>"Ugh... Why can't we all just earn the same amount and have equal rights?"
"Ugh... Why can't we all just earn the same amount and have equal rights?"
Is that a diy nosering made from tinfoil
because all white people are racist
Cause ugly people wouldn't be able to compete on a level playing field. That's where obscene amounts of money comes in handy.
I'll let the God Emperor take this one
>"Humans are evil cunts who slaughter animals, trees and plants, we should all just die"
>"I'm going to a vegan cinema night, but first I've got to finish my essay on why Nationalism is bad"
I think its made from solder
is this real?
Here's hoping its not of the led-free variety
>it is now painfully clear that equal pay for the same job isn't what feminists actually want
>Here's hoping its not of the led-free variety
So you want to see her nose light up?
Because not everyone is of equal value. We are all born equal after that your personal choices determine your value to society. The guy taking out my trash is not as valuble as a heart surgeon. I could always take my own trash out I cannot preform my own surgery. You are only as valuble as your personal skills.
>We are all born equal
Women STILL only make 79% of what a man makes. 79 cents compared to a dollar is not right you guys should really fucking fix that, god
And where I work they obly do 60% of what the men do. Seems lije they are overpaid to me
But I thought women are inferior, right? So if they do less work that's only because they're inferior and you should understand that :^)
women should choose higher paying jobs and work the same hours then. if you are on this board and arent aware of the gender pay gap myth, then you should (a: kill yourself or (b: go back to plebbit
>being born female is a birth defect
If they expect to be treated like men they best wirk like men and not cry when they get hit like men.
Maybe if the stem field didn't discriminate
>but, but, we should be able to hit them
Typical fucking angry virgin answer. Not surprised
Because it's irrational
You should get pay equal to your skills and effort, otherwise people get lazy and/or pissed.
It's very normal to hire women and men in jobs for the differences of men and women, yet i never heard of a man complain that social jobs prefer to hire women for obvious reasons
Also women keep complaining that men will never feel like 'being a emotional wreck' while complaining that they can rationally judge as well as men do
This gender equality is just a huge hoax. There are differences depending on the hormones and other things and that's the reason for our success
So what's stopping women from becoming physicists or engineers?
A male dominated field that doesn't take them seriously and doesn't hire them. Even if the men are technically less qualified
>Ugh... Why can't I, as a lazy fatass waitress be paid the same amount as a neurosurgeon in the top of his field?
Except that most companies would leap at the chance to hire them in order to satisfy their legally required diversity quotas
>People giving (You)s to the novice baiter.
Not talking about OP either.
Companies fight over hiring women in stem fields...
Every single girl at the school I went to had a job secured before they even graduated. It isn't even funny how easy it is for females in stem to get a job.
Not according to facts Shrumpfkins! But I'm sure you don't care about those...
Yes, and it's hilarious.
>claiming to be right according to the facts
>doesn't provide said facts
Libshit detected
Fair pay for fair work. Less work deserves less pay. STEM discriminates against women because they are worse at science and mathematics.
Yes, a serious company is definately going to hire the less qualified person for absolutely no valid reason
do you really believe that companies are trying to ruin themselves?
The women either are not better in fact or fail at the job interview
It's like saying a corrupt woman failed to compete with an ignorant idiot because she's a woman ..and totally not because she's corrupt
The studies find that less women are likely to go into stem, but they have a greater chance of being hired when they do.
If I have a daughter and she can hack it, she is going into stem because they are practically guaranteed work.
easy to win an election when you have your opponent campaigning for you
Is...is there something wrong with that?
Ironically, Clinton thought it was the other way around.
More misogyny. Great. You people are so far gone there's not even a reason to argue with you. Get a grip.
>Baiting this hard
If you cant run with the big dogs stay on the porch. If women want equality then they should get no special considerations. Either tow the libe like a man or get out if the way and stop complaining.
not a fucking thing
I'm not baiting. Your ignorance just pisses me off
Stay mad, friendo.
>wage gap myth
In the sense of created with equal inalienable rights.
This shouldn't have to be explained user
Teacher here.
NO ONE is guaranteed a job after school.
Do you still not understand, thats what we WANT
>Not according to lefternative facts
Yes, it doesn't happen in practice, whitey gets paid more than beaners for doing the same work
Note is says the pursuit of happyness. Happyness is not a right its earned by hard work and good life choices.
>has literally no response other than "youre a misogyny is pissing me off
>expects to be taken seriously
Except what you're saying is quite easily verifiably false.
It is lower than an empty talking point it is dead ass wrong and any level of research into the actual topic beyond propaganda will try quickly refute your ignorance.
Watch link related Everytime you want to spew this decades old lie
You'll all die alone. Enjoy your little spiteful cup of Trumps presidency. It's all you have. You spend all your time on here hating other people, but wonder why things like feminism exist.
>Happyness is not a right its earned by hard work and good life choices.
That's why it says the "pursuit of happiness" and not "happiness" user.
Though myself would say "Life liberty and property" would be a better trio.
>that pic
How the fuck would that even work? After a few months into "pregnancy" the guy would catch on and dump their ass.
I will likley take a lot more people with me when I go. So I wont be alone.
