his crimes.
What happened to Manning? Getting released in a few months.
Pick one.
those who would give up or violate their own rights in exchange for security or to feel safe deserve neither.
>not standing by your fellow anons
I thought Snowden was our guy?
RIP Snowden, your days are numbed.
It would make him look more hero and martyr like, versus living in exile, which I admit makes him look like a coward.
He is living in Russia because at the time he left the US, Russian-US relationships were horrible, and they wouldn't extradite him. It is also harder for the NSA to murder him and anyone he cares about.
Soros will be defeated.
>Hey man I heard a rumor about your gf is fucking another guy.
>So I snuck into her house, got into her phone (don't ask me how), copied everything from it to my laptop, and then uploaded it for everybody on the internet to see.
>And would you look at that, she was cheating on you!
>Wait, what do you mean you didn't want me to upload all of the photos she had on you...
>and your phone number...
>and all of those messages you sent to her...
>including the ones that had some of your credentials?
>WHOOPS! But he at least now you know that rumor was true amirite? You can thank me later. XD
God forbid that you never work in a place that requires some critical thinking skills.
You're a traitor if you disagree.
I meant relative to coming "home" He is infinitely more free in Russia than he would be in the US for now. The whole planet is eroding when it comes to freedom. The upside to that is that a global revolution is just around the corner.
Assange keeps telling about all the world changing stuff he got proofs of, but 'the world is not ready yet'
They're either scared fags or shills
>Nu/pol/ hates Snowden
Literally no principles. Just because you support Donald Trump doesn't mean you have to agree with him 100%. With this attitude, you're basically turning into leftists. Trash.
On the one hand, what the NSA is doing is fucked
But on the other hand he did commit Treason
Doesn't deserve to die for it though, probably just a bunch of community service
Any rational person that is convinced of doing good would release everything or nothing
>Doesn't deserve to die for it though
Yes he does. America will seem weak if he doesn't. The God Emperor has spoken.
i support trump 1000% but this snowden thing is kind of annoying me. trump is all about the american people and snowden did us a favor. the american people were being spied on, and still are. every other country had the technology already
and those words were said at a time when inviting Somalians and mudslimes to live among white europeans was unheard of.
Normies have accepted that multiculturalism is the new norm. And to mitigate the risk of bringing in violent ethnic groups, the average American has learn to tolerate more intrusive security.
Preach about what the founders said all you want....
Trump has always been anti-"free internet".
He needs to follow through with this plan. It will be a major blow against ISIS and their allies(the U.N.).
This is fake news, stop spreading it you absolute moron.
He is more American than the fucking government if they kill him for exposing them shitting on the constitution.
Parroting the "The God Emperor" bullshit makes you no better than a leftist shill t b h.
Snowden is a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of a strong American/Russian alliance. He can be remembered on as a martyr.
he's said many things and hes made it clear
personal opinion =/= policy
its like saying youtube is going to come up with a way for people to stop ripping their videos. literally impossible. you can spy and monitor as much as you want, but what exactly is a "free internet"? because what we have now sure as hell isnt
Snowden helped Trump get elected by giving Russia a platform to leak e-mails and documents. He'll just be pardoned. Russia probably wouldn't release him if he isn't.
You can't just call everything that you don't like face news. This is pretty well documented by multiple sources.
the only reason you dont like it is if you have something to hide. so what are you hiding user?
>violate the law
>get into prison
>fake mental illness for better treatment
>get released
I would call that more than due process, faggot.
Hm. That actually convinced me. Let'em hang.
Why would you have any trust on intelligence agencies?
Curry flavor is shit.
Miso is superior.
Isn't this a bad thing? What if hes a spy?
He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither. Was that Franklin?
But wannabe Nazis don't want freedom. They want good strong stable state, secure control and careful observation, as long as Big Brother is equally Nazi and declares sharing their values, of course.
This situation is a little uncomfortable for me, and I assume any libertarian-leaning burgerfag is feeling this much more intensely.
You are correct in your observations. (((they))) were taught well.