Sup Forums will defend this
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Niggers gon nig
I thought it was the guy they beat who was retarded.
>plead not guilty to video evidence
Man maybe that lawyer copy pasta is real, nigs really are that fucking stupid.
tfw you realize the only reason it's news is because they were dumb enough to livestream it
if it weren't recorded, the case would be just silently wrapped up with absolutely zero media coverage, treated like any other nig crime.
>lawyer copy pasta
post pls
>plead not guilty
all I see are 2 niggresses and some mops?
i would put these four down personally if given the chance.
there's no helping these subhumans
Niggers gonna nig!!!!
Dey dindu nuffin
I'll forever be in awe at the fact that someone named their child Tesfaye.
i dont have it but i know it and it's great.
>Recording ANY evidence of your crimes, much less literally broadcasting it
How are niggers so bad at crime?
thats the one :)
please post one that's not for ants this time
just click it you dummy
>The dindu nuffin plea
He's a phone poster like me
Um, actually it was white racist Trump supporters who beat up a retarded black man.
adam.curry (((dot))) com (((slash))) enc (((slash))) 1483909108.193_cbsradiodeceptivelyimplieschicagotorturerswerewhitetrumpsupportersvictimwasblack.mp3
that, and the fact that it's so low quality for me that it's barely even readable
>all 4 pleading not guilty
That is truly stranger than fiction.
dumb phone posters
You don't know what that white boy did before he was beaten.. i bet he was a bigg ass racist and did some fucked up shit. just sayin
use a fucking computer like normal people
Why are burgers and other anglos so retarded?
They wuz just bein stoopit kidz
-Duffin, police chief
I can't lay down with my computer. I use computer to post if im watching streams
Have a (You) for making me sensibly chuckle
Someone needs to make all their mugshots pepes
Defend niggers? Doubtful
Yeah, I can remember being young and committing acts of kidnapping. It was no big deal, man... Oh, wait, no, I went to school and had a job. nm
One of the few situations where I'd consider waterboarding and similar pleasantries to have their place.
Subject them to such for a week or two till they'll be nervous wrecks and then ask again how do they plead when they know what law says about their actions and they've provided plenty of proof themselves they're guilty. If they still claimd not guilty, subject them to another round of waterboarding and living in a dark box with hole to shit into and bowl of gruel to eat. They'll learn soon enough that avoiding punishment for shit they've done brings much different punishment by itself.
Duffin is just a combination of dindu nuffin.
Even Shakespeare couldn't write this kind of pottery.
why do so many niggers do this in mugshots
You always plead not-guilty in court, even if you are, let your lawyer negotiate a plea deal.
Haven't any of you fags been arrested before?
To show how badass and angry and no-shit-given they are.
Getting a mugshot and going to jail is a cultural status symbol for them, they're proud of it
>Haven't any of you fags been arrested before?
No, I'm white.
Album cover
Yeah, I had a DUI last year during a bout with depression. I didn't even know I was driving.I blew a .24 and spent the night in jail. I pled guilty and got a reckless driving charge tossed and didnt have a lawyer. paid my $800 and have to have an SR22 for another year.
What they are doing is just wasting time and money.
That's good advice but I think in this case there will likely be no plea deal since the whole thing was live streamed and cannot be deleted now. Honestly I feel kind of bad for the public defenders who get stuck with these shitbirds, but considering the city, they're probably nigs as well. And the Judge. And the jury if they do a jury trial, which they no doubt will try to.
They are going to get fucking reamed if they take this to trial.
Better for everyone else, they can nig themselves to death in a cell.
>not guilty
we ought to change it to do / dindu
>ye I'm so tough beating up an invalid with my squad
Niggers compete with each other for the most gangster mugshot and how many times they have been in prison
Why would /pol ever defend dindus
lmao those people are ugly as fuck
>literally a predator
lol that gif
>catches man and scalps him
That was great
No because I'm not a nigger
would marry top left
would rape bottom left
All four of them should be executed immediately
Anything short of the death penalty for these fucking cunts is an injustice
didnu nuffin , ayo holup, shiiieet, and banana
Please listen to my clip. It's from CBS Radio and it's a completely insane level of fake news.
Oh. I have a completely DIFFERENT Lawyer v. Diversity pasta.
crime is for niggers :^)
When you open an image on Sup Forums, go to the end of the link and removed the m before the .jpg or .png or whatever. It won't be for ants once you view it that way
because they're fucking monkeys
Holy shit, my sides.
I definitely noticed "Duffin" too, but your explanation made me laugh.
Why do niggers always, and I mean always, look like that on those pictures? Like, seriously, do they think they look cool? That they scare anybody? That they look gangster? That this will earn them respect?
This shit makes me laugh. There is nothing more pathetic than a smug kid thinking they're hot shit while in reality they're useless garbage. If I saw them dead on the street, I wouldn't even stop, just like I never stop when I see some roadkill.
Murrica. The time will come when they (murricans) will pay for the culture they carelessly created, sooner or later. And they will wonder why everything turns to shit and not realize that they're sleeping in the bed they made themselves.
>There is nothing more pathetic than a smug kid thinking they're hot shit while in reality they're useless garbage.
You just described every Negroid in history. Congratulations?
Easy for you to say, when you're apparently too poor for Mama Merkel to bother Enriching.
Fact is, those of us who aren't completely delusional know EXACTLY What kind of animals these people are.
"Dey dindu nuffin"
t. Officer Duffin
Holy Kek, you can't make that shit up
>Brittany Covington, 18
>not guilty
>on video
What the fuck? What could possibly be the thought process?
So what was the sentence that they got ?
If you click file name a new tab opens that's readable. At least it worked for me on chrome.
Easy, Paco. I doubt we know before year's end. Despite being an open and shut slam dunk thanks to the video, court system still moves painfully slow.
So are they in jail,house arrest or smoking in their trap house again ?
Couple of possibilities. Either no plea was offered, or they have individual lawyers who are hoping to offer testimony against the other three in exchange for leniency.
Hoping for Sup Forums to be like it was for ZimZam again.
>no guilty plea for brittany
the zimzam trial was peak Sup Forums - just before the reddit mass invasion. it will never be as good as it was then, there are just too many normies and trolls now.
holy shit!
Dey tryn cop betta plee, bruh.
> pulling a nuffin' on video proof
They all 4 pleaded not guilty, bah.
Surprise level: fucking zero.
>fuck white people
>fuck trump
>scalps a retard on video
what did they mean by this?
I would doubt it.
They probably set bail ridiculously high, and bailbonds are illegal in illinois.
I hate redditors as much as anyone, but hypocritical newfags that put on airs are just as bad.
So probably in Cook County lock up still.
After conviction they will probably be sent to a state prison or hopefully a federal prison.
I think they meant "we are all one race, the human race".
>on Sup Forums since before zimzam trial
Sure you were.
I don't think there are too many lawyers here....
Why do these male urban youths always look so nonplussed in their mugshots? The girls look devastated, they understand they've ruined their lives. Why don't the men care? How can't they care?
>not even taking plea deal
>in slam dunk case
>with explicitly clear video evidence
Or maybe they didn't get offered any kind of plea deal. I could see that. DA knows this is a high publicity trial and wants to go full blast on them.