What could Sup Forums POSSIBLY say in response to this?
Sup Forums once again BTFO
Can someone fix this image?
How dare they desicrate the snuggie! Niggers are mad because once again their race IQ minds didnt think of a blanket with sleeves.
It can be difficult to see your yooneek splash of beige against a wider back drop of white. You better believe in white culture, you experience it every day.
White culture is so universal people don't even recognize its artifacts and signifiers. Cars, pants, democracy, computers, machine guns, factories, airplanes, railroads, telephones, that sort of thing.
White culture is anything declared to be "too white"
The snuggie made the creator millions of dollars
Leave it to niggers to think a stupid idea isn't profitable. Oh wait, they create rap. Never mind.
Aesthetic AF.
This is almost my exact American dream. Camping with my nuclear family. The only issue is that he has a daughter instead of two more sons.
It's funny to see that whites actually get triggered by those shitty memes and then proceed to make fun of libtards for getting offended about everything
the ones about spicy food or whatever really make a few autists here actually rant about "whites need no spice because our food doesn't rot" or some shit like that
>happy intact family
OP is right
>Sup Forums once again BTFO
Why beign called "sudaca" trigger mexicans?
Is it true white folk have no sense of spice?
Too (((white)))
I can't eat authentic indian food without like a liter of mango lassi. #fuckwhitepeople #geneticfailure #whitemenaredinosaurs
One of the few things invented by a black person aside from peanut butter.
LOL, white people be all like:
>Dad still lives with family
>Nobody in jail
>Son isn't committing crimes
>Daughter isn't whoring herself out
>Mom isn't stoned out of her mind
>Frivolous purchases because cash is not a concern
Sheeeit white people be trippin'
The most powerful civilization;
The SNUGGIE civilization.
i was wondering
do niggers and indians always smell like shit because their bowels are so irritated from eating nothing but nasty ass spices all day? seriously i dont think humans were meant to eat burning hot shit repeatedly so its no wonder they reek of shit besides probable hygiene issues
>le amerinigger 52% and dropping face
italy is the beating heart of european culture you uneducated fucking mongrel
they purely do it like dogs pissing on trees the one with the biggest smelling curry wins that day supply of peptobismal.
>Daughter isn't whoring herself out
*tips fedora*
A stable family having a good time together is a white thing?
>Filename: Alternative flag.png
An alternative to what?
Albania... China... The Soviet Union post Generalplan Ost?
That's some fedora tip.
M'kampf ;)
But it doesnt mean being a skinhead smoking meth or banging your sister is universal either. Every culture has its trash too whites are no different
Danke mein redheaded nigg
you guys better hope and pray for a second renaissance
>that moment when that QT you had your eye on for months lets you paint her nude
I hate this meme. Pic related