
>"I used to sell drugs because if you take enough drugs, the only way you can support your habit is to sell to others. However, I did notice that among my clients I liked the pot users the most because their lives never went anywhere. They remained customers forever. I hate to burst your bubble, but I am going to be frank with you now. If you are a marijuana smoker, I would vastly prefer you switch to heroin, and here is why. Heroin will take you down faster and you can then pick yourself up and start your life. Marijuana is the drug of illusion. It creates the illusion that you are thinking great thoughts and doing great things while you are sitting on the sofa growing a beard".

Really made me think, I can't believe that a quote can completely alter your life but it did in my case.

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't this guy watch Scarface? Never use what you're dealing.

I don't know but I do know he got into a lot of trouble, yet got his shit together and made some antivirus crapware that he himself doesn't even use. So there's that, he doesn't use his own software. Same basic concept right?

Maybe pot users weren't ambitious, already. Maybe they enjoy life and don't feel like it's lacking, chasing dreams and phantoms when they already have everything they want in front of them. Maybe what life has given them inspires them enough, and maybe pot helps them enjoy it more.

But I want to grow a beard. What's being with that?


Then you are a customer for life.

>yeah goy, just do heroin to get to the fast track of getting your life together

clearly this is a reasonable argument that has nothing to do with profit margins or the fact weed is being decriminalized or legalized in many states.
it is certainly the kind of well founded argument used by people who have met actual junkies and know how well their stories end.

I don't know about that. There's plenty of content people that don't smoke.

this was me before i began smoking herbal jew.
stay up late. sleep all day. daydream.

Which has more profit?

>Marijuana user who buys for 10-20 years
>heroin user who buys for 1 year at most before going to rehab

Dealers prefer the potheads. Dealers will tell you this.

So my point is that if you are ambitious then you cannot use a drug that affects the part of the brain responsible for ambition. If you are content then maybe you have a low IQ and you never picture yourself being a parent. So be it. That's gene death though. And being a parent who smokes, I saw how my own mother turned out, she's my mother after all, she never knew her father sober.

>John McAfee
As in, the garbage antivirus software McAfee? Who cares what he says?

Pretty sure McAfee was into butt fucking himself with bath salts so maybe consider the source.

>implying junkies dont buy until they die
>implying there isnt an endless stream of people to push it on

honestly about to go batman on heroin dealers desu. i have watched 2 people die and the rest end up completely homeless and hopeless. the idea that junkies go to rehab and get their shit together and have life work out fine is straight up fantasy. dealers get better margins per weight off of heroin or coke, and those that sell weed are shitting their pants of the prices freefalling from legalization.

however dealers probably prefer pot heads on some levels because they arent sketchy fucking junkies.

Weed high and heroin high are totally different and the highs are not appealing to each other respectively. No one goes from weed to heroin, it's usually opiates (aim killers) to heroin.

...the jerbal hew...

Who cares what any successful competent businessman says? You answer that question. Who is it that listens to successful competent businessman advice.

Most people who use meth and heroin don't die, they go to rehab. I've been to a rehab before, my sister was there.

>i have watched 2 people die and the rest end up completely homeless and hopeless
Oh, but, it wasn't their fault. No, it's the dealers that are the problem!

Some people can smoke and be successful, some can't. No big deal.

Dude is based as fuck.

>Most people who use meth and heroin don't die, they go to rehab.

We all die eventually, friend.

He should've been the Libertarian nominee and our president.

In many cases yes because what they're selling is laced with cheaper, more powerful, more deadly drugs like Fentanyl to increase profit.

>Stop smoking pot
>Do heroin instead

got it. Life redirected.

Do you want to find out after 10 years though? That is his point. You only find out after years. Just try it out for 4 months or so, see if you are better off. Don't wait 10-60 years or some shit like that before you realize that it is not for you, find out if it is not for you right now.

I smoked pot for 3 years straight. I quit 3 months ago.

It isn't hard to quit. I feel extremely relieved to have quit so easily. I see the sad sacks I used to smoke with still struggling for weed bucks and selling their plasma for $25 a pop just to afford marijuana.

