Iran is our frie-

>Hundreds of thousands of Iranians have rallied across Iran today carrying effigies of US President Donald Trump and chanting 'Death to America'.

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Not big surprise

They do this every year..

Americans are such a great goys that they'll invade Iran for no good reason other than benefiting (((them)))

"Death to America" is about as common of a phrase in iran and most of the middle east they might as well put it on their money for fuck sakes

iran will be a friend of the left thanks to this

Trump owes Saudis $$$.

every other month, i dont see why they should stop either really

>Country who thinks the US is the great Satan doesn't like the US.

Hard hitting journalism right there.

>burgers gave them a billion dollars


Don't they do this almost daily?

Trumps appeasing Israel

The media exaggerates the numbers. Most Iranians don't support the regime, but regardless, even the ones who don't support the regime have justified reason to dislike UK/USA.

I know many living the regime that dislike it, and of course the regime will lie the majority support them. Iran is a country with 80+ million people and different ethnic groups.

Also, I think you should consider how the Shah lost power largely due to USA/UK wanting him gone, since he no longer priced oil to serve their own national interests. I can go more in-depth if need be, but he was starting to become more independent near the end of his reign; an oil-rich sovereign OPEC nation does not suit the economic interests of USA/UK and its allies.

Now the USA/UK are supporting Islamic Marxist (no joke) terrorists People's Mujaheddin of Iran (MEK) and National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which would be just as bad if not worse than the current regime. Trump added an advocate of MEK into his cabinet.

The MEK was involved in molestation/rape and also gassing our people. They are leftards into Islamism, and they resemble a cult more than a better alternative for the Iranian people.

Iran's people, regardless of being Muslim or not, have justified reason to dislike USA/UK and its allies.

>Standing up to international jewry, United States ZOG, and it's shabbos goy Cuckemperor
Can Iran get anymore based

I came here to say this. I love how the media jumps on everything as total failure.

>see what you're doing conservatives? your six month ban has made this peaceful people want to kill you

Throw off their fucking ridiculous Islamic theocracy. Make Iran Persia Again!

MEK & NCRI are parent groups*** -- basically Islamists into Marxists that USA, inc. Trump, plus its allies are supporting.

The Islamic theocracy was largely installed by USA/UK.

>l-let me just round that number to the nearest tenth

So its friday in iran and this is news?

>rally against Donald Trump
Because they definitely weren't rallying, burning flags, and chanting death to America back when Obama or Bush were in office right?
Fake news.

>when Obama or Bush were in office right?
Both those fucks were war mongering with Iran initially as well

Woops, Iran has 77.4 million people, but my point still stands.

I love when our enemies justify our actions. SJWs BTFO

>hundreds of thousads
>the media exaggerates the numbers
i can assure you in Tehran alone there have been approximately 4-5m people

>Most Iranians don't support the regime
always 60%+ (even up to 85%) of people participating in elections, i'm sure you know how much we don't support our "regime"

MEK have assassinated/killed approximately 17,000 people back in their prime days, they're almost dead nowadays anyway

hopefully your governments keep their kike nose out of Iran's business else there'd be no option but to cleanse ME

Common mainstream media give us some real news.

War when?

Iran is probably the biggest buyers of american and Israeli flags.

This will be the image of the century.

You're an IRI supporter?

You are a traitor to all Iranians.

You don't know how good the Shah was becoming near the end of his reign. It was due to the USA/UK the economy was fucking up near the end, and they pushed for Khomeini to gain power by using propaganda.

You're an idiot if you think the IRI is good. They destroyed a lot of our pre-Islamic ruins in the beginning.

are the Shiites more moderate than the Sunnis muslims?
is your country under sharia law?

I keep telling you faggots that they hate us.
But nooo, gotta hate israel more even though they aren't the ones baring their fucking fangs at us.

I know a few Iranians. They're understandably angry about the treatment, but the most I hear from them are jokes rather than Team America tier manic flagburning

Didn't Iran threaten to release the names of people supporting terrorists? What ever happened to that?

fuck off burger, tho you're prolly just a wannabe nationalist who have fled from Iran
i'm not quite sure what "sharia law" is, but when you accept the laws of a country you must live by them
also i think it's just the saudi version aka wahhabi crap that tries to behead everyone, first and foremost iranians however

>American turbokikes elect yet another zionist
>Sup Forums is surprised when Iran gets angry

But right now, Iran is not the servant of any other nation. With the shah, you'd be servants of America.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why they hate you you fucking moron?

