Starting to get serious with a girl born in the Netherlands and was hoping somebody can redpill me on this country. All I know is it has a serious Moroccan problem
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Spreading your 1.4% Nigger genes further aye?
Swede I suggest bending over for Jamal and start flying the Ethiopian flag. OP you're a cuck and your GF is probably being reamed by Mohamed, Youssef, and Omar.
whats up with americans and cuck fantasies?
What's up with Belgians not being a real country?
> Belgians
>a country
stay retarded, cuck
The north is very leftist but white and mistrustful of outsiders.
North Holland-Amsterdam-Utrecht is shitskins and degenerates.
Bible Belt (esp. Zeeland) is conservative and whites are openly racist.
The country overall is very clean and nicer than any given place in America.
Belgium is shit, San Fran tier.
Stay irrelevant, Muhammed.
>8 percent muslim
>usa is 40% nonwhite
>minority white births
Stay brown
Post @ 3.50 in Dutch time?
There's not much to redpill about Dutch people. They're very distant. Ask some specific questions and I'll help you further.
Fuck off and fuck you with this trash tier thread
net terug thuis van uitgaan
nu dronken shitpost tijd
I was curious to know about the Moroccan population for starters since her parents are detectives and say they're a huge problem. Mother still wants them to come in because of her feelings. I know they suck but what's the solution? No more are being shipped in for labor and Geert Wilders is suggesting physical removal of people that have been there for generations
GHB, thuis hele dag aan 't shitposten. Kom op mijn level, belg.
>rapidly growing percentage of the most destructive people on the planet
>our non-white demographics are almost exclusively from Hispanics who stay in specific parts of the country and have significant white ancestry
>Brussels is the literal capital of the EU
You're no better than we are, waffle
My family came over from Germany before you even were a country. Get bent and go create another EEC so your country doesn't fall into an irrelevant abyss once the EU crumbles.
The one thing you have going right now is that its not sweeden, help her save her country from being mass raped by Jamal and his Islamic brothers
Who said that Geertje said that? Geert only said to close all borders. Anyways, I'm Turkish and Morrocans hands down are the most lying pieces of shit you'll ever meet. I'm open for more questions.
Look at it this way, at least you have a way to get her to hate niggers
Don't do it, Dutch women have terrible personalities. They love to walk all over you and are probably the worst coalburners in Europe.
Kanker moslims.
I was told that Geert wanted mass deportation, is it mass deportation of muslims?
expected to be 15 percent, in 2050
ill be polite and ignore your demographic situation then
China will be more relevant than USA in 20years, doesnt make it a better place to live
>muh german ancestry
Born to be a cucq; i guess
Dit is helaas waar
Luckily she hates niggers, going to school in Cleveland and hates them all after being surrounded
Well I hope he said that, but I don't believe he ever did. I don't know if this is Dutch-exclusive, but Geert is being set up as the next Hitler, but most of the things people say that he said are not true broheim.
It said in one summary of his platform he wants a "Withdrawal of all residence permits already granted to asylum seekers; asylum seeker centers closed down."
Doesn't that mean even if they have been there for a while they'd get deported?
You'd know better than I do about the personalities but what about Dutch culture makes you think Dutch women for the most part have terrible personalities?
Geert is a fucking meme.
There are no legal grounds for 90% of the shit he spouts.
She said Geert is too extreme and the conservative party guy was caught on tape being bribed and the party is corrupt. What about this 55 plus party or something. I know they focus around pensions and she said she's voting for them
Not too many dutch up at this hour. From my experiences they're a very mixed bag personality wise. You said that her parents are detectives? She'll probably be alright then. Dutch women in general are a bit more domineering but play you cards right and you'll get good mother material.
Well if they are not Dutch nationals, they can just gtfo, this is fair. But the deportation costs money, I don't it's a possibility, because of the costs and refugee's are gonna give a hard time going back.
About Dutch women, I have a Dutch girlfriend aswell. You have to put them in their place or they'll walk all over you. If your character isn't a dominant douchebag, they're gonna give you so much drama that it's not worth it. I'm so used to Holland now that I can't go back to a different culture with another girl. I kinda like the drama.
Geert would only be good for opposition, is my opinion. I can't see that man leading our country nevermind that he's supposedly an Israeli puppet. He might BTFO the muslims but I would want to remain sovereign doing so
Stop giving in to cuck-media, we didn't see him lead the country, so we can't judge before we see.
>conservative party guy was caught on tape being bribed and the party is corrupt.
Eh, no idea who she's talking about but it's true the VVD, which I assume she is talking about, has some dodgy members.
