Well Sup Forums?

well Sup Forums?

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yup, pretty much

You assume the Ninth Circuit is interested in any way in Justice.

we'll see...

how's that smug arrogance working out for you, btw?


That's strange, Lady Justice has been rather silent when it comes to sanctuary cities obeying federal immigration law...

>You assume the Ninth Circus is interested in any way in Justice.

ftfy. Also, sad that it's now, by default, the greatest show on earth.

>muh immigration law

is that all you guys talk about?

Let's meme her then. Nobody is above the law.
Could any artfag make a Justice-tan?

I want to fuck Lady Justice after a nice evening together!

reminder: our president's mother was an immigrant. his wife is an immigrant.


The New Colossus, the sonnet inscribed on the Statue of Liberty (give us your poor, etc), was written by a socialist KIKE.


You should make a cartoon where Emma Lazarus is trying to get at the Statue of Liberty but Uncle Sam is stopping her.

>She's blind
Shit I might actually have a chance

Must be nice living in a country with no neighbors.
Must be nice living in a country that no one wants to move to.
Must be nice not seeing your country being taken away from you and given to rapists and drug cartels.


>tfw the Constitution and USC get in the way of liberal tears.



>taken away

it's still there senpai, it's just different this time

being able to adapt to change is a clear marker of intelligence.

and the rulings will keep getting ejected, and everyone else will keep laughing at you until you lose power in 4 years, never to regain it ever again.

>being able to adapt to change is a clear marker of intelligence.
Yes, being ABLE. Not actively PROMOTING it when it's against your interests.

She's totally open Trump! Grab her pussy!

>the 9th circus is justice

SCOTUS will overturn the 9th circus ruling you dumb fuck.

>being able to adapt to change is a clear marker of intelligence

Then why didn't the world roll on its belly and accept fascism, you stupid fucking abbo?

Jesus Christ, why am I talking with someone with an IQ of 62?

>against your interests

what interests exactly? what interests do you have? you've got none. you're a consumer and a worker and that's it. your type never gave a shit about their heritage until people like Stefan Molyneux started using it as a rhetoric device to get you upset at blacks and da Joos. it's the equivalent of how blacks get cucked into hating white people.

the old world, how things were done, big families etc. is finished. the paradigm no longer works because it is no longer required.

adapting to that is intelligence. rejecting it is just weak minded reactionary behaviour. reactionaries are not smart people.


Hell ShareBlue, we know who you are.

fascism is doomed by design, much like capitalism. intelligent people realise this, dumdums hold onto their beliefs because they provide comfort and refuse to see things a different way. there are no fascists who take time to reflect, which i suppose is why they always end up destroying themselves!

fix your daddy issues

Replace justice with some fat tranny SJW wrapped in a rainbow flag representing the 9th District Court and this picture would be correct.

>ninth circus

How stupid will this look once the ruling gets overturned by the scotus like all their others?

A legal immigrant, in both cases. Also neither were from hotbed countries for terrorism. Seen your shitty baot before, just wanted to tell you i hope you get gang raped and eaten by abos you worthless cunt.

I want to fuck lady justice

Its time to go to bed gook, I've seen quite a few shit posts from you, and I have had enough.

One of the 9th Circuit Judges that did not participate in the 3 member panel that made the ruling just requested to hold a meeting over the ruling because he or she apparently disagrees with the way the ruling was made.

Reminder to sage all ShareBlue slide threads and report them to your nearest Orpo Wachtmeiser.

>the average iq of an aboriginal australian is 62

I don't know, it seems to be that anybody who dismisses race realism is deliberately choosing ignorance, or is a borderline fucking retard.

It's just about lunch time here actually.

>Comic about justice and the law stopping Trump
>Someone brings up a contradiction
Australians are and always will be the elite shitposters.


I said bedtime you fucking ladyboy.

Fuck you, and take Lorde back

>flooding of the labor market and all the bad that entails is about heritage now

>flooding the labor market

if an immigrant from Pakistan can do your job and do it for less, maybe you're the problem?

but you've probably never thought of that

Can't wait for Liberals reactions when the Supreme Court upholds the so called Muslim ban


if america gets attacked, it is trump's fault. he is president. it's his job to protect the country.
the EO got rejected because he is incompetent. his incompetence is not the fault of liberals (patriots). if america gets attacked, it is because trump failed.

He's going to be grabbing them both by the fuckin' pussy soon enough!

/d/ version when?

>Australia posting is the new Leaf posting

>Only laws that we like matter
Go to hell, people outside the US aren't protected by US laws.

difference between wanting to be an american and crossing a fence illegally to 3/12 months illegally

This is why I love Sup Forums

>simple dumb comic from internet
>twitter screencap
>fb screencap
>from irrelevant normies
>248 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view
>1 post by this ID

Every time, this whole dumb fuck board falls for distractions. Every time.

