What are some left-wing redpills?

What are some left-wing redpills?

left wing x redpill = bluepill

Full blown basic income and nobody working is the end game of society. We will go in that direction when the technology is ready.

>too much inequality is disruptive of the social fabric of a community
>decreasing pollution is a good thing regardless of the truth/falsity of global warming
>industrial society as it exists now is unsustainable and unnatural and needs to be descaled somewhat (see Calhoun rat experiment)

>decreasing pollution is a good thing

But muh capitalism :^(

Palpatine 2024!

>Full blown basic income and nobody working is the end game of society.

No that is the end game of evil globalists.

ted kazynski manifesto is the thing to look at

A good leader requires a lot of empathy

Left wing is inherently blue pilled. Reality ain't got time for that.

easy access abortion is a good thing

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

It's not industrial anything, it's cities that are unsustainable. As people compete in dense spaces, testosterone rises, which increases inequality via risk taking, violence increases, increases ingroup bias and thus racism, etc. You don't need to do anything either. People will eventually get sick of it and leave and the city collectively starts to chill out

>Equal opportunity is a good thing
Forced equalised outcomes are not
>Good quality education should be available to the masses
>Likewise healthcare
>Full employment is a worthy goal, even if it isn't possible
>Providing a safety net for disabled or sick people is a good thing
Those who abuse it should be punished, and harshly

That's all I can think of

Climate change is real and needs global action to stop it.

>highest rated leaders are psychopaths with the "fearless dominance" trait
>JFK for example

You have the inalienable right to punch Nazis

Homosexuals are less evil than heteros

Minorities have bigger dicks because mixed race people have more testosterone

Trump likes to get showered in dirty piss from wart ridden Russian snatches

no struggles, so everyone just watches Ow My Balls and procreates? oh brave new world

>testosterone rises
Testosterone is plummeting in males on average. I would bet too that it's lower in urban males than rural ones. The violence is almost purely do to niggers and mestizos.

>it's cities
No shit. Industrialization without social planning and eugenics is what allows this runaway urban population growth to happen.

I have always been a Star Wars fan and the more I watch and read, the more I like Palpatine.

He is probably the greatest Fascist in all of Fiction.

I would serve in his empire proudly.


The elites control everything.
Religion is BS
Legal drugs

That's about all they got right.

Obama only did it for the money

9/11 truthers

Sigh.. day of the rake.

What the fuck man?

Yes global action must be taken to prevent the globalists from taking over the means of production and implementing carbon taxing.


>He is probably the greatest Fascist

How was he a fascist exactly.

What does fascist even mean in the current year?

>legal drugs
It should be legal to beat druggies t b h.

Especially potheads.

>technology will move us past scarcity
The only red pill for the left wing is to change sides

They do. Youre a dumbfuck ameritard with a sub 90 iq

False. Jfk was very empathetic

No you are just a puke leaf projecting you feminized bullshit onto others.

national parks are nice

Bees. Some of them care about bees. They are important. And the bees are dying. People go on about global warming. Bees is where it's at. Environmentalists avare of this is kinda based in their own green lefty way.

SJWs are the stormtroopers of neoliberal capitalism.

Liberalism is a disease

Wouldn't bees being dead make ore jobs for poor people? Just pay them to pollinate the plants.

Killing bees for the poor? That's a hell of a thought. I like it.

National Syndicalism is a better alternative to the crony capitalist welfare state we have now.

Genetic and intelligence research suggests, that in the absence of evolutionary pressure/selection for smart genes, societies get dumber and collapse. According to some researchers avg. IQ in the west has peaked mid 19th century and the only thing that improved since then was our ability to exploit our (shrinking) potential. This would mean any civilization is doomed once it finally manages to live in relative comfort (low infant mortality, high life expectancy etc.).

Eugenics would have to be part of any future society, along with a sufficient level of collectivism in order to foster group-oriented behaviors that correlate with innovation. Hyperindividualism and welfare are the killers of civilization, but also inevitably the by-products of its' success.

anybody can meme about what post-scarcity societies will look like. doesn't advance anything.

I trully believe Hawking was correct in saying we must focus on leaving this rock as fast as we can. Branching out to enough places would breed their own societal directions and choices. Having people making the same argument on just one fucking planet is the definition of absurd.

Except I hate how that sounds like a globalist sentiment now. The US can do ot the fastest, working with other similarily driven countries. We wont need a goddamn global cabbal to take over and do it.

