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Because you work for SOMEONE ELSE and they pay you.

Exploitation is one of the prerequisites for profit, if you don't like it you don't need to work, just go homeless.

>Marx's LTV
Trashed 130 years ago
>Exploitation is one of the prerequisites for profit,
No it isn't

Reminder that socialism is people working for themselves. Capitalists are the true parasites.

start a business then quit bitching faggot

If you post on reddit that means you are too lazy to make your own business and sell the same product.

You can work for yourself. It's called starting a business.

Really peppers my pepperoni

Ah yeah, just be like that stupid horse in Animal Farm I MUST WORK HARDER.

Fuck you faggot, taxation is theft.

Not everyone can be a business owner... oh wait they can, that's called economic democracy a.k.a. socialism.

In a world without capitalism or hierarchy, if other people reach their potential it benefits you because they are able to create more value in the world for themselves and others. The logic of society is that of cooperation, win-win or lose-lose. In capitalism you are competing with others for jobs and resources, and often the logic is win-lose. Have a system based upon greed and shitting on other people to give you an advantage and that's what you get. AMAZING.

The reason you get relatively less pay than your supposed total worth is because being employed means pay security. If the company suddenly has to buy a new printer, or hire 20 new employees. If the company hasn't sold anything for a year, or it's planned to go bankrupt in a few months, you still get your full paycheck.

You don't have to pay a cent to the company for new products, bad sale quarters, or mistakes. It's entirely 0 risk on your part.

However if you own a business, yes you get a lot more profit if the business succeeds but you're also taking the whole risk on your back. If you own a restaurant and the business goes under you could lose your house or more.

You can't produce all that value without your employer or whatever providing the infrastructure to allow you to produce that output. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

> Not everyone can be a business owner

Nothing stopping you. I'm a professional, I got sick of working for a company so I built a freelance business. I make more money and I control my own schedule. All that matters is your own abilities and determination. If you don't have the determination or the ability to do it, you can't demand others carry you.

if you produce that much value why the fuck don't you do it on your own?

The employer didn't provide shit, other employees (of either the employer and/or other employers) did.

Capitalists by definition don't produce shit.

>Not everyone can be a business owner... oh wait they can, that's called economic democracy a.k.a. socialism.

implying you can just start up business competition against the aristocracy and win

What you describe is a delusion.
There is a reason socialist countries have failed or are failing. Your fantasy is merely a fantasy.
I know your hindrance riddled brain can't comprehend what I'm relaying, but rest assured that people will continue to wisen up and reject communism in every form it tries to take.

The "I did it so anyone can" non-argument. Someone who tried and wasn't able to do it, who truly exists given the number of failed businesses, destroys your argument.

Also embarrassedmillionare.txt

In addition since I forgot in my first post and was reminded by When you go to work at a restaurant. What's around you? The walls and ceiling that hold the building up, made and paid for by someone else. The kitchen with all its stoves and ovens, made and paid for by someone else. The food stocks that can be turned into the meals on the menu, both of which were made and paid for by someone else.

If your abilities as a waiter are so amazing that you don't need a kitchen, food, menu, restaurant etc then why are you working for a restaurant?

This applies to any job. Literally name any job in existence and I can tell you everything that's part of the company giving you the tools needed to work the job.

> Someone who tried and wasn't able to do it, who truly exists given the number of failed businesses, destroys your argument.

No it reinforces my point. It's difficult and it's risky. Successful businesses take a LOT of work. Why are you entitled to take all the rewards when you didn't put in the toil and assume the risk?

Not an argument, just feelz and insults. Typical capitalist cocksucker. :^)

Because the opposite is far more true
Every single fast food worker for example is paid far more above than 'the value they produce'

"most people fail so i should just give up and never try, waah"

you are the anti-thesis of an american

Socialists are seriously so stupid. If they really produce so much, then they should quit from their company and produce it themselves and make all the profit.

Oh, wait, they can only produce what they do, because their company provides them with the tools and sales.

The employer/owner provided the capital that allowed any of the structures/objects you and your employees use to produce, and the heirarchical structure of the company is the only thing that allows the logistics/finances of the operation to continue without failure. All these higher level things are the reason you and your peers can work at all to produce any value.

You only get a certain small portion of the value that "you" "produce" because you were an equally small part in actually generating that value.

I'd also like to add that there's nothing stopping anyone from practicing socialism within our current society. Get a group of people together, start a company and run it on socialist principles. All the employees can buy in and share the profit equally. Let us know how it works out.

Because there is no objective value of what I produce? It's value is equivalent to what I traded it for.

>Socialist want to make everyone a laborer
>Capitalist want to make everyone a business owner

well here's a riddle for you, mr commie: where did the original capital come from?

i'm not talking about the original capital of, say, the business owner, or the investor who gave him money, or anyone like that.

i'm talking about, the ORIGINAL capital. back when the world was bare and we all picked berries. where did the original capital come from that lead to everything we have as a species today?

did it just come into existence? if so, why? if not, where did it come from and can the source it came from be tapped again?

