Since you all unironically think you're in good company here, now that you all migrated from whatever hellholes you came from, explain to me why WN is bad.
Get in here Reddit
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because it's full of faggots who don't iron their flags propperly
Reddit here we are here to educate you suburban and rural retards who voted in Dump .
Behold your WN Sup Forums
Are you a muslim? If you're in London I know it be a better chance to bet you're a shitskin since whites are now a minority there.
>look at all these attention whores and shitskins who spout leddit memes
>this is Sup Forums is swear goy
Never forget.
what about all the non-white Sup Forumsacks who came on the hwndu cam, explain that shit
this board is just full of american mongrels larping
No true Sup Forumsack would do that.
It's the reddit crowd that came with the election traffic. They never left and it's why post quality is absolutely abhorrent. It's why you see these people claiming Sup Forums is ironically race-realists, WN, and NatSoc.
post election Sup Forums is so multicultural!
>2008 Sup Forums is equal to 2015 Sup Forums
>Sup Forums bases their entire lives on MS paint graphics about race realism
>watches anime
>degenerate, fat, lazy, depressed, anti-social
>"we're gonna save the white race, 14/88"
if you subscribe to all the conspiracy theories, then globalists/jews are absolutely winning and we have no chance
>le Sup Forums is one person meme
Stop watching porn.
Stop watching anime.
Stop obsessing about race.
Stop being depressed.
Stop glorifying others.
Start having children.
Start loving yourself.
Start becoming a productive member of society.
it's that simple.
where in the fuck did this guy get a moonman mask?
there is literally nothing wrong with civic nationalism
>there is literally nothing wrong with civic nationalism
There is everything wrong with civic nationalism. The races are not the same. That's why there is conflict EVERYWHERE in the world when 2 or more different peoples occupy the same land.
>if you subscribe to all the conspiracy theories, then globalists/jews are absolutely winning and we have no chance
Nice defeatist attitude Paco
>don't worry about the Jews even though they've infiltrated the upper echelons of our society and hold allegiance to Israel over American exceptionalism. Don't worry about the fact our foreign policy is based around the protection of Israel or over 50% of all foreign aide goes to the jews.
what does posting in an echo-chamber on Sup Forums about niggers have to do with overthrowing the jews though? 99% of people that browse Sup Forums are only here to post memes and be edgy and not actually interested in overthrowing a shadow government.
"redpilling normies" is not a thing. Trump is a big backer of Israel and Wall St, and Sup Forums has already aligned themselves as pro-trump. instead of wasting your time preaching about jews and blacks and asians to people who really don't care or are just LARPing, you can actually make something of yourself.
Start lifting weights
Start a business
Start a family
Stop worrying about things that are out of your control
Start realizing that the things in your control can help your cause in the long-run
>"redpilling normies" is not a thing. Trump is a big backer of Israel and Wall St, and Sup Forums has already aligned themselves as pro-trump. instead of wasting your time preaching about jews and blacks and asians to people who really don't care or are just LARPing, you can actually make something of yourself.
You're a fucking retard Paco. I guarantee I make more money than you and own a business already. Sup Forums is not an echo-chamber anymore and a lot of the new inhabitants have it dead wrong. This, "we can't do anything about attitude" is fucking done. If people continue to look into why and how the policies in the US have been formed, people won't take it. Look at Clinton's campaign. No one in their right mind would've thought she would lose if they only looked campaign expenses, etc.
It isn't.
I can't wait until America becomes like the exciting new countries Zimbabwe, Haiti, and South Africa!! Once whites are a minority, the world will be such a better place!
>Sup Forums
prove it.
prove you have money.
prove you have a business
prove you have hobbies
prove you have white wife/children.
you can't.
the only thing you can prove is that you're a NEET.
Stop LARPing
Start Lifting
Start being the man your grandfather was
Stop being a cuck
I'm not married but I'm only in my mid 20s.
I'm skilled in a wide variety of ways
I lift
What do you have to show guy?
then why do all non-civic nationalist nations either fail or achieve only mediocrity?
Fuck off Statist
Are you talking about Nazi Germany that fought a World War on all fronts against the worlds super powers? Eastern European states that have been trying to recover from the shackles of communism? What ethnonationalist nations are you referring to?
What do you do to get 1099'd for 100k?
Not going to disclose anything but I'm glad you recognize a 1099
I work in tax. Was just curious
Because there has already been too much admixture, the definition of white is senseless, and white nationalists don't make alliances with other nationalists.
Sorry, lot of enemies on here now, I'm sure you understand
you're the one who "guaranteed" he makes more money than me, I have nothing to show you because I'm not the one who makes outrageous claims about myself on the internet to strangers.
>mid 20's
>not married, no kids, NEET, watches anime
tick tock
You're taking the internet too seriously
>NEET, watches anime
kek, fucking what? You insisted I prove it. I told you I'm not married because I'm not a liar. Do you think not being married = kissless virgin? How did I just show you 1 1099 for over 100k and you think I'm a NEET? Why do you think I watch anime? kek. Something tells me you're projecting there kiddo.
>germany's big accomplishment was to continue fighting a war for a limited amount of time based on delusions of prussian grandeur
I just wanted to know of one, as you put it, "ethnonationalist nation" that existed in all of history that accomplished empire-tier accomplishments.
>Germany's big accomplishment was turning a nation in the state of the Weimar Republic into a nation even capable of fighting a war, much less one against the most powerful nations in the world.
The point of ethnonationalism isn't to be an imperial force. I'd argue imperialism fails due to the attempted absorption of foreign people and lands.
>proxy fagging
>thinks that no one knows how easily a paystub can be faked
>thinks that he still makes more than me (my networth shits all over yours felipe)
>I actually have children, and own multiple houses and cars
>you have the NEETlyfe
I like you.
>that projection tho
>that image
irony: the post
That'd be better as graphs - do you have the original spreadsheet?
nah man sorry, the best I can do is refer you to the FBI website. I'll dig around there and see if there's different charts.
don't even bother with that assblasted fruitcake
poll related
and dont you dare get a boner, shes a jewess
correction, you can download the excel files from them directly
Do you remember when the results overwhelmingly showed Sup Forums understood biodiversity was very real? Even when accounting for socio-economic factors and every other control possible, biological race proved to be the most determining factor.
Sad times
This is why I think America's imperialism could be longer lasting: we aren't trying to directly administer and rule our puppet states.
But we've opened our borders to foreign peoples and have abandoned American traditions, American exceptionalism, and have warped what it means to have American identity. This is occurring simultaneously as our armies are stretched around the world and we're trying to police hostile, unwelcoming lands. I see American imperialism falling into the exact same trap as every other empire, hopefully not to the same fate.
I think this is the most depressing picture I've ever seen.
>Adolf Hitler
>Ron Paul
those stats are savage. niggers btfo.
what rifle is that?
Can we rev up the posting of merchants?
>Home grown blacks are worse than the ones from afar
Why does this not surprise me?
>Why does this not surprise me?
Before you make the conclusion that this is solely from the exceptional failure of African American culture, you have to consider American Immigration policy severely limits African immigrants to only the top tiers of their societies.