You know what to do.
You know what to do
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shut up nigger dont tell me what to do >:C
fat joe is stright up mexican and he said nigger all the time
and no one cares
craaazy shit
le 1st amendment faec
how can niggers still claim to be offended by the word when they use it as punctuation?
The japanese use the word "desu" less than niggers use "NIGGA"
fuck you, nigger, i do what i want
Fuck off nigger.
something with POO I hope
I'm trans-race, My pasty ass is chocolate on the inside. You are now transphobic and a bigot.
>keep it out of your mouth
They were trying to be witty, but it would be out of my mouth if I were to say it.
Using the word nigger is cultural appropriation if you are not white. We've been calling them niggers for hundreds of years.
that is a horrible flow chart
jesus christ
>The japanese use the word "desu" less than niggers use "NIGGA"
>American education
nigger with the hardest r possible.
What is your obsession with a word NEGER ?!
By smearing your mouth with lying the "n-word", you create the word "NEGER" in recipient's mind, you know it, he knows it, but you both pretend, that the word does not exist.
Saying "n-word" is utter and very disgusting lying. It is most despicable destroying truth in language as can be expected... It's uttermost hypocrisy...
If you live in a part of world, where you must lie in order to speak free, something is utterly wrong there ... !
(Was it created by "liberals" ? Where is their "liberty"? No where, because so called "liberals" are as anti-liberty as possible...)
As fa foreigner I must say, niggers are fucking stupid if they expect people (who are not necessarily racist) to stop using the word that "black culture" exponents made sure to peddle in great quantities for decades through Rap and Hip Hop, ALL across the World. Now racists are taking it back.
Way to go, Tyrone.
... or NIGGER...
The correct word is so little used, that behind the ocean we even do not know, how to spell it right...
Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
I'm 100% nigga
>all these cucks saying "nigger" anonymously
>Deployed with people of all races
>Racial jokes and slurs flying everywhere
>Nobody gave a shit because it was all in fun
hes not wrong. You know full well how many ways there are to end a sentence in moonrunes, yellow nigger. Nogs probably do use variations of"nigger" at least as much as the Japs use desu.
But online nobody knows you're not a nigger.