"our laboratory attempted to analyze DNA from your saliva sample. Unfortunately, the sample data did not meet our quality guidelines.
Your sample is going through a second round of DNA analysis."
Does this mean i'm not white Sup Forums?
"our laboratory attempted to analyze DNA from your saliva sample. Unfortunately, the sample data did not meet our quality guidelines.
Your sample is going through a second round of DNA analysis."
Does this mean i'm not white Sup Forums?
It means you're a dumbass and didn't follow the incredibly simple directions properly.
Another man's DNA was present in your saliva sample.
>paying jews to catalogue your DNA
you're not really this stupid, are you?
Hahaha I've read articles making fun of you retards on Sup Forums for trying to prove to each other you guys are white.
Hahahhahaha you guys are pathetic.
I'm 25% white but I 100% support white nationalism. I consider myself white.
you are shaun kang white
so yeah it means he's a non-white
>oy vey this goy is 100% aryan better do a nutta test to meet our standards.
I followed directions, didn't eat, put the stabilizer in, didn't spit bubbles and it ended up being a little past the line.
The only thing I didn't do was scrape my cheek or something.
No it just means you uploaded your DNA willingly into a national/global database retard.
Shouldn't have sucked off your dog before spitting in the tube.
You've been identified as the Sixth Child. Prepare for immediate NERV evac.
they finished mine quickly ;)
>little past the line
>didn't scrape my cheek
Come on leaf get your shit together.
>Interested to find out more about my DNA and ancestry
>paranoid about giving my DNA to (((23andme))) in case they use it to create a cloned army to finally take total control of the world
Sucks man. Is there any other more trustworthy groups that do this?
Shouldn't have sucked that dick before you gave a saliva sample.
Is this neo-Sup Forums? Where they pretend they aren't Jews because "if I test my DNA the Jews will use it against me!"
There's way better ones, but 4× more expensive
It might just mean that they are busy after the holidays and are giving people default excuses to buy more time. I've been waiting like 2 months for my results thanks to everyone gifting each other these kits for Christmas.
These companies (23 owned by google's wife) all lie about your ancestry now. People have tested it, they throw in diversity results because they are progressives who "know better" and feel entitled to lie for the betterment of society.
means you were switched at birth.
How many goyim children do you need to consume to prolong your life each year?
I was paranoid the saliva DNA and cheek dna would fuck it all up if mixed together.
They didn't say they didn't get enough DNA (that's a different error) Just they didn't like the results.
this thread just show that many people are immature or underage
Such as? Not too concerned about the cost really
Shit are you supposed to scratch your cheek? I sent my sample but I didn't do that. It's not written in the guide iirc.
Looks like someone had more than just one drop of shitskin in them.
I would consider anything under 0.5% to be junk DNA. I noticed if you don't live in europe you often get a bunch of 0.1% results for random shit.
Well maybe you shouldn't suck dick before giving them the sample and it would meet their quality guidelines fag.
>tfw mong
no it means you're a fucking alien
I think I read not to/ they said it isn't necessary.
Cheek cells are better but maybe harder to clone/analyze. I know some companies only use cheek cells. I was worried if I had a mix of saliva and cheek cells it wouldn't work. Clearly it fucked up anyway.
I thought about mixing my sample with dog saliva and seeing what would happen.
Do that for me OP.
Post results.
>90% western European
>10% percent German Shepard
I don't want to be in the rebuild timeline.
Kek, that'd be interesting.
Guys the Bong did it first and did it better.
Go away furfag.
OP has an heroed
Does it only tell you which region? I know i'm 100% Southern European, Greek to be exact. I mean, I'm not so silly to completely rule out that i'm part Turk (or even worse, Albanian) but will it even make the distinction, or will it just say "Southern European"?
Woah that's a pretty big accusation their leaf man. I have to been known to engage in a round of fisticuffs over less my friend, but I will let you if with a warning this time. Don't let it happen again my man.
i'l tell you
but i need to see what's in your pants first
I have a wallet in my pants. Is that enough?
curious about this two. I'm pretty sure Brittish and irish is a catagory (which they shouldn't put together) but they really should have stuff like french, greek, italian etc as catagories instead of "northern europeon, soutern europeon" etc. Why to azkenazi jews get special treatment?
