The right to bear arms

>the right to bear arms

Sorry sweetie but i have the right to not be surrounded by autists with machine guns when i'm buying a burrito bowl. K, thanks!

I agree.

I'd also rather not be near someone who says "sweetie" and "k, thanks"

I bet you're fat.

>brandishing in chipotle a weapon that weighs more than you do
>being literally too fat to operate

Where do they find these people

I think i speak for real men everywhere when i call you a pathetic pussy.

no you don't have that right

So what happens if one of them spergs out and decides to play some GTA irl?

>Needing an assault weapon to feel secure


I use to work at a chipotle and if I saw these guys I would pray they opened fire. The customer base is some of the most privileged and annoying people I have ever dealt with

>Sorry sweetie but i have the right to not be surrounded by autists with machine guns when i'm buying a burrito bowl

Point to me where it says that in the constitution.

You are already surrounded by guns, in the hands of blacks and criminals.

Be thankful that a trained, honest person has one too.

That's called a negative right. We don't have those

somebody say burrito bowl?

Define "assualt weapon"



No you don't faggot

If I met you in real life I would suckerpunch/pistol whip your pussy ass and then kiss you on the fucking cheek while I nut on ur belly faggot.

You shoot them back

Technically that is false, you do not have that right.

No, you dont

>i have the right to not be surrounded by autists with machine guns when i'm buying a burrito bowl
No you don't

>third amendment is the right to not quarantine soldiers


my dick in that girls mouth

I entirely support the right to do so, but people who OC rifles like that (especially brandishing) tend to be insufferable attention whoring faggots

Good arguments, I'm convinced.

A fattie and a manlet. How else are they supposed to defend themselves against niggers?

>Sorry sweetie
kys faggit


You don't


lol, no you don't
where do you think you are, Canada?

I can't find that right in the Constitution. Can you enact the labor and show me? Thanks.

>Sorry sweetie but i have the right to not be surrounded by autists with machine guns when i'm buying a burrito bowl. K, thanks!

Actually you don't have that right.

>unable to recognize the birth of a meme

Typical k
obese neck beards and manlets


>you have to convince me that I don't have political rights that are not in the Constitution

By that logic, I declare that I have the right to be free from the revulsion that results to me from you having sex with another person. Now convince me I don't have that right, the burden is on you.

It's really cringey when someone tries to sound witty and smart, but end up looking like a simpleton.

wow, you sure showed him

>walk in chipotle.
>see faggot.
>walk up.
>pull crowbar.
>you scream for help.
>oh wait no guns.
>cops take 15 min.
>5 min later.
>your face looks like a prolapsed anus.
>get burrito.

I like to go into taco bell and pull out my 10mm "get on the ground motherfuckers!!!!" Then after the screams and panic dies down I go "hehe just kidding"

the third amendment is interesting because when it says "no soldiers shall be quartered in homes during peacetime" it can be interpreted as an admonishment against having a standing army. There is further reinforcement in the constitution where is says "congress shall not appropriate money for an army for more than two years during peacetime" while specifically setting aside allowances for a Navy and coast guard.

Let's see how people act when blacks try this

Point to me where it defines "arms".

>go to taco bell.
>be oc G20.
>Manager calls me over.
>"user what Glock is that?"
>Glock 20.
>Manager draws cc G19.
>show 10mm vs 9mm
>he likes.
Taco Bell is redpilled as fuck.

No you don't actually

>You walk in with crowbar
>I rugby tackle you
>Slap you about for a bit

Only pussies need guns