I'm a liberal who hates most liberals

Anybody else in the same boat?

SJW, BLM, Hyper-reactionary anger, treating certain ethnicities like sacred-cows, it's all so fucking dumb.

I just want some objective discussions about the best economic and social policies that will benefit the maximum number of people in need while.

And for the love of god, YES you can be racist to white people.

> inb4 someone thinks I'm white


>I just want some objective discussions about the best economic and social policies that will benefit the maximum number of people in need while.

The first world has collectively agreed that this makes you a Marxist and not a liberal because these discussions would necessitate solutions that aren't fully supportive of free market policies.

This is why liberals choose to engage in identity politics over the material conditions facing workers. If they chose otherwise, they wouldn't be considered a liberal. And that is taboo.

So, how are you liberal?
>inb4 climate change, green energy
>inb4 you can't use coal, oil when you use solar, wind, etc

Because he probably supports levels of state intervention and regulation that are good for workers whereas conservatives believe the free market can do no wrong.

Fuck off, shitlib.

Progressives hijacked liberal after progressive became synonymous with communist.

>progressive became synonymous with communist

Progressives fully support capitalism, they just want a welfare state to go with it. Is Canada communist?

Yeah. Christianity is pretty gay. So are Christians. But liberals have become even more arrogant and oppressive.

> solutions that aren't fully supportive of free market policies

So if I think the free market is in need of the slightest bit of regulation I'm a Marxist by default?

I believe in a free market driven economy with protections in place to prevent the individual rights of consumers and workers to be infringed upon.

I'm a social liberal in that I believe each individual to be equally valuable to society. I also believe that those who are better off should contribute more so those who are worse off in society have the opportunity to climb back up.


Sargon of Akkad is an insufferable cunt

I don't smoke weed

Gamergate is a bunch of faggots with thin skin, if they don't like games that shoehorn in a political agenda then they won't buy it, the free market will dictate what's popular. Undertale was a pretty enjoyable game that managed to stay pretty PC.

1984 was a good book but people try to draw comparisons to it way too frequently especially now.

I've never read Dawkins or "The Horsemen". I'm actually moderately religious.

Horseshoe theory is pretty dismissive of arguments made on both sides.

I wanted to wear a fedora when I was in high school but my parent's never let me spend money on anything that wasn't for school (thank fuck)

I agree with Bernie on his position for taxing the super rich but that's where I draw the line. I also think he had the worst foreign policy experience than any primary candidate between both parties.

I have to stop you.
No one is equal and some people are worth the exrra effort.
Sincerely, they bring nothing more than a body to the table.
Absolutely useless

When the first mention of Alt right was made I thought that nobody would take it serious, no the ideals or the baggage behind the movement, but the term itself, it just sounded so memeish and childlike to actually name a political movement after an abbreviation for a stupid zeitgeist ("Alternative" hurr Im so cool look at my nose ring durr) when it got popular and was started to be taken seriously even by academics I realized the world is completely doomed.

The hypersuperficiality, mental laziness, groupthink tendencies, virtue signaling and infectious apathy that characterizes modern society will surely take a toll on our generation.

To me being a liberal means defending yourself and others to express their opinions and worldviews regardless of their content as long as it doesnt affect the safety or wellbeing of others. This of course strays away from classical liberalism (laissez faire economics and separation of church and state) and has sadly delved into the toxic mentality present in numerous western countries today which thrives on the mentally weak and easy to influence in order to promote a weird version of facism.

-Modern "liberalism" has become synonymous with "benign" racism which is just a useless mix of racial supremacy mixed with guilt.

-Modern liberalism denies the individual, it denies greatness, it denies know how transfer while at the same time denying patriotism, family values and, believe it or not, socialism. Modern liberalism promotes group loyalty, the seeking out of minor differences in order to foster animosity (ie: stereotypical clique of SJWs dont get along with another stereotypical clique of SJWs due to minor ideological differences, non weed smoking "liberal" rasta guys clique hate the pro weed rasta guys clique as much as they hate the neonazi down the steet).

- Modern liberalism seldom criticizes the big trouble makers, for focusing on minor issues which seemed as if they were gonna get resolved in the coming years

Good, then you're the next generation of liberal trash, a piece of shit even fail to be one at all.

Aren't worth it*

hey leaf faggot you're a conservative now. You haven't changed, but your party has left you and your sensible views behind as it careens toward oblivion.

Holy shit when was this?

No clue its pretty awespme though

If I'm a conservative I'm probably a Chong conservative and there's not a lot of room for us from what I've seen

(gay rights, minority rights, womens rights etc.) these are all issues that were slowly coming to a positive resolve for social liberals, however these "liberals" decided to push way too hard way too quick and by doing this they also violated the sacred right to free speech, dissent and careful analysis of impact policy that most centrist liberals such as myself vouch for, instead of waiting a few years for their racist, homophobic grandparents to die off they chose to go full retard and in doing so they triggered the right wing reactionaries and further maintained the dichotomous us vs them mentality which is the status quo that rational human beings want to break free from.

tl;dr SJW tier liberalism was probably a Hegelian conflict crafted by the dying right wing in order to disenfranchise otherwise healthy people from a less radical view of liberalism by taking advantage of screaming retards with colorful hair, the current culture of narcissism, social media, self victimization, guilt, shaming and pretty much everything else that liberalism should not stand for. Modern liberalism is what happens when you let edgy 15 year olds on facebook become influential people and its the main cause of the current rise of the right.

Dont fear, theres still a few of us out there.