How should men express emotions?

Talking about feelings, and expression emotions is a taboo subject when it comes to men. I generally don't like talking about them, but I do have one friend who I talk about feelings with, and he talks about his with me. It sounds kinda gay, but it helps me a lot to get stuff off my chest. I want to hear your thought on this subject. Should men show no emotion? How do you handle your emotions? What way will ultimately lead to a better man?


internalize everything to the point of suicide

Realistically you should only express your emotions with your mother, maybe your father and definitely your wife.

I tend to not do that though. I think it's better for everyone.

you should only show emotions to good people, dosnt matter what gender it is

Most masculine outlet for emotional frustration is either through violence or the arts, but having a drunken heart-to-heart with a trusted confidant won't kill you.

i dont feel anything
when i approach a girl i feel nothing
when i get blown the fuck out by her i feel nothing
pain is sort of a mild feel
when i lift weights i feel euphoria / rage
when i do drugs i feel euphoria
normally i feel nothing
i always want sex / tits / naked women
when women talk i feel slightly annoyed

i really dont feel anything apart from hunger, fatigue, anger and euphoria

are you a teen op? those were some stupid years emotionally

I find not telling anyone the way I feel about something makes me feel like shit, and distracts me from my responsibilities. I agree about talking about it with you parents and SO. I used to talk to my father about this stuff, but as I got older and moved out he's not around all the time.

Some people can handle it, and I'm one of those people.

only an idiot would share his emotions with his SO
permanent boner kill in female land

>dont feel anything
>when i approach a girl i feel nothing
>when i get blown the fuck out by her i feel nothing
>pain is sort of a mild feel
>when i lift weights i feel euphoria / rage
>when i do drugs i feel euphoria
>normally i feel nothing
>i always want sex / tits / naked women
>when women talk i feel slightly annoyed

You sound like me in my teen years; I'm in my early twenties now.

typically its best to show emotion once in a while
but society hates men emotions other then anger.
but bottling it up will just lead to a bigger explosions

what changed for you?
i am 24 for reference

I don't have a significant other so I suppose I wouldn't know.

Post 60s yes, but that's not how women are supposed to be.

Women are supposed to nurture, and a wife is meant to be a replacement mother.

Or let yourself appear weak and forever let it be held against you

>Women are supposed to nurture, and a wife is meant to be a replacement mother.

I'm glad someone else understands this. It bothers a lot of people.

through art.

Dont you fucking judge me.

In writing.

I try to eliminate all my emotions other than amusement, even the positive ones. Joy must die so I don't have to Joy to miss. Love must die because other people kill your love. Depression, anxiety, etc. limit me; they must die too. Amusement I find to be neutral and even positive for my reputation, so I keep it.

cant have one emotion without the opposite buddy.

im 22 now. Intensity. Being bored at home and the silence bringing clarity and focus to goals, mostly physical since I was fucking hardcore into lifting. Began at 13, over the years pissed off at dad and brother so I'd constantly think about getting stronger and being dominant. Week before christmas at 17 big car wreck, injuries still fucking with me to this day and I DREAM, literally I'd give anything, to feel like I did at 17.

>replacement mother
i have so many issues with this. pretty sure you are supposed to mature beyond needing a mother,

From 13 to about 17 I was feeling what you are now. I was angry and lonely, but I bottled it up because I convinced myself no one cared about my problems. My life was school, video games, drugs, and sex with whatever slut I could find that was down. When I was 17 about to turn 18 I met some really good people and after a few months of hanging out with them I felt genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. One night we were hanging out and drinking and we started talking about felling, and that made me realize how good it felt talking to other people. I'm 23 now, and one of those friends I met is the same person I still talk to about this stuff.

Feelings aren't taboo, most just don't fucking care for male feelings.
I don't talk about my feelings because feelings are self-absorbed bullshit. Crying is self-pity.
Talking about your feelings changes nothing. You have to change things through action, not feels.
People in general shouldn't show feelings, because as I stated before, it's self-important whiny shit.

I'll share my thoughts, my opinion, but stating something makes me sad or happy is a waste of time.

its not like i have a depression issue. just normal emotions are pale in comparison to the drug induced ones. so off drugs i am pretty numb.

yeh i couldnt be a neet anymore, would spend the day pacing the property bored, ended up joining the army as an officer. mainly because civilian life looked like a massive turd sandwich. 9-5 coming home to a nagging whore? lol nope.

What kind of drugs do you use regularly?

The only healthy expression of male emotion is punching a hole in the wall.

phenethylamine based + a booster drug

Men express emotions through action. Just find an oulet through physical or mental activity.

Don't get sad and don't get worried; get pissed. Channel all emotions into hate and use the resulting mass as fuel.

Works for me.