Best State for White Families

What's the best state for white families in the US?

>Low number of non-whites
>Good gun laws (pol is a pro gun board, normies get out)
>Good number of blue collar jobs to teach kids hard work
>Good and connected communities

feel free to add things you think are important for families

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Michigan, Alaska, Wyoming, and Texas

San Francisco so we can fight the battle on the front line. Why do liberals get the beaches and we get the fucking prairies????

I agree with everything besides Michigan, 'less you're talking about the UP.
Also, keep away from cities.
Kansas, Oklahoma, and Montana are pretty good


Don't listen to anybody who tells you midwest, there are no jobs


It's hard to get away from the spics, but you can avoid the nogs.

Arizona has the best gun laws, and it's nice because you're a 2 hour drive away from like 4 different climate zones. If you're well off financially there's plenty of nice suburbs of phoenix.

North Texas is also pretty nice, but plenty of beaners, but unless you frequent walmart you'll not have to deal with them much. Got that good southern hospitality in most parts of Texas.

All the red pilled californians are moving to Oregon and Texas. Some have gone to Arizona but fuck that weather man, high 90s to low 100s followed by thunderstorms and retarded flash floods.
Find a way to develop an interest in welding if you want your chillens to have successful blue collar futures without needing a fucked up union

I'm talking about the UP. Granted, I live in the LP, but I'm still never far from the Great Lakes and the UP.

Montana is cold as fuck, but it's actually a good place for white people. There are few minorities, lots of places to get a good education, and the population is small so there are lots of jobs needing to be filled, particularly in the energy industry.

Also, hunting and fishing is a HUGE part of the culture, as are winter sports like skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.

>fucked up union

right to work is becoming more popular


I was originally against RTW cause my pa was part of a police union and they helped him have a good wage, but after seeing so many businesses get ruined and the unions become so liberal, I've since moved in favor of RTW..

a lot of older people have positive views of unions because it helped them get good wages back in the day. But unions today are WAY too greedy. It's the auto union that killed Detroit, and that's a damn shame too for such a historic city

I mostly took where I'd want my family to be during the race war into consideration
>Dark Red
You do not want to be in this area when it breaks out. White families will literally be hung on the streets
Better chance, but not much better, recommended to leave the area when it goes down
Safe, but still a risk of family being killed, will likely be stuck inside home for safety
likely fine, will be able to operate normally. Riots may spread here.
Almost perfect. Farmland, blue collar, and huge white population makes this area a safe haven for raising a family

Eh, I'd like to see the liberals try to take the woods of UP Michigan. Also, what's up with the yellow in Alaska? Isn't that all barren snow land anyways?

fug, are there really that many non-white on the NW coast? I mean, the NW in general always seems pretty white to me to be that dangerous

exactly, its just fucking snow
its not that its not white its more about where they stand politically being a threat to a white family.

>Michigan outside of a few cities

any Montanafags here? What are the number of carpentry/machinist jobs? I'd love to move there once I start a family, but I want to work in one of those fields

Good point. I guess I wasn't factoring in environmental dangers when I was looking at the chart.

Michigan would basically have two targets that you'd need to burn to the ground, Detroit and Dearborn. Alternatively, burn the Mackinaw bridge to the ground and wage guerrilla warfare in the UP.


Don't forget Montana and Idaho, always vote red and ~90% white

You mean the ones that aren't full and you can go to?

Those don't exist. They're all full, so fuck off.

How populated are those states? If I ever move I'd prefer going to a more empty state if possible.

Post one Hetza picture, and others will soon follow. You have good tastes.

y-you too ^~^

this map is utter shit. Are you trying to tell me most of vermont and NH are death zones

Montanafag checking in. I work at a newspaper with a print shop. We employ plenty of people like that, and carpentry is big here. A skilled tradesman can make BANK in Montana.

Delete this

Arkansas with the exception of Little Rock, Jonesboro and parts of Fayetteville is based as fuck. Cheap, rural, at the southern edge of the Ozarks, great terrain and woodland, great hunting and fishing if that's your thing.

nice. I'm thinking of joining the Marines and then moving there for my civilian life and raising a family there

No jobs here either, but it is white as fuck. Unless you're old and blue collar like me, or a doctor.

I've been to Arkansas, but as far as I can tell it's boring as heck down there.

Allow me to introduce: New Hampshire
>Pro-gun (constitutional carry soon)
>Red governor
>93% white with our largest minority being asians
>Blacks below 2%
>Close communities
>Mountains, lakes, and oceans
>No income tax
>No sales tax
>liquor store on the highway
>People know how to drive
>Cool falls
>Pleasant springs

-High property tax
-Surrounded by Mass, Vermont, Quebec, and Maine
-Massholes can't drive in the winter
-Long cold winters
-Short hot and humid summers

Each have a million people total, it's almost all forest or farmland

That being said, how is northern Nevada, the rural pars, fuck Reno and Sparks. I've been there a few times and didn't see one nigger, and only a few spics. I want to go to Fallon or Fernley...towns like that.

poconos red and orange. what the fuck were you smoking?

The property tax is kind of negated by no income tax.

>they arent cucks
.they still have small towns
>nice family life
>the community still cares for eachother
actually Alaska fits this description aswell

Too much blue desu.

Depends on what you like, it's definitely slower than being in a city, but outdoors or survivalist types will love it.