The Shah was becoming independent near the end of his reign, as I've explained: "
Also, I think you should consider how the Shah lost power largely due to USA/UK wanting him gone, since he no longer priced oil to serve their own national interests. I can go more in-depth if need be, but he was starting to become more independent near the end of his reign; an oil-rich sovereign OPEC nation does not suit the economic interests of USA/UK and its allies."

>tho you're prolly just a wannabe nationalist who have fled from Iran
You stupid Muslim piece of shit. There is no nationalism in the IRI because even Khomeini and the IRI ideologues like Ali Shiariati denounced, vandalized, and etc. our pre-Islamic heritage. They put our pre-Islamic heritage down with leftardation and Islamism.

This is not the direction the country should go. It's worse than even the Qajars.

the shah was becoming independent by selling piece after piece of the country
Bahrain wasn't enough prolly ha?
also, right now we're living properly here despite the sanctions and having the scientific progress no king have ever dreamed about in the past 300 years of our history at least.
i'm pretty sure there would've been another Islamic golden age of science if our politicians were slightly better.

I don't really fucking care.
Fuck them. They aren't my friends so I could care less what we've done to them.
I don't give a fuck about the middle east itself.
I don't care about suffering muslims and I don't care if white people fuck them over because we owe it to them to fucking kill all of them for everything they've done to us. Israel wants to kill all the muslims and pretend they're the chosen while sitting in a desert shithole? Fucking let them and then send all of the kikes there so they can do their jew dances in their desert paradise.

>t-they hate kikes so they're based hehe

How much of a fucking cuck can you be?

can you really blame them...

Who are you quoting

Every retard that "supports" them

Iranians are honorary Aryans

No, read more on the Shah. I can give leaked documents and go more in-depth if needed.

Near the end, the Shah had the White Reforms planned and more infrastructure to be built. Initially he started off as a puppet, but he gradually became more independent as he grew a backbone. He started pricing oil to our interests before the US/UK, but they didn't want him for economic reasons. They supported Khomeini getting power because he would destabilize Iran, and Carter called Khomeini a saint and Britain spread a bunch of propaganda (with leftist bullshit since Iranians were into it then). If the Internet existed back then, we wouldn't accept IRI.

If the Shah were still in power, we would probably be a global power with a STEM field on the level of Japan.

You are an idiot. Islam is incompatible with the modern world and it is starting to destroy our Pre-Islamic heritage. More Arabic loanwords are used now, and in the beginning of IRI, the Sassanian ruins of Shushtar were vandalized and more.

We have a culture that transcends Islam. We should not define ourselves based off Islam but based more on secular, progressive values.

They are disgusting arab mutts now,not persians

I don't support them but I understand them. They have a strong argument.

The Judeo-Christian tradition is largely indebted to Zoroastrianism and Mithraism.

Drop a nuke on them and be done

Iranians don't even relate to Arabs on PCA autosomal DNA plots, you retard.

Also, Iranians still relate to their forebears largely.

Check this study:

(image taken from there)

Learn to read you retarded faggot

>also, right now we're living properly here despite the sanctions and having the scientific progress
Like what?

What did you invent in the last 30 years?
Other than a new method to destroy skyscrapers.

Iranians never mixed with Arabs. Learn to read graphs, you stupid piece of shit. Also check this: An Iron Age Persian's genome was compared to modern-day Iranians.

>meanwhile in Israel they're stocking up on iodine tablets and gas masks.

Iranian diaspora have accomplished a lot more than the IRI (can list a lot of them).

During the Revolution, many academic Iranians were killed.

This guy is a retard.

most notable ones would be STEM field, nano field, nuclear technologies, spacecraft related technologies and anything military related
while you've been busy getting even more fat i dare say

Liberals unironically want Trump assassinated, so this is technically in line with leftism.

You retard, Iran doesn't publish anything truly groundbreaking. Most of that huge output in academic journal is fluff.

Why are you brainwashed by the regime?


Iranian immigrants as just as cancerous as the other muslims.

So you can't list anything concrete?

The rest of the world are leaving you in the dust in all the arreas you listed.

guys, this iran shit is jewry and you know it...

>Iranian immigrants as just as cancerous as the other muslims.
No, they are not. Read more statistics:

"As further stipulated by Prof. Ronald H. Bayor, from the very beginning, Iranian immigrants differed from other arrivals by their highly educational and professional achievements.[62] According to Census 2000, 50.9 percent of Iranian immigrants have attained a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to 28.0 percent national average.[5] According to the latest census data available, more than one in four Iranian-Americans holds a master's or doctoral degree, the highest rate among 67 ethnic groups studied.[6]"

"There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities":

The Nobel Prize is kind of biased. There have been a lot of great Iranian scientists, such as the creator of fuzzy sets Lotfi A. Zadeh, inventor of LASIK Gholam A. Peyman, cardiologist pioneer Rashid Massumi, etc. There are many other good Iranian scientists like Nima Arkani-Hamed, Pardis Sabeti. and Cumrun Vafa that might deserve Nobel Prizes. Even the Director for Solar System Exploration at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is an Iranian American, Firouz Naderi.

