Oh, that's awkward...
Oh, that's awkward
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Only cucks who hate privacy use Apple products
Anyone pretentious enough to buy Apple products is already likely to be a liberal.
Apples tech is top of the line when it comes to security and privacy (at least now)
Jobs is nothing but a scammer.
No blackberry is but retards want a phone to play games not call people so nobody gets blackberry
iOS is a fascist OS
Lol blackberry handed the universal encryption keys to BBM to Canada's police like 5 years ago. iMessage is end-to-end encrypted with many more adavantages.
in a bad sense*
But I use Android and GNU/Linux.
that's a strange way of saying "exchange student"
he was the son of a millionaire who paid for his son to go to the US
Apple is mediocre as fuck except for use in a few select industries, and ISIS wasn't around back then
the feds have encryption keys, they can do whatever they want
I see the left is still unable to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.
I don't see a counter argument…
i dont use ihpone
leftists BTFO.
>different last names
Must have been his wife's son.
Good thing I enjoy Superior Korean Samsung™ products
He was adopted that's not even his real father holy shit can libcucks try any harder?
He was a LEGAL immigrant
Nearly 1 decade and the same security exploits still work.
>feds ask apple to hand over tools to unlock iphone of a terrorist
>get sued
>Okay, fuck you we'll just ask jews in israel to find an exploit
>exploit found
>works only for 1 firmware
>mandatory update skips it.
simple as that, if it was android you'd get your ass raped.
OS preference whats so hard to understand about this?
Plus, the SS7 vuln makes calling securely irrelevant
By your logic, Obamas Muslim father means wouldn't have Obama :)
last I checked he was more of a deadbeat dad than a cuck.
Their security is top of the line. You try to get past KPP…
>imessage is end to end encrypted
Which would be wonderful if you could manage the keys yourself, but you can't.
I don't because tablets are pointless and i'm not a numale, so I don't use Apple products.
If hes so rich why didnt he cured himself of his cancer
Nothing is more irritating than when they conflate the two.
Oh, you don't like illegal immigrants? BUT THIS IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS
yeah, legal ones you cunts.
i'm eternally upset about this
>implying I buy iShit
The only reason they fought back is because the judge screwed up and made the order public. If Apple cared about privacy, they wouldn't keep a copy of the keys.
That explains why Apple is cancer and Jobs was a patent terrorist
Steve Jobs was born in California and was not raised by his biological father.
Definitely true. Blackberry, however, doesn't have support for XMPP or Signal so iOS is better. IMessage is better by default though than BBM
I don't have an iPhone or iPad.
When a muslim blows something up its #notallmuslims but when one invents something it's #refugeeswelcome. I think ill take my chances and not let any in. White people have only invented 99% of everything. I think we'll be fine.
he fucking abandoned his kid. steve jobs was adopted by a white family.
>muhhh I dont use apple products morons
Thats not the point. The point is he has created billions in wealth for the US (and worldwide) and thousands of jobs.
they have different names because he literally abandoned Steve Jobs, and Steve Jobs was raised by an Anglo Family.
Aren't Apple products made in child labor sweatshops using materials bought off of African Warlords?
It's only slightly better than imessage. Mandatory play Store to use signal kills the whole thing.
No exploit for SEP has ever been discovered so security wise, apple is top of the line. Also KPP (which has, but its a MASSIVE pain)
I don't use either, though.
I don't know what that means tee bee aich my family
Jobs and his dad look pretty white to me.
well the us doesnt want it if it comes with all this bullshit
not worth
Jobs couldn't even code. Apple would never even have happened if it wasn't for the true genius of Steve Wozniak.
Actually, a fork was just introduced and is in the process of being added that uses WebRTC rather than google play notification services.
Which ones?
Sorry, sweetie; I'm an #androidmissle
Apple sucks.
He's white
Wrong reply; Actually, a fork was just introduced and is in the process of being added that uses WebRTC rather than google play notification services.
Biological father was Syrian, you dingus.
Adoptive parents were white Americans
As long as you don't live in China, where Apple has to install government backdoor into their firmware.
Not exactly. It's made in the Foxconn plant in china, which is like striking gold there unfortunately
yeaaa didnt he immigrate to america tho?
That's why apple has separate Chinese devices. It's sad, yes. Unfortunately, this is true of every major electronics manufacturer
He was a millionaire & christian
He wasn't a muslim refugee for fuck sake, lying fucking liberals
Apple products are still a thing?
Why didn't he stay in Syria?
Fuck Syrians.
Wtf I love Apple now!
>Adoptive parents were white Americans
but I thought Armenians weren't white
No, that wealth is in China
Why are liberals acting like Syrians are making those iphones? it's people in China
Apple's attention to security is the best in the business. SEP has never been exploited and KPP is an absolute bitch to bypass.
I wonder if there is a relationship between liking Apple and being liberal.
That is his real father. It's been known for decades. Jobs said his real parents were his sperm and egg bank, because they had nothing to do with him after they put him up for adoption. Steve is half Syrian, half German/Swiss. Steven was adopted and raised by Paul and Clara Jobs. Paul was a repo man.
Jandali has been interviewed about it, even he says that Paul Jobs is Steve's real father, because he raised him.
>jobs was a (((refugee)))
>we have to let the entire third world in now
I don't think so faggot
Jandali was studying in the U.S., he didn't come as a refugee and his father was a millionaire.
Syria was in a civil war back then?
One refugee once had an American son who turned out to be a productive member of society. That seems like a great basis on which to create an immigration policy!
His mother fled and put Steve up for adoption because her dying Catholic father was very disapproving of the relationship.
Excuse you, Samsung? How do you beat Knox for software security?
dont have a single apple product. have never bought one eiather. always had hand me downs, but always ended up discarding it for something better. fuck apple, and fuck immigrants.
Literal AIDS patient
Because he fell for the "organic" woo woo fake cures from liberal friends. A bunch of people have said, if he'd done the usual treatment when they caught it, he could have had a full remission and still been around. He had the ONE kind of pancreatic cancer that has a chance of being cured, and he refused treatment for like a year.
Sorry, but there's no app to fix all the other rapefugees
>implying I use apple products
so what part of my ipad or iphone did steve actually work on hmmm???
>1 post by this ID.
>people ignoring the Sup Forums posts and going for the librul buzzword
the guy has millions from his son
So a dead beat dad is the best they can offer? Also Steve jobs didn't invent shit.
Syrians can be white.
Not true at all. Wozniac had no interest in running a company - Jobs found and convinced Mike Makkula to come in and set the company up, and invested in the company - Makkula is the guy who got them up and running and profiting.
It's one of those things, where they needed each other - without Woz, Jobs would have just worked for other tech companies in the valley, and Woz would have sold the Apple I kits to someone like Radio Shack and kept working for Hewlett Packard.
Half white, half Syrian.
No one except liberal faggots use apple products. This is a well-known fact.
Idiot. The majority of the taxes and overall profit is reaped by the US
Syrians ARE white
The luckiest break Steve Jobs got was being abandoned by his parents who never loved him and being adopted by an Armenian family. Steve identified as an Eastern European raised Christian that's why he got along with Wozniak so well in the beginning.
steve jobs had nothing to do with his real father. he even met him and decided not to tell him he was his son, because he didn't like him.
Fuck steve jobs. He jewed me to buy an ipad. I can't watch webms, i can't edit the register without fucking new security releases...
Fuck refugees.
I've never bought an apple product.
ITunes is a piece of shit and all their products are massively over rated and usually significantly inferior to at least one of their competitors.
Being 'trendy' is cancerous.
Fuck Steve Jobs and his faggoty marketing.