Well I don't take you guys serious when all you ever do is spew hatred for women and other people. You can't argue rationally with irrational people
Why would you think you are equal? They are above your paycheck.
WOW. So edgy!
>Stop using birth control
>Have unprotected sex because "lol I'm pregnant anyway
>End up pregnant for reals
Any woman who is psychotic enough to buy such a thing to "keep a man" will 100% follow up with what I just said.
Rember all women are crazy but some are psychotic. Don't stick your dick in psychotic
because intellect, ambition and fluid thinking aren't equal among humans.
I dont know what you are talking about I love women. I just have bo tolerance for bitches. Act like a lady I treat you like one act like a man I treat you like a man. Its a very simple concept.
Perfect, I just finished this OC
I am really hopeing for the civil war 2.0 the best time of my life was spent in two diffrent war zones. The whole idea gives me the biggest hardon.
Oh yeah I'm sure. All misogynists say the same things. You love women but you don't like bitches. It's the same thing to you. Just like when people say they like black people but don't like niggers. Just you trying to rationalize your own hatred
With artificial intelligence and a handy database we can utilize AI to match any user even as ugly as they are with an equally ugly user but with the best odds of producing attractive offspring
Yeah some virgin on Sup Forums has been in two war zones. I believe you there
>it took an entire room of people several days to come up with this
You'd be surprised how many ex military post here. There was an interesting Navy thread a few weeks ago.
Based on what roastie?
Actually if you had half a brain you would understand it. Its about behavior. If i have a well behaved child and a spoiled child I would have a great deal more respect for the well behaved child. The poorly behaved one will get more punisment till it learns to act right.
Too similar to the French one.
Because i really am better then you.
Searved eight years in the military before Obama bin lyin ruined it with fags and trannies. So back when being a soldier meant something.
because if i ever live in a society where a neurosurgeon gets paid the same amount as a massager i will kill myself
What do you mean based on what? You're on this board you can tell. Everyone here just hates everyone who isn't like them. Well adjusted people don't do that. You're all lonely, most likely virgins, and you hate everyone because you have some personal vendetta on everyone who isn't a white male, when in reality your problems stem from your own insecurities
I am neither lonley or a virgin but you like all liberals need to belive I am just some loser. If you didnt you would be forced to accept that what you belive is not universal and there are many people who do not share your ideology. Its not about hate its about you never for a secobd thinkibg you could be wrong.
I know what I believe is not universal. I tend to be quite open minded on many issues. But you can tell yourself it isn't about hate when this board is all about hate and both you and I know that
You see what you want to see because you are only open to your own ideology. You are as closed minded and hateful as you claim we are.
no, I am actually a misogynist and I literally believe women are inferior. I don't need to "rationalize," it's objectively true.
Then why are you here, you hate-filled, conservaphobic bigot? Go back to crying in your safe spaces and let the adults handle things.
86th post best post.
i don't wonder why feminism exists. if there was a movement for men that could demand free gibs just for being men i'd jump on that shit but we're held to a hire standard since women are literally mentally children
>Then why are you here
To laugh at you guys. You guys aren't conservatives. You're just male versions of female SJW's. So radical and so stupid that you actually hate everyone who isn't like you and don't share your beliefs
>no, I am actually a misogynist and I literally believe women are inferior
How mean was mommy to you? I'm sorry her little boy was a disappointment and she treated you badly because of it
Thats what happens to the children of strong single moms. Mine has three sons none of us speak to her. She was anything but strong she was a shrew. Now shes a sick lonley 56 year old cat lady. Feels good knowing thats what happens to rebid feminists when they get old.
>a few people represent the whole board
Arent cucksters like you against doing stuff like that?
>Implying a mentally challenged femtard can possibly know the wide swath of people on an anonymous message board attracts, but muh-muh-muh muh CNN told me duh 4chins is evilzz.
But since you brought up the completely disproven and debunked notion of any kind of sexism in STEM, which STEM degree did you earn that you didn't get a degree with? And from where? And with what GPA?
You wouldn't be just complaining about a (nonexistent) problem, but not doing anything productive to actually solve that problem would you? That would be lazy and pathetic, but then again, that's nothing new for the leftists. Guessing you supported Bernie...
See this is classic. One woman in your life was bad to you growing up so for the rest of your life you're going to go through life thinking all women are the same. And if you allow yourself to truly believe that then you're just weak because you couldn't get over your childhood issues
Thanks. I appreciate the time it took to count out the posts. Stay gold, ponyboy.
all women are the same. biology has dictated that. since men were the risk takers in the early days, a greater division of personalities was created. there tend to be more brilliant and retarded men, women all generally stay around the same level mentally
Thrust me its a trend in women the only respectable woman I have met is my grandmother. 90% of the people I have to fire are women because they cant work togeather without drama
>inb4 women not being able to get along with one another is somehow men's fault.
my mom was actually a schizophrenic sociopath who is serving life in prison for murder. I'm not a disappointment, not that'd I'd care whether she approves or not. I'm currently at a top 10 law school and will make well over 150 grand a year after graduation. It's really sad that your "arguments" are literally just you being condescending to people and acting as though anyone who doesn't agree with you must be stupid. Then again, that's exactly the type of retardation that I expect from a woman, lol.