The Fields Medal winner Maryam Mirzakhanim is also pretty influential.

The best brain surgeon in Germany is an Iranian by the name of Majid Majidi btw.

Fuck off, you stupid piece of shit.

>The best brain surgeon in Germany is an Iranian by the name of Majid Majidi btw.
I meant to say Majid Samii.

For every piece of shit you can list, there is another 10000 iranians on welfare programs.

When people migrate from one country to another, it's actually standard that that commit about half as much crime as a native.
See the Norwegian, Swedish, German statisticsBut Iranians are just like all the other muslim shitskins, they are off the charts and don't know what good behaviour is.
They act like they are about to conquer the land, and not as if they are a guest in the country.

if you consider being the top10 and top5 in those fields and even 2nd on STEM cell research trials as being left in the dust...well....where does that put denmark...shithole level of progress in those fields?

But that's immigrants not their own country. I don't see how that's a win-win for Iran. Unless they start to go back to Iran somehow.

Banning these people from our country would make us even worse than them

>if you consider being the top10 and top5
Top 5 and top 10 is only inside your little head.

iranians are bro tier immigrants. They value education and are conservative

Coming soon to Tehran

And you know what MSM would never publish is that even if Trump wasn't elected, they'd still be chanting "Death to America". They did it during Obama's term, and everyone before him going back to Reagan.

Iran is no different from the rest of the cancer that is Islam. The fact is, all of Islam, especially the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia, are cancer. Iran is a small part of it, but still needs to be wiped out with the rest of them. Israel too.

that sincere ignorance tho

Statistics say otherwise.

Even fucked up Afghanis behave better than Iranians.

There was no golden age of Islam you fucking mudshit

Trump, please nuke the entire country of Iran immediately.

I was responding to the claim ">Iranian immigrants as just as cancerous as the other muslims."

Read what I am responding to, dammit. That is a false claim.

Statistics say Iranian diaspora are model minorities in USA, you retarded inbred. I gave you evidence, you stupid piece of shit. Iranians do not do terrorist attacks like fucking Afghans, Saudis, or Pakis.

Don't hate 'em myself particularly, but why are you sucking their dick so hard? Still though, just because Trump said some shit they suddenly want us all dead again. I heard after the Iran-US deal went through people were celebrating they wanted it to stop.

Now they want our heads? Kinda bi-polar I know there are alot of them, so differing opinion. But does the majority hate us now or something or still like us? Not asking anyone exactly just shooting it out there, hoping someone might answer.

stfu achmed, we will nuke tehran soon

>hundreds of thousands rally against Trump
>chant 'Death to America'

Are you sure that's not LA?


Because I actually have the prison statistics to back it up.

You have nothing but cherrypicking.

And you are just talking out of your ass when you say fucked up Afghans behave better than Afghanis. Look at what I said about the Iranian diaspora in USA: They are exceptional in academia.


the iranians who leave iran are different from the ones who live there

I do not know about fucking Scandinavian countries, but in the USA, Iranians rank in the top 5 of being model minorities. I gave stats to back that up too.

Can you name a single terrorist attack in US or Europe perpetrated by Iranians or shia for that matter?

Oh well Muslims are in general certainly. But as long as they aren't Muslim they're probably fine. All of them without exception want Sharia Law, so fuck ALL Muslims.

cherrypicking vs overall broad pickture.

The shitskins you cherrypicked are a minority in a sea of islamic piss.

Well they might like us, but if all of Iran hates us. It doesn't bode very well, now does it?

you must be a new kind of retard, Iran is currently an Islamic republic state and
also golden age of Islam happened because of Iranian scientists back then

Iranians are model minorities in the USA. Check image. However, when it comes to post-graduate degree, Iranians get degrees even more, and rank in top 5.

"There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities":

Note the TOP-RANKED, you fucking retard. That is exceptional.


> Iranian scientists

Weren't called scientists back then. Also I keep hearing that myself, but is there any actual proof? I haven't heard of any archeological proof of this Iranian Golden Age.

The IRI is holding Iran back, and the Islamic Golden Age didn't happen because of Islam. In Greater Khorasan, Buddhist and Zoroastrian influences were still there. We were FAUX-Muslim then, you idiot.

Goddamn it, I'm debating against a retarded hick Scandinavian and a stupid Islamist Iranian at the same time. It's like you're both the same thing.

Don't they do this literally every year?