Utah hands down.
>96% white population
>Stand your ground laws and can brandish a firearm to prevent further escalation
>3rd best state to live in for jobs
>community is predominantly christian/mormon and keeps very close knit
>promotes wholesome life with christian values
>one of the best public transit systems in America

All the liberals in my town keep their mouth shut and don't protest or anything.

because toothless cucks who make less than 40,000 a year can't afford yet alone deserve to live on a beautiful coast.

>4 blue counties
>6 red

Liberals here are too cucked to try shit, everybody here knows the right wing owns this land and will die to prove it.

My Girlfriend is applying to nursing schools in Utah, Colorado, and Texas. We currently live in in California, but are from Texas. I am a welder and like Utah the most so far, not as hot as Texas, Colorado would be nice if it wasn't for all the democrats there.

Would Utah be a good place to settle down for a nurse and welder couple?

New Hampshire

She's going to be in a very competitive market here. We have medical universities all over the place here the most prominent being UofU. They hire students right from the school because the hospital and all its facilities are adjacent.

If she has a good resume though with lots of experience it would help her a lot with separating herself from every other tom dick and stephanie who takes a $100 CNA course.
There's tons of industries out here looking for experienced welders. GSL (Great Salt Lake Minerals Co.) is always looking for experienced welders to work on the buildings and equipment they have. As well as Hill Airforce Base is always looking for experienced anything.

Do it up man if you want to settle down somewhere this is the place. It's quiet and well priced. Schools here are pretty good too.

Location between cities
They'd run like fucking apes nigga

So something like a redneck utopia?

scuse me

>Memphis has a gigantic death radius but Kansas City doesn't even blip the map

who made this retarded map

That sounds like a great idea. Keep out of Bozeman, Missoula or Helena. They are cucked college towns. Find a smaller city.

Sounds good thank you. She is applying for nursing schools that have Bachelor's in Nursing and Science BSN. When we see which schools accept her we will decide which state suits us best.

I'm pretty unfamiliar with MT, any suggestions for smaller cities/towns?


God, I hate this fucking state

Mainer here.

Stay out of Southern Maine and this is correct. SoMe is turning into an immigrant cesspool on top of the white trash that already existed there. Avoid Portland at all costs. There's literally nothing north of Bangor, but if you're white and want to live nearest to other whites, that's your best bet.


Alaska, not many non-whites, great gun laws, the weather isn't as bad as people make it out to be (summer is great here) As for community wise, the town I live in feels like a neighborhood where everyone knows each other, it's great. Just don't live in Anchorage, it's a sheithole

Should I look for states with less mexicans to avoid being compared to them?


Missouri--anything west and south of St. Louis. God-tier gun laws, amazing cost of living while still having access to decent employment. Prove me wrong.

Palmer m8?

Driving in that state is literal hell and the mosquitoes are the size of dogs

Nah, around Kenai area

this desu. looking to move here in a few years. 90% white, cheap housing, beautiful landscape

Vermont. It might be Bernie country but it's demographics are majority white and they respect the 2nd amendment

>New Hampshire
Too expensive to raise families in New England unless you're a welfare nigger.


State is literally about to get rid of requiring permits for conceal carry

At the moment its dominated by republicans and libertarians


Jesus VT lol

>Upper New England
Do you have like $3 to your name?

Holy shit, I forgot how awesome New Hampshire was. Need to take a visit there this summer. I'm from Nova Scotia, so you're actually quite close.

How're jobs there? I'm looking to move after Uni.

Yes, it's fucking expensive also considering there's barely any industry up there.

Quick, somebody redpill me on South Dakota.

If you can work from home it's fine. If you're looking to do anything else you better move to Southern New Hampshire. Half the state's young adults are on heroin because they have no direction in life.

>It's fucking expensive

No it really isn't.

Most people in San Francisco will never be able to afford property there. Have fun renting!




>Chicago and Milwaukee are just tiny little strips of red
fuck off

Fine, move to New Hampshire. When you're paying 1500 a month for to sleep in a converted barn you can suck my dick for my heroin.

he said low number of non-whites, which would exclude alaska and texas

Western Iowafag here. To anyone interested, it's nice. Very conservative, very white. Some downsides are the fact that most of the nature has been turned into cornfields, so outdoorsmen aren't going to be in any kind of paradise, but it's good for farming. Also the winters are horrible, and that's why I plan on moving away in the next few years. It's horrible that almost all the white majority places in the US now are in the frigid north. Places along the coast with milder climates are liberal hellholes too. Wish there were more options. We let shitskins ruin most of our most livable areas.

I LIVE here paying $800 a month for a two story house.

Fuck outta here

New Hampshire.


Yeah you're full of shit or daddy set you up.

Driving in Missouri is easy. 80mph left lane. Just move right if you are slower and you'll be fine. Tons of hypercommuters here so we are in a hurry for work. Small price to pay to live innawoods.

I grew up in Southern Illinois, which is similar culture-wise, but their gun laws are cucked. So Missouri it is. Bonus Points : We elected a Navy Seal for a Governor. Try and top that shit.

Your map seems way off. Im in central AR and besides the shit parts of LR its not that bad and we love our guns here

Oregon is one of the whitest states, though the cities are mostly liberals. Weathers decent, doesn't get too hot or too cold

t. Manchester cuck who can't figure out how to negotiate

Central/southern Illinois (non-immediate St. Louis area) is yellow/orange? We would be the FIRST to take guns to the streets and blow niggers limbs off if they start to get uppity.

Small towns in Wisconsin.


MOfag here...I liked Iowa. Des Moines was a polite place. Beautiful scenery, but I grew up in corn fields so its just like home.

That is bullshit.

Is it really that bad? What about the private schools?
