What the fuck is wrong with americans?

So, my wife is very petite (like piper perri but not as hot) and often gets mistaken for being a child (she's 24).

In america, this means i get dirty stares and have even had several cunts call me a pedophile for taking her to the fucking movies. It's unreal.

We're down here on holiday at australia's gold coast and NOT A SINGLE PERSON HAS MADE IT FUCKING WEIRD.

What the fuck is going on, are aussies actually smart enough to look at her face and see she's not a kid, or are americans just always obsessed with pedo shit?

Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

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What the fuck is wrong with her face besides the mudeyes

dunno mate i posted her because her body proportions are similar to my wife's.

i legit want to get to the bottom of this though, i thought aussies were going to banter me to death but they're nothing like that (they still banter but just not about this)

Idk man but who cares just tell them to like fuck off also how cute is your wife

I do tell them to fuck off, but i had a fat landwhale call the police on me and my wife had to show her ID.

All because we were fucking holding hands in the movies. Not kissing, holding fucking HANDS.

One time we did kiss in public and 3 people came up to us and started telling me i was a dirty pervert.

Many Americans have been hypersensitized, I suppose. It's easy to feel like it's a lot of people when it's a noticeable minority actually acting out.

sorry aus bro.

I guess we muricans are used to women on the scale of minor landwhale to complete landwhale, so seeing an actual
petite woman is bizarre to the average burger.

Perhaps, i'm just so fucking shocked this is not an issue at all in australia.
Any aussies want to weigh in on why no-one's said anything to me in 2 weeks of staying here?

They are jealous, get over it. Nobody decent I know cares about, what females say. Their moods change like the weather in Britain and females absolutely hate other females having success, it's actually way worse than between men.

americans are fucking weird bro
and australians dont give a fuck about anything
neither are normal
you are comparing two extremes here

i have had two fourteen year olds all over me in public (i am24) nothing happened, not even a dirtylook

Americans are petrified of pedophiles. It's the same country where you're allowed to put "TASTY" in rhinestones on a 7 year old's ass and no one bats an eye until they catch someone trying to read it.

It doesn't help that our fourteen year olds look like they're fucking twenty over here. Don't take it too personally.

I hate that she is such a coal burner. Fuck.

wow that really happened well i guess in america people are surprised when an adult female is not a whale also how tall are you cuz there being a big height difference can make it seem worse

It's because only children are not morbidly obese in the US

>like piper perri but not as hot

Sounds like your wife is fucking disgusting.

There's plenty of those here too

Yea it seems so fucking weird. Those child sex pageants are surely not ok, but my adult wife gets vilified just for being petite?

Holy fuck seriously? You would be arrested instantly here in burgerland, got a story behind that?

Shit i'm pretty tall, 6"4

America is crazy on this pedoshit. We had a dane travel to America to work an internship at a kindergarten. He was there for a month when a feminazi accused him of fondeling the children and he ended up in Rikers where niggers threatend to kill him.

All this happend in New York btw.

Sup OP. I know how you feel. My girlfriend is one year older than me but she looks way younger than me. I did have someone call me a perv or something, to which my girlfriend responded by kissing me and acting very clingy. Just tell them to fuck off; after all, you're the one banging the girl not them.

>(she's 24)

that just shows that america cares about degeneracy but in australia it is a common thing to be a pedophile that nobody questions anyone.

You should be ready to prove your wife's of age. Some one may even call the cops on you. I know I would if I suspected she might be underage.

What the fuck? Got more story?
I thought my country was pretty good but if i can't even have the freedom to walk around in public with my wife, it's seriously making me consider moving.

I don't want to be labelled a fucking pedophile for having a petite woman!

you have to go back

Because if you went around calling people a pervert they'd punch you in the face

We don't take kindly to pedos. We literally torture and kill them. It's a good thing.

If you look at her face you can clearly tell she's not a kid, she's just small. Besides, it's not like we're kissing in public often.

As i said earlier, cops got called because we were holding hands.

Assume she was a child and i was holding her hand, how many fathers get this shit then? It's not right.

Americans are brainwashed into the hivemind that you gotta act cool and nonchalant and make sure when you spot something wierd you yell as loud as fuck to make sure everyone knows you saw it first because you need everyones validation at all times especially when youre cool

Get a more bodily woman who might actually survive childbirth and bear strong sons

Only the mothers should hold their hands. You ARE a pedo, aren't you?

No-one's disputing that but for fuck's sake, you think a pedo is going to be doing that shit at the mall?

They'll be doing it in some place no-one can fucking see them, use common sense dude.

What if it's a father holding his daughter's hands? Does he deserve this shit?

>how many fathers get this shit then? It's not right
Happens a lot. Being a single father is fucking crazy.


