#Galaxy Poll QLD State Primary Votes: ALP 31 (-4) LNP 33 (-4) ON 23 (+7) GRN 8 (0) KAP 3 (+1) #qldpol #auspol
get in here cunts, talk about the heat aswell if you're a weak faggot i guess
#Galaxy Poll QLD State Primary Votes: ALP 31 (-4) LNP 33 (-4) ON 23 (+7) GRN 8 (0) KAP 3 (+1) #qldpol #auspol
get in here cunts, talk about the heat aswell if you're a weak faggot i guess
auspol struggles during the day, see you cunts tonight i guess
just wait people will start coming here soon
do you cunts have aus/pol/ highlights set up?
Can you give me a quick rundown on her?
Like honestly? Do you cunts have a decent conservative national party?
Cuz we sure as fuck dont.
alright so in QLD elections, we're voting auntie pauline, right?
if not, then who the fuck else?
nah our "conservative" national party is currently globalist shills and is gonna get BTFO
quick rundown, pic related
fucking people always talking about the heat, I got nothing to keep me cool, the fucking trick is to stay completely still for hours. damn scrubs, i hope it knocks off a few of these migrant kents.
noone else will have anywhere near the numbers ON is the best bet unless you're in one of the KAP meme seats
I'm here lads not to worry
Done with her. She's been chipped and wants Oz ID cards
She lost my vote
The Green Party is going to fuck shit up
>For those who wish to access taxpayer funded services whether it be doctor, hospital, pharmaceuticals, education, welfare or any other taxpayer funded service it will be a legal requirement to prove that you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident entitled to benefits or otherwise pay the full cost of the service.
>Australians who wish to use tax payer funded services, will be required to hold a 'National Identity Card' with their photo and an electronic chip. Machines will be used to scan the card at the point of service e.g. at a doctor's surgery, Centrelink and other government departments that require identification.
>The Greens are getting completely BTFO by One Nation
What a time to be alive
tvh you can order fake Medicare cards and drivers licences online (not that you even need a fake one since they don't have photos on them)
Quick rundown on Cory Bernardi?
Is he /ourguy/ or a neocon?
Controlled opposition, same as Pauline's become
rare Hanson pepe incoming.
You can put a little shitskin in school without proof of residency?
I don't have a big problem with this card.
I wish she'd talk more about gooks buying houses but I guess the media wouldn't allow her to speak if she mentioned it.
No fucking way.
Could One Nation actually do it?
i like stole it
He's just another neocon I think he's fucked himself but old white greedy boomers might give him a lot of votes. Hard to say.
>tfw you want to start your own party but you're from new zealand and aren't a citizen
feels bad man
Enjoying the heat though. Lots of sloots out wearing not much
you need to go back
thanks for the job & women m8
looking good in QLD election will be this year sometime, hopefully won't do a UKIP and get 20-30% but no seats
You have to go back
This is why I find it difficult to vote for Hanson
She's fucking retarded and only smart enough to realize she can ride off the same resentment that caused Trump to be elected and Brexit to happen. The only difference is she's nowhere near as smart as Trump. Sad thing is ON is also the only option outside of a few of the smaller parties/independents who exist to shitstir and banter.
I'm willing to fight in this battle of the great meme war. You should ask for help in the memes of production threads.
Stay away from our sheep m8 we like to keep the stock purebred
QLD a shitte, general elections is where is at.
>implying we should back Pauline over Cory "Shark the Darkie" Bernardi
fed still years off, success at state will flow on
Lads what are the chances of the boat stopping man making a comeback?
Yeah keep voting for irrelevant parties, surely one day someone besides labour or the Libs will win you fucking imbecile.
Malcolm & Bernardi are working together to try and soak up as much onenation support they can get. His 'defectment' was purely for show.
>Wife's son
Fucking kektastic.
Auntie Pauline is not the sharpest knife in the draw, but she's the only one that still cuts.
I'm not waiting another 20years for a 'better candidate' when we can vote one nation NOW.
