Single Mother Hate Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>hurr muh two job working mother
>much claps
>much cheering
One part time job, not even for money just because women absolutely loath unemployed people (unless they're black) and otherwise taking welfare.
Ann is right, no one is praising dead beat fathers and no one should praise narcissistic single mothers.
>heroic single mothers
I'm done.
This guy is a cuck. Catholic authority works because this faggot would never be given a church commission and would never be able to propagate his sophistry shit.
Children need both male and female live in role models. Discussion over. Hell, I'm even okay if a single mother lives with her brother or father.
One of my mother's many boyfriends molested me and my sister. Fuck this shit.
These women in the audience are in such denial, while giving her a nasty look.
Women who become single mothers are women who like to party and get with men who they know are not committed and are just one night stands. It's their fault for getting pregnant and not using protection.
Adults are old enough to make their own decisions. They are usually shitty and selfish decisions most of the time with alcohol involved.
Same here.
Based ann.
And you let it happen like the little bitches you are.
Fucking end your life.
All the homosex and sociopaths home alone on Friday night and hating women. Oh see my surprised face!
and you idiots are anti abortion
Don't you have an abo's dick to suck and his rent to pay?
Faggot get raped by achmed
I think unwed mothers who aren't widows should be shunned by society. They're fucking cancer.
Fuck! Man this programming is so fucking obvious why don't more people see it? They take an issue, word it in a way you can't disagree with it using few words.
>single moms
>where are the fathers???
>these mothers are doing a heroic thing
Fuck no, stop right there. It (can) be hard for them, but now you're glorifying it. Fuck
>Growing up.
>Mother is trying to sissy me up.
>Father is a drunk monster who beats me.
>Hit around teenage years.
>Mother and father still around, his drunk beatings get worse for her, leaves me alone because I hit back.
>Turn out fairly fucked up but dont resort to violence when I can.
>His family makes excuses for him "his daddy beat him, he dont know no betta, he a good boy, he didndunuffin"
he is also white.
>Mom throws hissy fits over everything like a princess because she was spoiled at every fucking turn.
She ran away from home to marry him because "you have to get a job now"
>They are still together.
>I stay single because I really fucking rather just work and be single.
>He's a full blown alcoholic who cant even function.
>She keeps screaming "ill leave him, and get a job" for the past 20 years.
I dont know whats worse, single mothers who are shitty, or shitty parents. Dont get me wrong, I love my mom, but shes got some major faults that Ive been working out of her over the past 5 years.
>Ill leave him and move in with you.
you better be able to pay your own bills.
>Ill get a job I promise.
get a job first, then we will talk.
Is that what you said to mum before her chad boyfriend rekt your sister while you stood by and watched?
Thank you based Ann. Isn't she also the one who said Trump was gonna win at the start of it all?
She's right yet again too. Stigmas keep the world in order, and these single moms are too stupid to know what's good for them.
Abos are doing the same thing to innocent little white girls in your country. Doesn't that get your roos bouncing?
Don't feed the cunts, dude.
I'm dating a single mother right now. Anti-redpill move but:
>She had the kid at 18, didn't want an abortion and married the guy (now dicorced). She's 23 now
>She has a good job, supports her daughter and her parents
>She wants to pay for everything even though I make good money
>Dated almost 4 months still haven't met her child, she's not rushing me at all to do it either
>Sex is great and often
Ultra rare but there are some good ones out there. Blanket refusal is virgin MGTOW """"""redpill movement""""" shit
careful not to cut yourself on that edge bro
You sure this guy is Catholic? Looks like a Protestant to me. Anglican.
>she literally goes "not an argument"
So when are you coming over? or you don't get off on watching unless it's your sister and mums boyfriend?
super edge
Man I knew aussies were inbred out of necessity, but sounds like your kind actually fantasizes about your family. Thats messed up
Shes trying not to scare you off with the kid, older single mothers tend to ram the kid down your throat on the first date, she most likley tried that with another dude and scared him off.
She will pretty much do everything she can to keep you happy, which isnt bad. The issue is, is she doing it because she loves you or is trying to keep you, or both.
So good on you.
Thanks man, that honestly invalidates the last line of my post. Good work.
Can't find a decent woman? Don't breed. Can't find even a cuckable husband? Don't breed. Can't raise children right? Don't breed. We have enough men who don't know what it means to be a man, we don't need need more.
I'm sorry about what's happened to you both. You've either spent years overcoming the trauma or need to spend years overcoming the trauma, all because your mothers were horrible, selfish people. That's not fair on you.
There's a question section
>but muh anecdotal situation where there's sometimes loud noises
>I'm a single mother and am emotional! You can't just science!