Post-scarcity would enable space colonization eventually. And that new desire for expansion would reintroduce a scarcity dynamic in the economy as well. We're never gonna stop evolving.

i thought every sane person already knew that eltes control everything


> people in 24th century Star Trek worked... but I wouldnt really call that work
> since they're all just pretty much shooting the breeze all day, and just keeping an eye on the gauges
> I dunno maybe guys like Geordie have what we'd recognize as "work"

yeah and we can be them, after they're gone

part of their endgame is to have all that, pic related, and it just be them and their little club

but get rid of them and take their technology they're saving up, and then we just be them without the bullshit

THIS is a fucking redpill to the leftists... if you EVER want to get the shit rolling that you really want then you're gonna have to recognize that there are already people eating off that trough and they want you dead so they can have it all to themselves.

But redpills are all hard to swallow for everybody.

They gotta know there's real evil in the world. And its smart. And the enemy you deny is allowed to do their evil unchallenged.

Abit harder to swallow that, for the leftists because they're usually so soft.

Niggers should be exterminated

More centrist then left-wing, but

People deserve freedom of choice, provided it doesn't infringe on others.
>People also deserve the right to make poor choices, and not be protected from the results of their bad decisions.
I.E Drug use.

Nurture trumps nature on almost every mental trait; given enough effort, you can change someone's mind any way you want.
>Sexuality is not a choice, but nor is it something you're born with, set in stone; It's just a preference, a kink or orientation like any other, developed subconsciously but changeable with conditioning.

And yeah, religion is bad and whatnot.

Id prefer a world where everyone is capable of providing for themselves. A world where each family is not in any way beholden to anyone else and can fulfill all their needs is the ideal to me. Culture, arts, creation, invention would be what we do together, instead of all of us desperately depending on one another.

Basic income is just being dependent

The elite works in their own interest, often betraying the interests of their own nations for profit.
Ultimately, class divides people more than nationality, but maintaining separate cultures and independent trajectories of development is desirable in many cases.
Identity politics (21st century feminism, gay pride, radical race-based agendas, promotion of gender identity foci, etc) are for the most part issues of secondary or tertiary importance and should be placed behind concrete issues like employment, unionization, other economic issues, and actual family-oriented issues like maternity/paternity leave and vacation time.
Whatever genetic differences do exist in populations, you can't justify things like apartheid or genocide, and we must as a nation deal with the hand of cards we have.


The climate change thing to me just seems a big, convoluted, politically charged distraction from other entirely proven and very visible catastrophes

>bees dying
>coral dying
>massive swaths of forest being taken down
>massive number of species going extinct
>pollution - whether it causes climate change or not do you really thing having giant floating patches of garbage on the ocean is good at all? Just look at China, pollution is a legit thing to be concerned about.

We could pick any one of these and work together to try and solve it, but instead we argue about whether the Earth is getting hotter or colder and how many thousands of years into the future it will be too hot or too cold, and whose fault it is.

That is happening in China and similar countries, but AFAIK humans aren't quite as efficient as bees yet when it comes to pollination.

What about the Flynn effect?

What we need is eugenics

And we need it right fucking now, humanity is already beginning to seriously lose its eyesight over time

Its just basic science that if theres nothing really selecting against rhe dumb and weak, then we will become dumb and weak. Often the least fit of our societies have the most kids - we literally are selecting for unhealthy traits.

Either we become too sickly to not depend on technology just to live, or we become to dumb and lose everything. Perhaps both, and it will be the end of us.

Eugenics is a harsh and controversial topic, its a big civil rights issue, but it is completely necessary in my mind for the continuation of humanity. We should at the least begin to sterilize those with an IQ under 75/80 (start small), and those with inheritable diseases

Last time I checked, IQ was a relative measure. 100 is the median raw score apparently, with most people fitting within a standard deviation (15 points) from that.

I think that sexuality is a mix of both nature and nurture

You do have an inherent sexuality, its shown when your kid has his first crush on stacey, or his first crush on tommy

But I also agree its very malleable

I think some gay people simple were somehow influenced that way, but I also think for some its their core default state
boy = hot

Either way it doesnt matter, nothing about it should be illegal. Giving AIDS to someone should be a criminal offense if it isnt already

Well for most civilized countries, damn near all the ones I can think of, anything below 80 is essentially retarded

We wont waste time sterilizing other places for them, like Africa, so we wont need to worry about relative IQ meaning that 80 is now normal

Its actually really easy to get laid at anime/comic cons if your look in decent shape.

Its also pretty easy to find some easy chicks at any political protest, though I'd be wary of feminist protests as they can be extra crazy.

Thats bernie...?