Fuckin 10/10 would vote for
>quick rundown on Pauline Hanson
>Rothschilds bow to Hanson
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control Australia with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Hansongrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Hanson babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a ranga who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Hansonbots inside you right now
>Hanson is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Hanson bunker in Wilkes land?
>Learned fluent English in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with her. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Hanson
>She is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know her ultimate plans yet. We hope she is a benevolent being.
They already have chips in you drivers licence, ya mong.
> tfw born in the country that will start the 21st century Deus Vult... feelsgoodman.
Sharpen the broadswords.
This. She's the only hope. It's retarded not to vote for her. The policies we need are simple anyway a 10 year old could do the job.
The main policy is simply fuck off were full. Everything else can be handed off to more intelligent underlings.
Aussies have resisted every attempt by govt. to introduce ID card
Pauline is Trojan horse bearing ID card
If Aussies vote for her (as I used to) they are even more stupid than they look and sound
God dam I love how every murican knows QLD is based & VIC is pozzed.
pretty much. I mean I doubt I would do any better, and I've a terrible memory and am not good at being put on the spot and hate having to justify my viewpoints .. considering they put her in prison on bullshit charges I'm happy she's back and sticking it to them
tfw your fish n chip shop is owned by Asians
>resist every attempt to introduce ID card
>what is a birth certificate
>In her maiden speech to Parliament in 1996, Hanson appealed to economically disadvantaged white Australians by expressing dissatisfaction with government policy on indigenous affairs, saying that, "Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to Aboriginals. Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged people in Australia. [...] I have done research on benefits available only to Aboriginals and challenge anyone to tell me how Aboriginals are disadvantaged when they can obtain three and five per cent housing loans denied to non-Aboriginals. This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system encourages this. I am fed up with being told, ‘This is our land.’ Well, where the hell do I go? I was born here, and so were my parents and children. I will work beside anyone and they will be my equal but I draw the line when told I must pay and continue paying for something that happened over 200 years ago. Like most Australians, I worked for my land; no-one gave it to me."[12]
>this is racist somehow
>voting for free trade zionists
rack off kike
she was right in 1996 and she is right now
honestly guys, one nation is the way to go in the next election
We'll be getting National ID cards in the near future anyways, regardless of what party is in power. Is voting Libs or Labour a better alternative? I'd rather National ID cards than being annexed by China through economic takeover.
It's too fucking hot to be outside ya cunt
One Nation will win the federal election within the next 30 years
Kek wills it
She will reduce immigration, multiculturalism, and triggers the shit out of the leftist media.
This is everything the country needs. I don't care how it gets done or who dose it.
You give your game and owners away
You also give away who you're working for
Bahahahaha, who do i work for wiseass?
This poll shows just what a failure Bob Katter has been.
He should have been getting 20%+ of the vote in the years when One Nation was dormant.
Instead he has got fuck all. His party MPs in the Qld parliament achieve fuck all as well.
How can one state be so based?
It is the humidity. It enhances their brains.
ASIO & the AFP have files on every cunt on Sup Forums. Who gives a toss about an 'ID card'.
>WTF are my drivers license, firearms license, passport, birth certificate, medicare card...
For fucks sake nothing else even matters.
Why not the next election?
Honestly let's have a discussion on how ON can get the job
wog here that integrated, I fucking hate chinks the most.
they have overrun hurstville
Why is it a bad thing having a national ID card? I don't want my taxpayer dosh going on shit for illegals and free shit for tourists. Muh privacy is barely an argument these days since we are less then a few years away form total CCTV surveillance with facial recognition anyway.
Economically disadvantaged white Australians.
Ie that have to do real work for a living. Could they be any more patronising and insulting.
Faggots at the top need sorting out big time.
This Greens cunt Bob Brown is trying to use the courts to shut down the bants:
>Former Australian Greens leader Bob Brown has lodged a complaint with Tasmania's Anti-Discrimination Commission, citing alleged homophobic comments on social media.
