Sup Forums will defend this

>wants to be American
>gets job
>pays taxes

-le deported

Makes sense huh.

Other urls found in this thread:


>want to be American
>want American money and opportunity
>don't want American laws

how can she pay taxes if she is illegal?

>Makes sense huh.

It does actually.

>wants to be American
>doesn't apply for citizenship

Yeah, being held accountable for breaking multiple laws is so last century.

the state creates mechanisms so people can work even if they are illegal. Blame Jerry Brown.

>illegally enters country
>steals identity
>convicted of felony
>promised to self-deport
go make your own country not a shithole instead of making ours a shithole

Stolen identity.

>Claims to work really hard
>Too lazy to go through legal citizenship process

makes you think

yeah I dont get this logic. If shes such a great person then Mexico needs her.

this is now a america appreciation thread

>be american
>have the oppurtunity to BTFO muzzies and chinks
>can own guns
>trump president
>the suburbs are full of based conservative people
>worlds most powerful country
>promotes good values
>may have the oppurtunity to BTFO spics

so what entitles her to our society?

Why did her kids choose to stay in this oppressive racist society?

>wants to be american
>invades their country
>doesn't actually fulfill the entire tax burden of a working person
>bloo-bloo-bloos in front of kike news camera

There are some taxes which are unavoidable, like sales and property, but few illegal aliens actually pay FICA or any state/federal income taxes. They use ITINs to file, which are issued regardless of immigration status, and the tax burden is also assessed independently of immigration status, so illegals can and frequently do receive EITC, Childcare Tax Credit, etc. All told, illegals are net tax consumers.

>illegal border crosser
>stole citizen's identity
>get the fuck out of my country

you can't tell the whole story huh?

One day, we will give the entire world the 2nd Amendment.


Good riddance

>breaks law
Sounds about right to me.

>Makes sense huh
It's almost like you don't know what a law is.
Come here illegally, get deported. It's pretty simple.

>wants to be american
>i dont give a fuck

Came across illegal
Liberal faggot will defend this

>>wants to be American
>>gets job
>>pays taxes
>-le deported
>Makes sense huh.

Yes, yes it does.

Because these beaners breed out of control, faster than cockroaches.

>Census: Hispanics overtake whites to become California’s largest ethnic group


If you don't control the Latrino cockroach population, these sub human animals breed out of control and become the majority race, like they did in Commiefornia.

Get the fuck out of my homeland, beaners.

Your nigger prophet in the white house, who sought to destroy this country with 3rd world illegal "immigration" is no longer in power.

A US citizen could have been working that job, if she had not stolen it under false pretences.

>wants to be American.
>enters country illegally
>commits felony (social security fraud.)

Hope she gets beheaded in Tortilla Town.

She committed identity theft

>sends all of extra income to relatives in Mexico
>does not spend that money here
>Mexican relatives don't work because of free American money
>illegally here
>rips us off
>creates Mexican non working class

I could go on and on

Back to broooown town, beaner.
Gotta eat rice and tortillers.
Can't have gooooovernment cheese n weiners.
Go get meeeeeexio to start a WIC program.
Noone wants you here cause you're brown.

hit single?
we think so.