> What about this 55 plus party or something. I know they focus around pensions and she said she's voting for them
You're talking about 50PLUS. They LITERALLY only care about old people. Fucking boomers are so self-centered they all flock to the party that wants the younger people to pay for everything.
Anything else I should know about Dutch women personalities? (Other than they're cold and blunt)
Dutch are weird people, you can't really be friends with them unless you can show signs of wealth and status. If you make one small mistake they will passive aggressively attack you. The women have a lot of freedom here and there is no conservative culture to restrict their behavior.
If a Dutch woman has interest in some American it's only for her green card.
The dutch are the saltiest people on earth. Anytime you see their flag on Sup Forums they are angry at America. The netherlands will never be as relevant as the U.S, China, or other European powers. Their "golden age" is represented by conquering what is now indonesia, an island country with hundreds of ethnic tribes, none of which have ever accomplished anything significant. As much as people laugh at France for being surrender-monkeys, remember that the Dutch are just a welcome mat on France's doorstep in the eyes of Germany. Even the lost British and French empires have done everything 10 times better than you. You are dirt. No, you are less than dirt. You are a dog's filth left on the bottom of a dead kraut's boot. You ridicule all countries above you because you think that your words are worth something, that nations of all sizes which can trample you in an instant might hear your pathetic shrill all the way up on their world's stage. Windmill niggers are the betas of western europe. Kill yourself, but before you do that, tell everyone in your god-forsaken country to do the same.
I know nothing about your political parties but appreciate the perspective
They cheat easily, It's socially acceptable to cheat here.
Unironically the saltiest post in this thread.
Whats her name?
unironically the stalest pasta in this thread, I just like getting replies in Neder-threads
also checked
Like I said her parents are detectives and she also rants about her friends having refugee boyfriends so I'm not worried that she's a degenerate, hates open relationships too. For the average Dutch woman this lines up from what she tells me about her friends though
I can totally relate the passive aggressiveness of Dutch people as a whole. This is correct, the wealth and status thing is also correct and the women are also correct, however just like usual sayings: NAXALT.
Not comftorable sharing it sorry man
That all sounds absolutely dreadful, how do you handle being cucked like that?
55% percent of cucks are american
The first name then
Why is this country so degenerated? This summer I met two Dutch tourists. One is a turn again Christians, the other a sun of migrants from the Middle East.
After conservation they told they are drug dealers in the Netherlands.
Sorry man, you can find it easily if you knew any of her name since she has a lot on social media based off what I said. I'll tell you if you're right though if you want to check
I can honestly say that if she's already talking about her friends having refugee boyfriends and she still hangs out with them, she indirectly accepts their degenerate behavior and in a drunken mood she will fuck one of those guys as well.
Calm down, David.
>She said Geert is too extreme
>She's voting for a meme baby boomer party
Break up with her and thank me later.
>Dutch are weird people, you can't really be friends with them unless you can show signs of wealth and status. If you make one small mistake they will passive aggressively attack you.
Seconded. Even though I am Dutch myself I do not like most Dutch people. It's always like they instantly drop you when you the moment you don't meet their expectations or just because it's convenient. True friendship with Dutch people just doesn't seem to exist.
I'm turkish, I'm the one who cucks.
She said that religion is despised in her country and people make fun of and look down on any person who has faith (except probably muslims since it sounds like lots are cucks)
It's cool to be a drug dealer here. Yes, the country is pretty degenerate, but such as all countries lately.
Is this just an edgy phase for some Dutch women? Most of my family lives in the Netherlands and none of them have even dated a nonwhite, and most are still pretty Catholic, even the younger ones.
The guy who I'd consider the brother I never had is Dutch. They're a solid group of people. They may speak Drunk German but I love them for it.
Deus Vult
Depends on where in Holland. In any student city this is 100% accurate and mudslimes just like you said are respected.
She loves Trump and looks up to Tucker Carlson, I appreciate you looking out for me but I'd dump her in a second if that was a possibility.
North Holland within 20 of AmsterD
No it's just political correctness like everywhere else in europe. The religious catholic people are in the non-major cities. Your family probably lives in zwolle / groningen / middelburg or anywhere in the smaller cities around them. These are the non-degenerate dutchies.
where the fuck do you guys live and what the fuck do you do with your life? all of this is bullshit
I have literally never heard that any of these things are acceptable
I was actually quite wondering because the guy although a Christian like myself but have two total different believ systems.
I told in conversation that I would always prefer to help my own kin (also Catholics) than let say some infidel. The guy was shocked because he hold some cuck version of christianity where "everybody is equal to God".
South Holland sorry, just checked.
If they are hostile against me I give them nothing in return. You shouldn't give back to society when being cucked.