It's because wages are paid based on market rates, supply and demand. If you want to get full value then start your own business

So be self employed

that would mean mcdonalds is actually losing money by hiring employees

>i'm mad for lacking the innovation that the guy I'm working for had
>i'm mad for only getting a portion of the value of someone else's idea

eat shit marx

Because it's bullshit and shows the ignorance of the guy who made it

What are they implying? I own a business, these fucking wagecucks.

Yes it is. You wouldn't be exploiting them if you paid then whatever amount they made, but if you did that you would make no profit.

It's the employer's choice to pay you that amount, either live with it or die without it.

the nigger working mcdonalds for minimum wage only generates pennies on the dollar in terms of profit.

when all the other costs of running a business are factored in, the employer is making less than the employee for the work they do.

taking a fucking economics course and stop being retarded.


You seem to be confused, I am not a communist.

But, I'll try to answer the question, at least in a very basic way. Capital comes from natural resources and human invention which seeks to transform/utilize natural resources. So, original capital came about by one group being capable of utilizing violence, might, to take possession of a set of natural resources (land, water, animals, minerals, etc) and then using those resources to generate some kind of object/structure which had value because it could be used/eaten. This is just what I think I didn't bother reading up on anything, so it could be wrong.

>Not everyone can be a business owner
have you considered that most people people don't amd/or are too lazy to be self-employed?

>oh wait they can, that's called economic democracy a.k.a. socialism.
its actually called distributism and its modified capitalism.

socialism is state run industry not for profit.

>but muh workers co-ops
again, not socialism, just a different operation of capitalism.

in some areas they are

but more importantly, the employee actually keeps a larger share of the value they produce.
>nigger gets $7.50
>generates roughly $12
>$4 dollars goes to maintaining a business
>employer left with $.50 in profit for the work the nigger did.
each employee past a certain point also has a diminishing return

The best argument against capitalism is that workers and CEOs are paid disproportionately to the total value they themselves produce. There is no reason CEOs should be paid proportionately to what their company produces, because it is other people producing what the company produces, not the CEO. CEOs shouldn't be allowed to decide what they make. What the leaders of a company get paid should be a democratic, republican, anonymous vote among multiple boards throughout every level in the company. That, or the CEO should be required to lay out what he and his employees will make over time, when they start the company, and it should be legally binding.

Ideas and innovation are irrelevant, you stupid cocksucking maggot. All that matters is production.

Still need someone to put the food together.

>Get paid for more than what you produce
>Suddenly laid off because the company you work for goes bankrupt
It really butters my biscuit

I can choose to not work for somebody else and start a business.

No matter what I do, I can't choose to not pay taxes.

>implying making a big mac can't be automated

eventually McDonald's will be 100% automated

Baxter will cuck us all

How many people do you think they will need to employ as each different product they make is automated?

You'll have people who are employed maintaining the robots, refilling ingredients, etc, but you'll have much fewer people actually employed by the company in total.


Holy shit, your employer assumes the risk and pats you an agreed upon wage. Don't like it? Work for yourself

I mean you can be self employed a turn a profit. But yea when you look at it without a cultural lens it seems weird that you'd have to pay tribute to someone that has some kind of ethereal connection (ownership) to the object

people dont have to reject it for it to fail. it eventually collapses under its own stupid weight like a rocket that doesn't quite get up to escape velocity.

communists think they can will themselves into utopia through 'good will and sharing'. No different than the results of an astronaut willing his rocket into escape velocity without fuel.

lots of dead people. everytime.

your argument is as jumbled as your digits. kek strikes again

The message is right, the pic is just a leftie meme.

Voluntary transactions you stupid niggers. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Being butthurt at the outcomes of your own choices is retarded

>not wanting to produce more than you consume

literally childlike mentality, are you expecting a birthday present this year at your party?

>I draw the circles, justify your life to me drumpfkins

Maybe because one is a voluntary exchange and the other isn't.

Because the Taxes are:
A. Involuntary (as in I can negotiate my pay or get a better job, while taxes are forced apon me)
B. Most of those tax dollars go to paying some NEET nigger that buys drugs
C. You aren't the only person involved with making what you produce.
A chair has a labor, a tool supplier, material supplier, a resource supplier, an engineer, etc. to just make it. Then you have marketers, salesmen, etc. to sell the chair.
So what "you" produce is actually an entire teams worth of people building, supplying, and selling the product. Don't like people getting their fair share? Do it by yourself and see how successful you are.

You don't even need the robot for this. Coffee can already be made by a self serve machine with some buttons on the face, like they have at 7/11 and gas stations. Most McDonaldses use the same machine, just facing the cashier behind the counter.