While it's fun, it is highly detrimental to your work life and you will become a lazy sack of shit. It feels fun to know that I can tell my job to go fuck themselves and put my 2 weeks in and find another job the same day instead of worrying and being a good little goy at my shit job and worrying about having to pass a piss test for the new job.

Come at me faggots.

>tfw nigger dealer still texts me "hey whats good bro"
oh nothing, just not buying $40 sacks twice a week you faggot nigger, KYS

>Marijuana is the drug of illusion.

Pretty fucking accurate. "weed makes everything better."
No it doesn't. It just makes you THINK everything is better. You're still working a dead end job living in a shithole apartment jerking off to porn.
Weed is for niggers. And I don't mean just black people. I mean niggers. It's for shitheads and lazy fucks. Do not fall for it, it does not good for our people.

and i have yet to meet one that has any chance of living a life of any normalcy

all dead or homeless. i would rather have an apt and be able to pay my bills and pursue hobbies than be a fucking junkie.

make no mistake, i have no sympathy for them. there is no lack of information what happens to virtually all heroin users. if you are dumb enough to put that shit in you than you deserve what you get. the people who deal it are worse in my opinion as they actively and knowingly destroy peoples lives to make a living. watching them decay and get worse and worse everytime they pick up.

If pot ruined your life you're a loser.

No you should use pot and just relax, then die. It will be a comfortable death. Because if you cannot understand the argument he is making then maybe getalife isn't for you.

Yeah I know, we all end up worm food. Doesn't bother me anymore.

>... and you can then pick yourself up and start your life
WRONG !!! Heroin kills - be wise and never touch these idiotic drugs.

Funny, McAfee is a drug addict who looks down on other drug addicts for not quitting drugs.
What a retard

I don't deal anymore
The smokers always want to smoke with you (I don't smoke) and hotbox your place.
One guy wanted to light up in my living room and I told him no smoking inside, go outside to do that.
He lit up anyway
If any of you start using, don't assume the dealer is your friend.

>you will become a lazy sack of shit
Are you new to life? That's a stereotype that's been beat to shit. Pot doesn't make lazy people lazy, they were lazy to begin with. And the most obvious of all, successful and productive people smoke weed.

>It isn't hard to quit.

This. It's by far the easiest thing I ever quit. 10 years clean now.

lol I'm stem and at an Ivy League school. I love pot. If anything it helps me put things in perspective and helped me realize how hard I have to work to succeed.

*pot smokers

Losers tend to smoke marijuana, but marijuana doesn't create losers. They were already going to be losers anyway.

It's like saying "video games ruins lives. Look how many manchildren are still in their basements playing xbox."

It's a symptom, not a cause.

anyone who tells you that being able to pay all your bills and live comfortably is being a failure is trying to sell you something. not that im saying dead end jobs are dream jobs, but as long as you can afford necessities and a few luxuries on a regular basis, it is up to you to find happiness.


Get back to us when you enter real life. Not saying your studies are in vain - STEM is the only real reason to go to university. But you haven't figured shit out when you're in school.

(tried to write that without being condescending. Gave up. Just call me a fag).

>falling for the "most successful people smoke weed"

I'll bet you think politicians and previous presidents smoked the herbal jew

Ask yourself this, why are we suddenly legalizing the drug en-mass? It's to create a new wave of dysfunctional people who are prone to violent outbursts when someone confronts them regarding the herbal slave plant

get fucked kid

Thanks for posting.

>potheads remained customers forever
Can't you say the same about cigarette smokers?

He sold the company years before it turned to shit, made a pretty penny back in the day and lives fat now doing hookers and blow while probably laughing at the state of his old software.

Marijuana isn't your problem. Narcissism is.

Hence your fucking post.

All drugs are for niggers.

>it is up to you to find happiness.

But you won't be compelled by ambition to seek that happiness, you won't be driven to find your greatest good, because you're floating on an artificial island of euphoria.

Is that what we are for? "Paying bills and living comfortably?" Is that what built our civilization and put the wealth of all mans knowledge in your hand? I personally think not.

Cigarette smokers being the ultimate pathetic goyim has been nothing new for a very long time.

>have a good job
>future looks good
>smoke weed


not sure if bait. a nation of potheads would be better than a nation of alcoholics.