>statistics are just opinions! I'm fine despite looking like a turbo slut
>lol who are you? [Character assassination] I'm a single mother (and also a turbo slut)
Shut up. Just shut up.
Literally all the "questions".
Why does a single 20 something care more about your children than you do? Fucking reeee.
I will fuck you up and then have people tell you it's your fault, that's fair, isn't it? The weak must fear the strong and I can bench my own body weight, I could probably shatter bones with a well executed punch.
Despite being a pacifist, I feel you'd almost deserve it.
Fuck all of you, this is serious, think about the children.
That's my point.
The worst thing the only two real Christian churches did was create a decent system/culture completely dependent on regulation and moderation from a single figure... Then completely disappear and dismantle that regulation and moderation until we have all this tolerance shit.
I'm a Christian. I'm a libertarian. I can't rectify this. I'm angry because, like Ann, I too care about your children.
Fucking sterilize yourself instead.
That's low
Hey man however you need to rationalize your cuckoldry
>real Christian church
>founded on divorce and "remarriage" and divorce and "remarriage", rinse, repeat 5 more times
Interesting comment coming from the family fucker himself.
Ok cunt, I'm in Brisbane let's square go.
I suppose the abo's are doing you a favor by introducing new genes into the cunts of your women.
Based Anne BTFO single moms this is amazing.
>mom leaves dad who is a 9 year older, hardworking normie.
>dad is Franco, mom is Anglo
>mom leaves
>mom is a lazy person
>mom feeds and eaises us on box foods and TV
>mom has many boyfriends.
>most had mullets, snakeskin cowboy boots and Iroc cars.
>get accustomed to a dude...then all of a sudden he isn't around.
>mom finally finds a guy that lasts awhile.
>he has a meltdown and punches holes in the wall.
>we get in a car to leave. Dude runs out and jumps on hood. We all freak.
>calls cops.
>next guy is around for awhile too. He is an alcoholic. Always treats my mom like shit.
>i move out cuz cant handle it.
>mom years later appologizes "...yea i dont know what i was thinking..."
>literally dont know what to say. I want to blow a gasket and call her a dumb cunt but i just say "...its in the past now".
>all i can think about is my poor dad. He was very Catholic and did all the right things and be got a lifetime of giving 3/4 of his wages to a cunt and only seeing us 4 days a month. He never missed a school function. A sports function despite living 1.5 hours away.
>took me a long time to mature and realize who my real caring parent was.
>my mom can see how i pretty much avoid her now and only deal with my dad. I think it pains her and a sick part of me enjoys it. I hope she feels pain from it.
Woman are the coldest, most ferocious cunts on earth.
I almost got MYWIFESSONNED but thanks too pol, I broke up with her after 3 years.
I guess in a way that would be similiar to how your mum was letting her boyfriends dump new genes into your sister while you watched and did nothing.
Orthodox and Catholic.
Anglican is exactly the shit I'm complaining about, first it was authoritarian and basically Islamic with no moderation at all, then it became permissive shit. If you're not either Catholic or orthodox, just don't religion and replace it altogether with philosophy.
Coward, you know the Australian Christian libertarian is Melbournian.
Why should her mistake become your responsibility? Plenty of well adjusted, single, attractive, intelligent and even red pilled women out there.
Is the sex really that good?
Feminism has made western women so uninviting anyway.
Personally, I recommend Indian women, when they're high IQ they see feminism as the same brand of cancer that makes Indian men shit.
>Australian Christian libertarian is Melbournian
t. cuck
Can't get pregnant before puberty, everything worked out :D
What kind of "father" is he ? He's fake as fuck.
>Iroc cars
That is the best description of the kind of people you are talking about I have ever read.
You fucking disgust me.
If I knocked up a white woman, I would have run away too.
And thats why I went for white little boys
Look I found one of your mums boyfriends.
>I'm dating a single mother right now
>Sex is great and often
You don't say...
You two should get in touch
>doesn't hit me cuz I hit back
I don't know why your pussy ass didn't stick up for your mom, whom you supposedly love, at least once. You couldn't have beat your drunk ass to a bloody pulp after he beat your mom? Put the fucker in a coma and call the police to cart him away. Your mom would've been angry for a while but she might've come around and thanked you for helping her out of a bad situation. If she had just gotten back into a abusive relation after leaving your dad then you could've written her off as a lost cause. You obviously never grew the proper size balls. You're a pussy.