Has anyone noticed an increase in overly-overt nazi posts recently? Is this a new shill tactic? It just seems so blatant, not at all like a normal Sup Forums post.

Oh so justice is partisan now?

Who makes this drivel and why he hasn't been shot yet

> (((Machado)))

>being able to adapt to change is a clear marker of intelligence.
wrong. Baboons adapt to environmental changes faster than chimpanzees. If deforestation wipes out a baboon's environment they migrate while chimps just sit around observing the decline until they starve.

Intelligence doesn't matter if you don't have enough wisdom to act on a changing environment. Right now the countries letting in migrants in are like the "more intelligent" chimps watching man come along and destroy their world.

Well what?
It's a 2-dimensional redering of 2-dimensional thinking.
Wait, was I supposed to be

>Is this a new shill tactic?

This is why we have our court systems set up the way it is. While our Ninth Circuit may not agree with Trump's travel ban, higher up courts, including the Supreme Court may.

And the presidency was never even designed to be that powerful of a position anyway. Compared to some other political offices in other countries, the president is actually fairly weak. The presidency was never designed around executive orders. There may come a time when I disagree with a Trump executive order and I'm thankful for the Justice System for overturning it.

The greatest con-job of the 20th century was cultural Marxists convincing Whites it's morally wrong for Whites to love and support Hitler.

well what

That is becasue by definition Justice is the application of the law, not the letter of the law.

Go to bed Ausfag.

Sanctuary cities by definition are the opposite of application of the law.

So? Stop them then. Go ahead do it. Defund them if you can, but good luck with that. Your hamfisted attempts to do the wrong things will be in vain.

Using a disabled person to make a meme?

God, is this what Media Matters is paying you for now?

Bad form, hypocrite, bad form.

cuck detected

I think banning people from just 7 Muslim countries while ignoring the rest is incredibly hypocritical. Either you recognize the threat that Islam poses, or you don't. None of this halfway bullshit.

Furthermore, answer this user, and no googling.
Entering the United States illegally is a felony? True or False.

>thinks enforcing the law is doing the wrong things
Whatever helps you get by.

The election is over, please return to Reddit.

This may surprise you, but I don't care if it's a felony.


This may surprise you, but it's a misdemeanor. Meaning it only rises to the level of speeding ticket, or jay walking.

Prepare to be astounded.
I still don't care.
You also failed to refute with your deflection.
Try again?

The states and cities have the ability to ignore whatever laws they see fit. Colorado is obviously not interested in enforcing the national prohibition on weed. A law is only as valid as the enforcement behind it, a municipal fireworks "ban" for instance is the equivalent of your immigration laws now.


Thanks for that riviting lesson professor.
I guess they won't mind losing that federal cash, then.
It's not like they need it or anything.

This also applies to gay marriage or any attempt to ban "assault rifles" as well.

Please, there was never any difference between Aussie posting and Leaf posting.

Someone draw them getting attacked by skitskins or something, begging the Donald to save them.

That's the choice they've made for better or worse. I don't really know what to make of sanctuary cities to be honest. On the one hand I agree with the hivemind here that laws should be enforced, a nation have borders, and immigration should be controlled (though witha less grueling process than now.) Hwoever, I do see it as a stand against ever increasing federal power and centralization, no matter who is in control.


Aussies were funny.

Sure does, and don't forget it.

congress passed the law saying they want the president to have loadsa power in this regard, if not almost exclusive, far-ranging and blanket authority

You can try to make that argument about a lot of other shit, but not here.

So what? What is the point of this statement? Are you under the impression that we are living in France, the state is God and the laws are magic?

You couldn't sound more new if you tried.
Go ahead and get that last word in, I won't stop you.

>this insecure


This is truly a remarkable opinion.

Only newfags ever believed that.

He is from new zealand

Don't think for a second that I mean ignoring a law won't have consequences.

>9th circuit about to get BTFO by the supreme court
>durr justice iz on arr side guyz

The liberals are in for eight agonizing years of finger-breaking torture and it makes my dick as hard as a diamond. Trump now has cassus belli to bring the wrath of God down on the 9th Circuit too.

Back to r/thedonald. Sup Forums has been Natsoc for years.

Buddy, where was this resistance to federal power 1-8 years ago? Obama massively expanded the control of the executive branch.


>when an alabamian says the phrase "state's rights" he's a redneck who literally wants to enslave black people
>when a californian says "state's rights" he's a hero fighting for justice

The muslim ban is completely legal, so it's only a matter of time before the Supreme tells them to fuck off.
Muh fee fees are not a legal base.

Sorry fatass SJW, but leftism is a dead ideology, it's now a matter of time to witness it bleed out.

Why are liberals so obsessed with the Statue of Liberty plaque? When did that determine our immigration laws all of a sudden?