Sup Forums stranded on an island

>Sup Forums gets stranded on a remote island
>tfw it's Sup Forums, no one gives a shit, expect no rescue
>americans eating all the limited food rations, say it's because of stress
>no designated shitting space, everyone is poo in loo
>ausfags on suicide watch, no internet to shitpost on

How do we bring order to Sup Forums island? How do we make Sup Forums island great?

>How do we bring order to Sup Forums island? How do we make Sup Forums island great?

Kill and eat all the Australians.

>tfw no piss on the island
We'll go apeshit.

basically lord of the flies


Sup Forums Island has always been great

you are the problem with Sup Forums

Dance competition.
Every dispute is settled by a dance competition.
Every punishment is decided by dance, even if theres a shiton of evidence, if the defendant can dance. Than he is off the hook.

Dutch bro's will polder the way back to mainland


>imlpying ausfags won't be the most adapted with their 800+ ping daily life
>forgetting Balkan War 3: Genocide Boogaloo

Kill all leafs, eat them, and use their bones to create tools and make a boat
Escape, leaving shills behind

Survival of the fittest. Build a castle or join one. Only the strongest will survive.

>canadians & swedes on suicide watch, no refugees to give rides to

>all the serbs and croatians start making up random make-believe countries because balkan niggers are autistic to make new countries every year

Fuck it. If you are a white male aussie with some skills, an user is putting work towards a private community on a 2000+ acre property. In exchange for coming and working on this project, you would get secure yourself as a member of this project and and earn yourself a property in this place to raise your family. If there are any aussies, inquire and I will tell you more. Instead of being stranded on an island, you could be accompanied on a homestead :)

Already heard about it. No one actually believes this right?

I'd probably just kill you all with my bear hands since I'm the only one of us that works out more than 4 times a week amongst us.

Get fucked weaklings.

It's being hashed out. I will admit it has indeed been messy at first but that's to be expected considering we are starting at zero. The whole thing is beginning to become clearer and we are closer to starting the project.

>checks flag
Enjoy your little fantasy.

>not genetically stronger than you inbred mongrels

pick one

Sure glad I don't come from a country that doesn't have the right to bear arms.

I almost feel sorry for them toiling away on the plantation to grow our crops, struggling to survive on the scraps we allow them to keep. But then I remember its their fault for allowing their masters to declaw them without a fight.

Pass me some more of those limited food rations the stress is really getting to me.

I own 10 guns.

national socialism,
majority rules.


Hopefully we get some sikhs cause sikhs are bro tier

>with my bear hands

You have to get those paws registered as deadly weapons first

Are you a big guy?

ill have you know i am 50% pure British and 50% Palatinate German so go back to bed Sven

>yesterday a plane carrying members of the infamous hacking website "Four Chan" was forced to make an emergency landing on a remote island in International waters...

>in other news, What's behind the sudden increase in civility online? Our newest anchor Hillary Clinton has more.

nicely done

>Power of the Eternal Anglo
>Power of the Eternal Kraut
Are you the perfect human?

kek wills my destiny as the Second Coming who will deliver the white race home to the Garden of Eden

once i win the white house we can begin, just wait for me to become POTUS by 2037

>americans all draw the guns they keep hidden in their fat rolls for self defense.
>enslave everyone
>when we run out of food, eat the brown people

I will do whatever it takes for you to complete your mission

Then burning the leafs to keep warm

Since it'd be 90% male, it'd be a Madmax kinda thing where the alphas and chads would snag all the women, the tier below them would snag the traps, and the lowest tier- those unable to survive by themselves- would be forced to become traps to survive.

It'd be alright.

watch out for a red-pilled white rapper with military service who uses Juden's own systems of propaganda to destroy Cultural Marxism and create the Fourth Reich in America


Then we become kings :)

>Bear hands
Raar! Growl, even!

I ated the purple berries...

those were nice things & now because of you we cannot have them

>Migrant boat crashes on Sup Forums island
>Swedes suck their dicks and welcome them

I will be the first there to offer my gun