Well I'm not showing you but,
1 uncircumcised penis and 1 testicle
prolly too much cum in your mouth ya cuck
This is strange. There is no ashkenazi people. They are a mix of Germans and other European blood. It's like a cover up for how mixed you are so they brainwash you with a false sense of patriotism
You're likely only 1-5% semitic
Spider bite?
>that picture
What the fuck is that thing?
Is this the result of some kind of developmental disease?
it means you sent them cum rather than saliva
>Why to azkenazi jews get special treatment?
1) easily determined because jews love to inbreed
2) 23 and me is only interested in jew diseases (look up the founder's whole purpose of this co)
Ashkenazi are not white. They are mixed, although it's true they are less semetic and more turkic.
ashkenazi also do a lot of inbreeding so they are an identifiable group.
Cancer. Lefty tried to kill me.
We know he's a dumbass because he sent his dNA to kikefactory 23andme.
smart man
liberalism &&& AIDS
Ancestry was started and run by Mormons forever, now owned by a british rich fuck. No jew influence that I've found.
>british rich fuck
>No jew influence
Um I don't think so Tim
whatev, nigga
>Muh heritage
Tough shit man, you've been selected for the euthanization to help reduce the global populatoin. The process will be painless and you will be allowed a 5 minute 'goodbye' video.
>Irish and Iberian in separate categories
So this makes me wonder-
We know how elites are subversive and will stop at nothing to make money.
Is it possible that, say, 50% of all the "ancestry" and "WN" posts here are actually by these websites' paid shills?
Just a thought. I mean we have David Brock, right?
T. Mongrel abomination
Typical american poster desu
not a big market here, waste of time, not their way of doing things. Americans love this shit because they're all mixed up and often don't know their background that well. Add to that the growing understanding of genetic memory and the power of genes over personality and culture and you get a greater interest from woke fuckers.
breaking the guidelines they provided because you assume your judgement is better than the professionals who do this as a career.
Yup youre clearly non-white or sub 80 IQ and thus an honorary nigger.
Seriously a simple guidline of very low IQ individuals is not being able to follow basic instructions or do simple ass puzzles lmao.
Did you eat something before you did the test or put anything into your mouth prior? Only thing I could think of.
Mine is on the left and my wifes is on the right.
Should have done 23andMe DESU
destroyed lel
>23 and me doesn't say to add cheek cells
>consider adding them anyway but don't
>reading comprehension
I brushed my teeth to make sure I had no food then waited about 3 hours before doing it (they say to wait an hour if you brush teeth) also rinsed mouth with water to make sure there was no toothpaste.
Thanks, got it..
means you cant properly fill a little test tube with spit...
i did mine in 4 minutes.
you're beta.
why though? Why not just brush your teeth the night before and wake up and immediately spit in the fucking thing? You put all kinds of chemicals and other shit into your mouth from brushing and mouth washing recently. God damnit leaf.
They didn't say insufficient DNA that's a different error.
Still waiting on my results, they've had my kit for one month today
You guys are both wrong. If they were ethnically german, germans would get weird results on 23andme. If they were ethnically turkic they would cluster near turkic populations.
You're native....gross, worse than nigger tier.
I've done the Ancestry test but haven't tried 23andMe.
Do these only show race or can they link ancestors?
Why would they be in the same?
lol shaun kang is probably whiter than 75% of Sup Forums
Because the Irish are Iberians.
Still hesitant to give them my genetic material because they do not anonymize it. If it does turn out that I have some weird conditions, I don't want them sharing it with other entities (insurance companies, government, etc)
They will link you with ancestors if they also took the test and allowed relatives to see.
Ancestry tries to make a family tree but doesn't give good data on genetic traits/illnesses you are likely/unlikely to develop.
>paying actual money to compromise his fundamental biometric information
>learning instead that he's infertile
I don't even need to do a test, I'm Italian/Scottish as far as I know
>tfw spaghetti haggisnigger