>A 1986 photo showing then-environmental demonstrator Dr Brown being forcibly removed from a logging site, was posted on Facebook by a group called Pro Tamar Valley Pulp Mill along with comments referring to his handling by "sweaty, hairy men" being inspired by his sexuality.
>"It has crossed the line, it's at the nasty and homophobic end of the line," Dr Brown told the ABC on Thursday of the post which has since been removed.
Katter is a textbook cuckservative. Every LNP member in QLD (Warren Entch, ect..) spends all their time on pet projects for abos.
Praise kek
This. Add to that the NSA and lots of big corps that have bought data off the likes of Facebook and google.
You can forget about privacy.
whats the difference between using a drivers license, medicare, passport, birth certificate for ID and a national ID card?
She is our meme queen, a true Australian with good values and also is a criminal which inherently makes her more Australian (spent 11 weeks in jail for fraud)
She used to run back in the 90s and made this famous quote (pic related) but now she claims Australia is been Swamped by Muslims, I think every Australian knows that the Chinese have too much power here to be get rid of but Muslims and Niggers are just a burden on our economy and they commit more crimes than real Australians and white European/American immigrants
Kogarah here, hate having to go through Hurstville, place is chinkville.
>Warren Entch
I don't even understand how this cunt is in the LNP. He's massively pro-fag too.
I'll be pretty pissed by then.
Drunkposting is bestposting
It took 2 generations, 40 years to intergrate wogs. (Italians & Greeks).
They were bullied relentlessnessly until they fit in.
>Today the dog-eating mainland chink is 'Australian' once he sets foot on the tarmac at tullamarine airport.
good times
Is this global warming meme real lads?
I am struggling with this heat. It didn't used to get this hot.
Can someone explain the whole halal thing to me?
Pro-fag, pro-abo, pro-diversity, anti-gun.
>In the 'conservative' party.
First gen are fobs, second gen Asians are Aussie m8
Better than lebs/habibi's that's for fucking sure
>Tfw 44 degrees here
>go to the pool with my family
>shaded pool feels good mang
>spiders start raining, wtf?
>roof of the pool was full of spiders and since it's too hot they became very active and tried to get down from the roof
>hundreds of fucking spiders running around, they closed down the pools and didn't know what to do
Fucking hell.
No doubt about. Best feeling ever.
>second gen Asians are Aussie
No they aren't. They are just your standard cosmopolitan chink insects. They are the same in USA, Canada etc. They are able to ape some of the local customs, but their heart is empty. There is not an ounce of patriotism in them.
>45 degrees
>tfw you shove an icey pole up your bumhole
I'm sick of all the pozzbourne faggots sooking about their heatwave.
>live in FNQ where it's 30+ every day.
When I was a kid a rock spider got me at the pool.
i dunno man it's anecdotal but here goes
> A uni with fuckloads of Asians (Melbourne uni)
> This is a few months back when the Olympics are on
> Australian bloke is neck and neck with some Chinese bloke
> A few of my asian mates (with chinese background) are cheering on the Aussie instead of the Chinese bloke
Trust me m8 most of them identify as Aussie first
Yeah foreign investment in the housing market is an issue, but the Asians actually born here are a textbook example of assimilation
if you use the term 'aussie' and you aren't describing an anglo-celt then you're fucking wrong
I was waiting for some cunt on vacation to the third world city of new york from australia to walk up to HWNDU and say "Shoutout to Aus/pol/ , bring back based tones, build the timor sea wall and make the Indonesians pay for it"
I work with a couple of asian australians who were born here
They are full of bants and the most racist people at work
some people don't integrate though for sure
Good on you m8. Thanks for sharing that.
We all have hopes and dreams in life.
Asians number in their BILLIONS.
China alone has 1.2 BILLION.
Lets let them into Australia with 20 million whites.
The chinks need their 'living space'.
Secretly I wanted to be the one to do it though..
You cunts are beta losers who had to make friends with the Asian weird kids in school and now you have so little sense of what a real Australian is that you think your Chink gaming friends are the real deal.