>my mother divorced three times
>her first husband became a drunk after his father died and began beating her or his mother when he was home
>her second husband (my father) beat my brothers in public men's rooms and left the day after she said "if you can't stop hitting my sons you should leave"
>third husband ended up convincing her google wasn't a viable investment when it was brand new and shares were cheap as fuck.
that's not why she left him, he was secretly into casual sex with men but i never forgave him for ruining what would have been a rich life.
Also i probably lucked out in terms of single mothers. she was able to make a good wage that supported all of us and work what ever hours she wanted. She was always there for our school performances, never missed a one; she went and got her masters when i was a teen and my older brothers moved out and then supported the 3 of us financially when we needed it. I don't have college debt thanks to her.
I'm definitely in uncharted waters for myself and doing some mental gymnastics to justify it but I'm happy so I'm rolling with it..
pics or gtfo
Stay the fuck away from our women you abo cuck. Reeeeee
You got no excuse for not defending your family if you were a teen. I was too young when I got fucked up, but if I was the size I was in my teens, I would have put up a fight. You are a tremendous pussy faggot
Indian men are told they're perfect in every way and never need to change, fat feminist white women are told they're perfect in every way and never need to change.
It's literally the same shit.
What's left over are Indian women who kill themselves trying to be the perfect image their society imposes on them and white men who kill themselves trying to not be all the horrible things feminists call them.
It's a beautiful parallel.
>*switch to clapping and cheering by token black woman*
Fuck these talk show cocksuckers. Fakest motherfuckers.
>muh anecdotes
>muh friends
>my mom!
>your stats don't mean nothin!!
Which way is the Deadbeat Dad Appreciation Thread?
Sounds like a fucking heretic to me, not shaming single mothers and even claiming a single mom can be heroic. Fucking how?! I've never seen a mom jump on a grenade to save her kid, or run and push her kid out of the way of a car, she'll just wave her arms and scream for a man to come do it.
she is probably fucking someone else. the whole not wanting you to meet her kid thing is a cover.
Lol rekt
That's right my northern brother. I bet they eat toast too
Indian women are stinky fucken fat turds of things.
You can keep the fat fucks
I come from a relatively small town in Texas where about 1 out of 3 girls I went to school with are now single mothers and still whoring out at the four bars we have in town. I've known a dude since 6th grade who a couple of years after high school knocked up a party girl, had the baby, they broke up, then had another baby together, got married, and got divorced. He works his ass off at chemical plants and she posts memes directed at him on facebook while other single mothers cheer her on.
I also went to school with a white girl who had a baby with one of the blacks and he left her to have another baby with a different white woman in town, and now the original girl makes passive-aggressive posts on facebook about getting $5.83 in child support while other single mothers cheer her on.
Are you sensing a pattern?
I gotta get the fuck out of this place.
Wow australia, this is what you faggots do to look big?
No wonder we're a protectorate for your pussy asses.
Women without male guidance are the human equivalent of cancer cells
>should be shunned
this type of 'scarlet letter' and societal shame is what has kept the western world spinning. it's gone now, the west has lost our faith and its collapse is imminent.
She shut them all down with statics
> I'm getting emotional right now
> Almost cries
> Where are you getting these stats from?
> I'm a single mother
What are they trying to say? They deserve special treatment?
> Where are the fathers?
I'll bet all my pepes at least half were black guys who skipped out
These bitches are so dumb.
> Half of us never even heard of you before we came here
What do you live under a rock?
Based Ann, fighting the good fight.
>The worst thing the only two real Christian churches did was create a decent system/culture completely dependent on regulation and moderation from a single figure
I'd agree with you except most catholics/orthodox Christians aren't faithful, they are practically atheists who don't believe in the literal resurrection of Christ. In many ways the papacy/priesthood has destroyed what good came from a structured religion. At least Protestants remain true to the Bible and don't rewrite it to allow faggots and atheists to go to heaven.
>married single mother
>had a kid myself
>made her get rid of her womb turd to dad
>she is raising my keen now
>gave me 2 others
i win. i am the reverse cuck heehehe i am jew btw.
She lacks commitment and is apparently an atheist since she sees no harm in breaking her religious vows. You're probably an atheist yourself since you are a cuck. She needs another beta provider, you'll do just fine, that's why she's luring you in with plentiful fornication/adultry. Enjoy while you can! Only a fool would marry this woman.
I here you fellow burger bro. The town I live in right now you either go to college after high school or you get pregnant. It's usual suspects ( coalburners, fat white women, party girls.) Its like they really think well nothing else in life might as well pop out a kid and have the government pay for it, then bitch about how there are no good men. Want to know why there are no good men? Because western society has demonized men, and tradition. A purge can't come soon enough.
Not even the children of single mothers will obtain mercy.
That is why they tend to have all manner of mental and health problems.