> but she is 24 years old

Well, you fucked one that looks like a kid

funny cause i'm only getting skinner and skinnier right now

damn im 6"3' i hope this doesn't happen to me

You see, this happens here all the time. People are way to worried about "pedos" to act in a logical way. All while forgetting that "pedos" would not be doing this stiff in the open or where people could see, and while letting young girls wear clothes only whores would wear and getting upset that a man so much as dare look in the direction of them.

That's my fucking point. Only the stupidest most retarded pedo would do that in the open. It's just not logical at all.

99.999% of the time it's cases like mine or more likely, a father with his daughter.

that only means two other guys get fatter and fatter

A lot of girls I know are short and a few petite to say the least. Australians ARE quite chill and honestly, since it's summer weather, people are less inclined to give many fucks about a lot of things. All they have on their mind is when the next beer is coming and how sweaty their fucking nuts are.

>What if it's a father holding his daughter's hands?
The age difference there should be noticeable, I assume you happen to look a good amount older than your partner but not old enough to be a parent or uncle or whatever. I might question it too honestly, but then feel bad for doing it after I knew everything was cool.

abort your sons, he/they will probably commit suicide anyway if hes as short as your wife. Your daughters will still be sexy though

>claims to be american
> says he's "on holiday"

>Guy called Malthe Thomsen studies to become pedagogue.
>Brilliates in his classes and decides to travel to New York to learn something new.
>Children and most staff loves him (very nice guy and cheap labour)
>Jelous feminazi goes to the board with accusations of him fondeling the children.
>Board dismisses her because she is well-known for accusing all male employees for all sorts of shit.
>Feminazi goes to NYPD
>Board fires her.
>NYPD arrests Malthe.
>Feminazi escapes to Greece.
>Case starts to take forever
>Malthe is inscribed to Rikers.
>Gang of niggers confront him in cantina telling him they're going to stab him dead.
>Malthes family has to pay to get him out of Rikers and in food-chain.
>Trial still taking forever and rent in New York is so high that his family goes bankrupt
>Danes starts a fond collecting money to help pay for his trial.
>Eventually he is free due to no evidence and no children claiming to ever have been fondled.

His family had to sell their house. Feminazi got off free of charge.




New York in itself is a crazy shithole.

That being said, there's a lot of anti-pedo sentiment across the United States. It's one of the reasons a lot of politicians can get away with crap if they say 'it's for the children'.

Is it because you can no longer afford food in the US?

This. Women don't actually care about pedophilia or else they'd want to ban muslims. A woman is only against pedophiles when it's a man dating an attractive 17 year old that is hot and is competition of older women.

This lol

>when it's a *white man


Truthfully, your lucky you haven't go the shit beat out of you yet. Like I said earlier, you need to be prepared to prove it. All it takes is one public accusation. Then a mod will form and they will beat the shit out of you. If you get put in jail, the inmates try to kill anyone put in prison that is a pedo. You may get lucky and they may only shove a metal pole up your ass or something.

oh my god so they imprisoned him without even a single child claiming anything happened?

no evidence at all?



Also OP, they can tell you are a foreigner. Even being white and from the USA, when I am in my home city I can tell who is a local, who is an American toruist, and who is a white but foreign tourist.

People from Scandinavia are the easiest to spot but I can easily identify brits, aussies, etc.

Indeed, but it's a scare that has people being stupid. Instead of worrying about "pedos" (whom are a small number overall) they should be worried about people stanching kids up off streets and out of state homes to be sold in sex trafficking rings, but the "news" only covers the former so that is all the public worries about.

Or that our 20+year olds act like kids. Maybe one day we will learn not to treat them like children for so long that it turns them into grown adult children.

When he got out 12 of 13 supposed "rape victims" were clearly stating that nothing happened.

The last showed "indications of abuse", but nothing more specific than that.

Honestly it's fucking bizarre. I'm I'm a freshman in college atm, but when I was a senior in high school the freshman girls looked like college girls. I blame GMO's

What the fuck is wrong with people? My wife's fucking overage, any moron can see it by looking at her face.
This is seriously making me consider moving countries. I just want to live in peace with my wife.

I suppose but it still does not explain why aussies are so laid back, i have not had a single comment at all. In america i get them almost daily.

Oh yea. The double standards women hold towards white vs nonwhites is bullshit. Your typical woman today will hook up with a nigger she doesn't know but only is interested in a white man if he fell for the "serious long term relation ship" meme and is willing to put her pussy on the pedestal

Anti-pedophilia is good but you need thorough evidence to accuse someone. Likewise with rape, there is the issue of feminazis accusing innocent men of fondeling kids. Danish movie called Jagten "The Hunt" makes awareness of this issue, so it's a problem in Denmark as well. Danish men dare not work in kindergartens because of it.

