We're helping God Emperor's extra 10,000 strong I.C.E agents to do their jobs
1. Hunt economic Terrorits on Twitter admitting being illegals by searching for: "#heretostay -join -joined". the minuses are to filter out the many spam posts under this tag Also Search for: "as an undocumented", "im undocumented" etc
Someone warned them, they are deleting their posts admitting to the criminal act of crossing the border illegally and living/working in the US without a VISA.
BEST WEDDING GIFT EVA COMMING : - ) : - ) : - ) : - ) : - ) !!!!!!!111
Anthony Edwards
This is a small collective of autists who spam their unfunny memes endlessly in this board, hours and hours pass and hundreds of threads are made by the same person, just forcing cancerous memes down Sup Forums's throat. They can pass through sleep deprivation, malnutrition, diseases, and they will continue clicking on [creating new thread], wait until their threads get popular, and see if some /r/le_donald newfags popularize their memes. These sad fucks are not even being paid to spam memes 24/7, they merely do it because it is the only minimum amount of attention they will receive in their worthless lives. Maybe one day these "spamtists" will get their memes posted on Twitter or Facebook one day, so that they can validate their pathetic existence. Think about this: You are spending your time making and spamming cancerous memes on a Chinese cartoon image-sharing chatroom that was created by a teenager suffering from severe autism, is this really what years and years of nurture and care by your parents have led to? Or maybe you weren't cared by your daddy or your mommy at all, and this is why you spam memes on this site every single fucking day with no stop, just fucking endless images and texts containing the same fucking memes, pushing them until some band of 12 year olds on /ptg/ finally begin to use it. I seriously hope you are somewhat rich and pay people to spam these memes. No human should have to live through this sad pathetic existence. Anyone, please, put OP out of his misery but seriously we can't let him get a hold of the nuclear codes
Why the fuck are people advertising the fact that they're here illegally? How fucking clueless do you have to be?
Xavier Cox
Join safety squad 55 and help protect your community against criminals
Jackson Thomas
this gon b gud
Andrew Sullivan
Jonathan White
The Rats are getting cocky.
Kevin Butler
Sup Forumsice reporting in
Parker Brown
Rural and suburban retards: Why has CtR waited so long after Drumpf's inauguration to use their so called "shilling" on your forum? Doesn't that strike you as queer? It looks very much as though after the election, they had set a TRAP for you. Sweetheart you're fighting at present on a very narrow strip of the Internet, the extent of which has been so far regulated by the Resistance. You are using up an enormous number of memes and huge quantities of electricity. Meanwhile, the People of Color, going high while you go low, over Sup Forums and Reddit scatter sense and empathy, the power and incendiary efficiency of which are without precedent. They spread LOVE and TOLERANCE chatrooms and threads, which should be sending you much needed support. THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE DOWN DRUMPF In addition to the destruction and panic of in the Republican Party, Drumpf's cabinet is disorganized, orders, even Executive Order are being held up. How long can he continue his illegitimate "presidency" this way?
why do we let undocumented aliens attend college again?
John Carter
It's crazy that all of these people seem to wear the "undocumented" label as a badge of courage or something. Truly twisted individuals and I can't wait until their little charade comes crashing down.
Ayden Jackson
Oh, okay. Now is becoming far more clear to me.
They are arrogant. They're living in a childish fantasy land where consequences don't exist. They advertise lawless activity and use the "I'm a dreamer social activist independent" shtick in the hopes that it will somehow make themselves in the right.
Then reality comes.
Charles Sullivan
This is my favourite general to ever grace this websight, no doubt.
archive.is links might be better than screenshots
Sebastian Collins
How can i report them to ICE?
Carson Mitchell
>the normies' own normieness working against them
Aiden Brooks
gotta go
search undocumented, #dreamer, etc on twitter somebody report these fucks to ICE
Carter Long
Look guys, this leaf has been hitting the maple syrup pretty hard tonight.
Aaron Gray
>but im a citizen
no thanks, fuck off, we will revoke birthright citizenship unless your parents are naturalized citizens
David Perry
"Social activist" has become a euphemism for "shameless criminal".
Jacob Gray
What if this was Winter-chan's true meaning all along?
Matthew Myers
I would like to thank you people for trying to deport these illegals.
Even if nothing happens, the work was honorable.
Jack Brooks
thank you based swiss guard
Charles Martinez
Mods are going to be fucking these threads up left and right so don't forget to organize other places.
I really don't care enough to participate but have fun, faggots.
Lincoln Gray
You people are so disorganized. Create a google doc or something. Jesus.
If you REALLY want to help out ICE, you'd create a comprehensive public google doc with ALL publicly available info you can figure out about these people (+sources ofcourse) That's 50% of the job.
Then you work together in these threads to add info+sources to the list.
A twitter name is just a twitter name. It's good enough as initial proof that they're illegal, but unless you figure out usable info you're just padding yourself on the back.
You're alive at JUST the right time to actually MAGA, so I say, don't half ass it.
Aaron Reed
Is everyone reporting? Wat do?
Jackson Jenkins
illegal mexican feminist bernie supporter
Samuel Howard
not sure if newfag or jew
Cameron Williams
Nice one, friend
Kayden Parker
your digits have been checkeded, mistar white man
Benjamin Diaz
You don't seem to understand how this works, do you.
A lot of guys who got their threads deleted are here
Joshua Wright
They have been coddled up until now. They got used to never worrying about the fact they were here without the permission of the sovereign government of this land. They even began to delight in flaunting their illegal status and taunting people who want to control immigration.
They still don't seem to get that the rules of the game have changed. They will nit continue on with this haughty attitude for much longer. They will begin to remember that they are law breakers and foreign invaders when they get treated as such, and they will stop with all of this bravado.