Single motherhood is pure degeneracy.
>Hosea 2:4 And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms.
We can never hate them as much as they hate themselves.
>Hosea 5:7 They have dealt treacherously against the LORD, For they have borne illegitimate children. Now the new moon will devour them with their land.
I'm not sure why Ann gives the divorced mother a pass here, even she bends to the PC feminism that is deeply rooted.
Not a valid thread for pol.
identity politics get out, what are we liberals?
stop sliding real threads
This is an odd town. Because of the local chemical refineries, there are a lot of people (highly educated engineers) who live here who are not from here. Like all smaller communities, this place has a reputation of swallowing people and never letting them go. For guys, you either go to college (more often than not, to be an engineer and end up right back in town) or you work a labor job for a chemical plant contractor. For girls, you either go to college, or you get knocked up. It's an odd place. Because of the chemical plants, you can do quite well for yourself even without a college education. It's actually a great place to live and raise a family. But when you've been here your whole life and you don't conform to the program, it's a real motherfucker.
No hymen no diamond.
Sorry about that bruh, you ma just wasn't putting out
LOL total bitch
There are single moms and single parents.
Single parents:
>spend time money and energy on their kids
>may be single due to an unfortunate circumstance such as a death, an irreconcilable marriage despite all good faith attempts or another unavoidable situation
>gave up parties for children
>spends extra money mostly on children
>has a college fund set up
>only dating men who are willing to be a father if they are dating at all.
Single moms:
>spend time money and energy on friends
>single due to being terrible, slutty behavior, or "trying to keep parenting casual" or another avoidable situation stemming from immaturity.
>gives children up to parents so she can party
>spends extra money on herself or party drugs
>will fuck anything with a cock that is above a 3/10
There is a difference between the two
Coulter reminds me of Christine Chubbuck.
I hate single moms
Widower with kids reporting in. Single mothers always say/think oh we have a lot in common!
>offended every time I'm somehow lumped in with roastie whores
>thankful for modern medicine and childbirth safety, but before it existed there were lots of people in my situation and society knew what to do with us
>now it's like, oh you should meet my friend Mykayliekensie she got dumped by a guy she just met who she let fuck her and she's on welfare, you guys would get along great!
>married and has a kid with a woman who would willingly throw away her child for a man
Have fun getting "JUST"ed in the future divorce, senpai. At least youll get the kids after she throws them away for the next guy.
>unemployed single mother reporting in
Fuck, I am so sorry Did she ever find out out? Did she blame herself? My sister was molested by my moms boyfriend (my dad) when she was 12 and since my mom thought I should have a father she got back together with him. She broke up with him and the family is back together but still.
you cunts call yourselves redpilled but a ctrl+f for child support returns nothing
Is it true girls who have cheated with cheat again even though you have very good communication and you are dominant?
I met my gf 2 years ago, she cheated wtih me on her husband of 13 years. She had allready cheated on him 4 times before me in very cucking ways. She met a guy at her job cleaning a house and fucked him while working and between work. One time she even had a cumstain apparently on her clothes.
I fuck her like a toy, but we actually live together now and she does everything I say and listens to everything I say. She gives me daily blowjobs while she didn't ever suck her husband off. She does everything with me that she has never done with her husband.
I even convinced her to get a tattoo labeled "myname's Bitch" in the tramp stamp area and my autograph on her bum to clearly state that I own her.
She's 35, I'm 27. Her husband was 37.
I feel like I totally have control over her, however, besides the best sex i've ever had, is it possible to have a future with her? Or will she cheat again.
She has left her husband to live with me, she has left her 8 year old daughter aswel. We plan to move closer to her old town so her child can live with us.
I know this sounds like a weird ass story, but unironically, it's all true.
i post this video all the fucking time and i never get replies
He was probably a kid, or didn't fully understand what was happening, you emu fuck
I know those feels, senpai. There are hardly any job opportunities in smaller communities, and they don't suck people in and thier will to live. I hear all the time how I'm going to leave, I'm not coming back, but no one ever follows through. Also it's all about gossip and petty shit between people who think it matters. I was thinking since the walls going to be built, to head down south and see if they need just labor. The college meme is pushed hard, I think we need a other route besides college, working 3 part time jobs, knocking some used up whore for gibs and the like. I'm just keeping my head down and doing what I need to do. You are right about conforming. If you don't have a kid or family around here and are single, they look down on you. Keep strong, desu. A brighter future is ahead.
I run into this shit all the time dealing with liberals.
Cite fact after fact, study after study, unbiased information yet they continue to fucking reject reality completely.
It all just boils down to 'this makes me feel better, so I believe it.'