Yeah pretty much. The only drug I use is alcohol. And in reasonable amounts. Don't get shitfaced at all. Can count the painkillers I've taken in 5 years on one hand.

Drugs are degenerate and are my last crutch til salvation.


Sorry OP but you are wrong. Im a pot smoker and like in a house that is worth over $6mil usd.

just because you cant handle the mental enlightenment marijuana brings you don't mean others cant.

Some of us know how to handle the additional insight

Considering the most junkies are hooked on legal pharmaceuticals that means it's the American capitalist system that's to blame.


You got money, but good luck raising a good family while smoking weed.

No. It wouldn't. Alcohol has always been accepted by society because it's a motivator. People get drunk and desire to go out and get nuts. They get hammered and fight. They gain aggression.

Don't get me wrong. The bottle can be a demon. But it's a motivator for most. Weed does the opposite.

This, I made $200 off this moon mission

I was smoking a big joint reading this

John McAfee is a cuck and a faggot. And don't get me started on his (((anti-virus))) that is worse than a full-fledged trojan.

Well no shit it's not hard to quit, it's not an addictive drug.

the fewnag

if all it takes is a little inebriation to kill all motivation to better yourself then you never fucking had any in the first place. note i said a little as getting high on a regular basis has less effects on your psyche than getting drunk every night.

Typical Canadian. No wonder our country is fucked, half the country is fucking fried and will vote for any weak faggot that talks about legalizing.

My family has already been raised. a 20 year old in college, and another about to start next year.

and fuck a wife, never will I sign away half my shit. So glad i did that when i was only making 80k a year. #BanMarriage

Good thing all i had was a morphine addiction. Used it because i couldn't function around other people without it (obviously not that was the delusion) but i got plenty done with it, i get a hell of a lot more done now but good god i miss it sometimes.

ya he just became a billionaire off of it and lived a cooler life than like 99% of people

also, mcaffee will admit his software is shit but he would argue it became shit after he sold it to intel. he hasnt had any authority over that software forever.

psychedelics are white man drugs

funny the only motivation ive seen alcoholics get from drinking is to just drink more. liver failure and the shakes sure do look like a lot of fun. the illegalization of marijuana is small in the timeframe of humanity and was purely pushed by companies fearing industrial hemp hurting their profits.

Is that the same reason alcohol was legalized?

user, almost everyone I know stops smoking wee eventually. I've never met anyone who CHOSE to get off heroin and then actually did it. I know one junkie who cleaned up and that is because he didn't have his shit together enough to get someone to smuggle him dope in prison.

Getting drunk every night will do more than fuck your psyche. My aunt is 48 and her liver just failed...
However you're dead wrong that weed does not crush motivation. It happened to me, and it happened to so many of my family and friends that it hurts to watch. For many, the balance of ambition and contentment is paper thin, and when you add a gram of weed to that paper, it tips in the direction of a meaningless existence.

reminder caffeine is a drug too user. drinking coffee or soda with caffeine is using a drug.

You fucking idiot, alcohol is one of the most degenerate drugs.

>move to a new city
>start highschool a lonely loser
>finally become friends with some cool dudes by smoking weed with them at lunch
>start lifting and playing sports because some of them were chads
>smoke mountains of weed
>get qt girlfriend
>get into university
>still smoking piles of weed
>become engineer
>still toking
>teach myself seimens automation
>make shitloads of money
>high right now

a plant can't make you a failure, you can however make yourself a failure with anything

desu I think TV is worse for your life than weed

all that and you're still a mobile posting subhuman

>starts toking weed 6 years ago
>now im a baller photographer who parties with playgoy chicks and maxim parties
>400k a year shooting for vogue
speak for yourself you losers, weed is awesome.
lazy people will always be lazy.

a reasonable assumption as its been historically proven that the chinese used opium dens to keep their undesirables in a completely useless state.

See my other post about my aunt dying of liver failure. Booze kills. (As I drink a beer). But marijuana is far more insidious and often drags out mediocrity over the span of decades.
Alcohol is a social lubricant, it encourages sexual behaviour (degenerate and not) and it functions in a far more social setting than weed. And yes, weed can be social yes. I smoked a ton of it (maybe literally) in my younger days.

