Are there really communists on browsing Sup Forums?
Are there really communists on browsing Sup Forums?
Why? Do you want it to be a little echo chamber where you suck eachothers cut up dicks all day?
Are you a communist?
I think they're mostly Shareblue shills if they post commie shit at all. There were a few weeks of commie shitposting here, but they just got blown out after having to face an endless litany of their crimes
Sup Forums is for the far right to redpill the left into submission
Then fuck off bongtard
i fucking hope so. how else can we redpill them and show them what an embaressment of an idiology communism is
do they have their Sup Forums license?
shills are blatant.
normies only sound retarded when they post
the rest are ironic shitlords
No. Kys you non-white mongrel subhuman
Fuck off paki shitskin I'm whiter than you'll ever be
Hmmm, no you won't lol
Get a room faggots.
Death to all Communists.
We will overthrow this fascist white supremacist State and free the working class from the bondage of capitalist oppression.
You fucking nazis
Can you explain why you're a communist, your beliefs, etc?
Depends on the day of the week.
ok, now tell me what national socialism exactly is, and whats bad about it.
>dis gonna be gud
We live in a State where 8 men control 90% of the wealth.
This can not be tolerated. I have no idea how so few thought they could live with so much while so many have so little.
Fuck fascist racist capitalist scum and the system they support.
I'm serious dude, give me the entire gestalt. I'm trying to learn.
Go in depth about racism, racism, and your personal communist beliefs.
Commie threads are shills and try to meme us into self-doubt. We're mostly fascists, libertarians and nationalists. It's a right wing echo chamber. Just sayin'.
you do realize we hate the establishment too? and that we arent ok with the current state of the government, politics or economy? you do realize that communism just means that those 8 man controlling 90% if the wealth would controll 100% of it since there is no private proberty in communism and everything belongs to the government. and this government would be able to tell exactly where how many pennies are sent, and who recieves them?
I am not a communist
and I have never been a communist
But what you think a communist is, that, I am.
>Equating fascism with Capitalism
>Believing the "system" supports Fascism
>Pretending to be retarded
Democratic socialists yes.
Fascist communists, no.
I knew it, there are no communists on this board.
The proletariat are kept purposely divided along horseshit lines of conflict. There is literally nothing stupider than two citizens from the same neighborhood or city fighting along such a worthless concept as skin color.
And you stupid nazis feed into it.
You make arbitrary alliances with people across the world based on skin color while hating the citizens who surround you.
And so none of us have any power.
Perfect response.
so he's a jew?
should i care more about my neighbor or my brother?
I would say loyalties on the basis of ethnicity make more sense than loyalties based on classes.
Typical Shabbos Goy Communists, creating conflict where there was none in a nation. A nation should work properly within the divinely ordained caste system. The ditch digger has his place as much as the artist and the warrior, all strive for the nation as one cohesive organic unit. All strive to one ideal, in accordance with nature, rather than the petty conflicts of (((capitalism))) and (((communism))) over the allotment of materials.
>I would say loyalties on the basis of ethnicity make more sense than loyalties based on classes
Then America is a land of 1,000 warring tribes and we better get about the business of killing each other.
Do you see what you have done? You stupid fucking nazi you have just declared racial warfare to be the only viable political strategy
Their are not 1,000 warring tribes in America. The average American, even with heavy dilution, is a Western European. In America pan-Europeanism is a necessity. Racial warfare is simply the natural order, just look at the Latinos purging Africans from Los Angeles and the intense racial terrorism instigated by Africans against European Americans from BLM, and your average black on white crime.
And what is wrong with that? Is nature evil or wrong? Nature is just neutral, and we have to align ourselves to nature in such a way that we can survive and thrive on this planet, and eventually in the stars.