>Seconded. Even though I am Dutch myself I do not like most Dutch people. It's always like they instantly drop you when you the moment you don't meet their expectations or just because it's convenient. True friendship with Dutch people just doesn't seem to exist.
Exactly, all those supposed friends dropped me when more interesting people came along.
I like the Netherlands.
I do not agree totally. Some countries are more degenerated, some less. There is a big difference of level of degeneracy in let say Sweden and say Slovenia.
Amstelveen? That's the student dorm city of Amsterdam.
>Exactly, all those supposed friends dropped me when more interesting people came along.
Kek autistic sperg confirmed
I think I used to like it until I read this thread.
Time to remove that language from my Duolingo daily
They have a bunch of farms and flower businesses around Leiden, in Leiderdorp
The peope in major cities aren't actual Dutch, they are the same shitty millenial culture of all European major cities. No culture, no nationality, no pride.
These 3 cucks in here spouting out autistic garbage have never been outside.
even tho most girls are sluts you can lock them down easily
>cheating is socially accepted
a lie
>true friendship doesn't exist in the netherlands
probably city fags
>if you don't have wealth or status people don't talk to you
this is the biggest amount of bullshit unless you're in a marketing/media crowd normal people actually don't care as long as you have some sort of personality and aren't autistic
Leiden is becoming degenerate aswell. If it's outside the city, then it's fine. Within major cities is the problem.
Being a degenerate is a part of your culture really. It's what all finns think about when they think about the words "weed" and "european".
You're literally the drugs & hookers capital of Europe, you've been like that for a long time. As long as you keep the niggers out of your country it's not a bad thing really. Just like Bestonia is an amusement park for us finns, you're like that for all europeans.
Atleast that's my general idea about your country, I've never visited. But I plan to visit Eindhoven, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Arnhem as soon as I save up enough money.
True. However, it's easier to compare cities vs countries, europe is becoming one big country, so comparing a non-degenerate city in sweden vs a degenerate city in slovenia is more fair.
He doesn't even have to be an autistic sperg. There's a reason why old people in this country tend to be lonely as fuck, family relationships are weak and friendships usually don't mean much. We Dutch people took individuality to the extreme. We see social relationships just as entertainment, something that's only worth having around if it's fun and not something to put effort in and cultivate even when things go bad.
You've never been in the major cities since 2005 have you? This is all true. And if you don't believe cheating isn't socially accepted, watch or read Dutch gossip stuff. They are talking about how many % cheats on carnaval and more degenerate shit. Break your goddamn bubble.
100% true.
I understand that the club scene and average social life is more thriving than most areas in Europe. Do you think it's knowing more people but the relationships are far more shallow?
No, nothing to do with this. It's Dutch culture's tendency to follow. The reason why Dutch people go out to the club scene and fuck whoever they see is because they follow Hip-Hop culture on TV and want to be involved in the "scene". It's a follow culture, and nobody has an opinion.
I personally find the city culture there degenerate. Any other reasons why it is that way?
Just keep using Moroccans as evidence that anyone outside of the west is barbaric savages that will eat the flesh of their enemies bc they think it'll make them stronger
Well, feel free to leave. As much shit Canada gets for being degenerate and cucked, the country is pretty based outside of big cities as well.
I don't think the club scene has anything to do with it. It's pretty much just ingrained in modern Dutch culture.
I have no idea what else it is. I tried my best to integrate here since my mom and me moved from Turkey here. I do not relate to Turks here because they are mudslime inbreds from the shitty cities in Turkey.
I did my best to integrate, but i totally can not relate to Dutch people. I don't believe they relate to eachother either, it's not because I'm a Turk, because every Dutch person says the same.
Most Dutch guys do anything for Dutch pussy, Dutch girls take total advantage of this with every guy that gives them free shit. Dutch girls boast to their friends in what they have let their bfs do. Dutch girls fuck behind their boyfriends back and (im not making this shit up) do everything that they will never do with foreign guys behind their back. It's like a cuck's fantasy.
Btw, I'm only talking about the major cities, not the non-degenerate, non-university cities.
What's the Dutch argument on why this degeneracy is okay?
What are you fantasising you cuck?
Croatia or any other easter european country have less criminality than the west. It is one of the reason why we want to keep the shitskins out of our countries. We do not want end up like you. Destroyed by PC and retarded.
You will not hear anything from most Dutch people, because they have 0 opinion and are acting passive aggressive against your question.
I'm sure it's an argument that has something to do with being young and wanting to live life to the fullest probably
Fuck belgium. The country was created to be a buffer state to keep the real countries from war. Now the only purpose it serves is to place unelected cunts in charge of a failing globalist project, not to mention you filthy degenerates eat fries with mayo and with the way you EU cucks are handling things, we'll be calling it Belgistan by 2020.