I don't use caffeine. It's a zero reward drug. It conditions you to need it, and requires more and more over time. Drink sports drinks and fruit juices if you need energy, or better yet mow down on a snickers.
I only drink herbal tea. Ginger being preferred.

>taking advice from a methhead
i'll pass, john

its also a GREAT way to give yourself schizophrenia or psychosis if you're predispositioned which sucks dick because you can't get an MRI to check without a really good reason and doctor/psychiatrist referral,

plus it can give you Depersonalization and/or Derealization even if you're perfectly healthy with a normal brain, look it up they are both real conditions and there is countless forums about people who have it from smoking weed or doing other drugs, it's a disorder that will mentally ruin your life and make you an emotionless shell of a human

t. someone who smoked pot for a year and is now 2 months into depersonalization hell and trying to recover my self-identity

So degenerate that Jesus made it. Righto.

So this is the power of libertarianism.

Former heroin addict here. Used for 5 years, been sober for 3.

He has a point about weed. I absolutely fucking hate weed. It makes you retarded and you think you're worldly and intelligent about stupid, irrelevant shit that you forget the next day. I was never productive, and had a shitty part time job that I hated. Although I am for medicinal marijuana use.

At least when I did heroin, I was always trying to get high and always trying to get sober. Always in terrible fucking pain. Heroin makes you realize how much of a fuck up you're being. When I did drugs I had no life. With heroin you either get your shit together or you die. Those are your only 2 options. Eventually I got my shit together, and I work a full time job with benefits and decent salary.

A blessing in disguise really. Helped me change my ways. Big eye opener.

Yeah I can't help all these people who are making loads of money, their pride will be their fall I suppose.

So by your kike on a stick logic, god didn't make the hemp plant, but sent his only kike down to ferment alcohol. that right?

Eh I am pretty sure I had some depersonalization due to smoking a shit ton of weed when younger. Just so you know, CBT can do a great job against it. (Haven't done it myself).
I know what you're talking about. Sometimes I felt outside of my body.
If it makes you feel better, I have been off for about 10 years and it rarely happens.

I smoked pot from 14 to 19. In the summer. Every day. All day. My allowance went to buying drugs only. But now i am a respected member of my field. Make alot of money. were saying

If you read the thread instead of thinking about yourself then you would have understood the point of it. You want to live in a haze then go ahead, you can make all the money you want, you are still not living, you still don't have a life.

All these drug faggots need to drink themselves to death like the average red-blooded, ultra-patriot, "ya think yah bettah than ME?" working-class slob.

and this refutes my point that your better off being a stoner that can live your whole life instead of being an alcoholic or a junkie how. it sounds like your having disillusions of everyone being able to sit at that top of society as if their are an infinite number of empty seats just waiting for people to excel. some people are doomed to mediocrity by nature, let them be happy. its not like smoking weed is going to make you as much of a strain on health care like drinking booze, and certainly not as much as heroin.

Christian hater I see. Very edgy. Much wow.

How is McAfee a cuck? He spoke out against the russian hacking allegation

Meming aside, I think weed is good for your teen years and early 20s for having fun/abstract thinking, and also later on when you have secured a steady income for the same reasons. however, when you're building yourself up to your ideal self, it is only a hindrance. (my experience

Also drugs affect everyone differently you mongs.

>everyone being able to sit at that top of society

Few will sit at the top of society, but the less sit near the bottom the better. The less are content with their lot at the bottom, the better.
I do not refer to materialism or some mad capitalist rush to possess, but rather a genuine desire to seek out and own the best that one can from life.
I suppose you are just more deterministic than I, seeing as you believe that some are doomed to mediocrity.

Are you insinuating potheads keel over from use? You know what you don't see in rehab? Potheads.
Many junkies (my parents and brother among nearly entire family) use illicit substances indefinitely. Rehab is bullshit. If you want to quit you don't need to attend a pussy party, you just quit.

please stop. you are actually hurting me now.

>for your teen years

Right. When usage of weed in your teen years has been proven to increase chances of certain psychosis. Right on.