Is this the average alt-righter?

Is this the average alt-righter?

Other urls found in this thread:

no this is


probably but you're looking for reddit, we here are far right

The alt-right is a term made up by the media. Anyone who adopted it is fucking retarded. Sup Forums isn't even alt-right
The "alt-right" is made up. It's like "racist" just call anyone you don't like "alt-right" and you discredit them.


That's more like the average /fit/ poster. Steroid abuse and trash tattoos yelling shirtless in public.

I'd bully the fuck out of those twinks, regardless of their political affiliations.

your probably a manlet anyways from the lack of sunshine in your frozen hell.

>frozen hell.

>implying you're like anyone in that pic
You might have the shitty haircut down, but I know you're all like the ones in OP's pic. I've been in your Sup Forums discords and shit, you're all a bunch of raging losers.

These are nerds not twinks you serial child-rapist.

The donald is comprised of the nerdiest white nerds imaginable who are buttblasted that being a nerd isnt a virtue anymore. That pajeet who actually has culture and traditions is sought after more by their nerd bretheren then they are for being nerds... and white

Sounds like your everyday floridian

what province of canada are you in bitch? If it's quebec or ontario I'm a little over an hour away. I'll bring a rake.

nice try, weed capital Vancouver, BC

Nah, they seem too Alpha

Damn I miss the primaries. Great times.

as opposed to the typical liberal


What's wrong with them? They are lanky? And have glasses? wow btfo

Your most likely a chink, in that case when the great war with china comes I'll be laughing when we invade your country and put the chinks in a prisoner camp to be interrogated. If not then your not worth the time, enjoy your liberal hell.

Nah, we need more alt righters like these guys


And this


>9.6 hours is a lot of time to spend on vidya
wew lad.

The BOGPILL is now mainstream.