He should not have to, his wife is of age. people need to start thinking instead of using "pedos" as a quick excuse to use violence and beat the shit out of someone.It's as barbaric as Islam is.

fuck me what an uggo

This is absolutely true. Women kill unborn babies but want you executed for looking at a 16 year old's ass

If it were a deep rooted value I wouldn't mind, but meanwhile the same women want to import Muhammad and his three wives between the ages of 8-11

God damn I hate liberals

Because you're a foreigner and they don't give a fuck, you'll be gone in a week, it's as simple as that.

I agree entirely. I'm all for punishing child rapers but for fuck's sake, we have to be able to prove it.
It's not fair to accuse an innocent father or boyfriend who's done nothing wrong.

Well said mate, it's absolutely insane. I'm just glad now the worst i have gotten is the cops being called (who understood the moment we showed my wife's drivers license)

I honestly think it's cause they can tell my wife is overage, i've seen a lot of similar women here.

Didn't know this, I only read that they all claimed that nothing happend, but your story does sound more accountable though.

Anyway, the guy used to be a friend of my wife and she backs up that he was a humble and pretty stand-up guy.

>but I can easily identify brits

The soccer jerseys, man capris, and adidas sambas make it too fucking easy. The fanny pack is just the icing on the cake

This. Traitors need the rope before enemies.

>Never visiting ShitposterLand and having people ask you if you're "on holiday" everywhere you go.

>i've seen a lot of similar women here
such things is normal when there is enough heat for the women to sweat off their obesity

In america there's an ample supply of orbiters that encourage the behavior of fat women. Fuck, even landwhales have the attitude any man less than a 9/10 is not good enough.

Really? I have no idea what the dating game is like since me and my wife have been together forever.

Are these hambeasts that deluded? Anyone got stories?

So what are you trying to say?

Australians are better than Americans at identifying women who look young but are still adults?

That may be true, I've never been to Australia. I saw a crazy airfare deal recently, NYC to Sydney for $400 round trip, I should have booked it but I didn't have the stones to ask for so much time off work on such short notice.

I want to go to Australia and get bombed with natives.

ALWAYS kill a traitor before an enemy.

I think so, perhaps because my wife is more like a normal woman here. There's lots of petite adult women so i guess it's not so uncommon there.

They sold their house? The article I read said they mortgaged it.

Met up with a landwhale on craigslist once. Was super horny and she was 19 so the fat doesnt start to impress wrinkles onto every inch of her body yet, the young face allowed it to be fuckable. Complained that its been soooo long since she last had sex and it had been only ten days.

That is because Americans LOVE jumping to conclusions before they have their facts straight. Australians just don't give a fuck about any one person at any one point in time to make any difference. Calling people pedos over here can get you seriously fucked up. Just go upto any aussie guy and say they are pedo... You WILL get your knees broken right in front of your children.

I have had the exact same reaction from people.

Funny thing is that my gf is actually OLDER than me.


>monroe hasn't fucked a nigger yet

all is still right in the world

That sounds like something a pedo would say.

Sorry eurobros, we Americans are used to whalish women

>aussies banned porn with a cup breasts because it is too similar to pedophilia


I bet your wife takes BB American C like piper does

Holy fuck that is based. I should get my company to transfer me to our australian branch, you guys seem fucking awesome.

Can you tell me more about australia (inb4 fuck off we're full), you know you want a well off white guy and his white wife instead of gook immigrants.

(And she's also a lot hotter than girl in OP desu)

Also jesus fucking christ what the fuck..

Funny stuff OP, me and my wife are just like you, and I'm an American who moved to Australia after marrying her.

My wife even at age 31 now looks like she's just 20. When she was 24 she looked like a fucking 14 year old. I took her to a christmas party at my workplace when she visited the states and I got literally ambushed on my next shift.

I as called to my bosses office and stepped in, and he had himself and security there and then another guy was behind the door and slammed it to trap me in. They immediately confronted me for pedophilia and I had to prove to them she was 24 years old at the fucking time, then they just quietly let me out. I was getting disgustful stares at work for the next week till everyone gradually realized her true age.

She's the fucking office admin at her job and people continually still believe she must be a junior hire or a young intern. They brush past her and stuff as she moves to welcome her and especially the middle eastern guys refuse to believe she is who she says she is.

It's the braces. They look off.

that sounds like something a tarded murrican would say

Where in the country are you, do you like it?

Is it worth the 16 hr flight?

>this from the country that banned A-cups in porn

>>>Feminazi escapes to Greece.
Any idea where specifically?


Christ that's fucking insane.

I'm on the gold coast right now and loving it. Only reason i'm on my laptop is because i got sunburn so i have to relax a bit now.

That porn is literally illegal in your country. So is loli. All your wife had to do was show her ID here, there you'd get arrested for possessing a nude photo of her