Whats the temperature in your area right now?? Anyone else going through extreme temperatures?? For burgers this translates to 118F
Temperatures around the world
it's about 42 here which is 107.6f but that is from the sensor sitting in a shaded draftway.
Went swimming and am now burnt as fuck.
25F here in New York
I fucking loved winter in Canada. I just want a qt canadian girl and some snow in my life.
>it's about 42 here which is 107.6f but that is from the sensor sitting in a shaded draftway.
Lmao no sunscreen??
-15 C and expected to drop overnight
Never been in anything close to that cold I feel like that kind of weather would sting.
Better than roasting alive I'd bet. And spiders.
We just had a day and a half of snow here in Seattle, where we only see more than just a bit of frost like once every 10 years. 2 days later, its in the mid 50s.
At least you can put on a coat in the cold. I actually start whining about 24 C
Nah I didn't put any on and I was out in the pool for a few hours.
lmao it gets to -28C where I live in america.
>We just had a day and a half of snow here in Seattle, where we only see more than just a bit of frost like once every 10 years. 2 days later, its in the mid 50s.
What state?
0 c or 32f for us Americans.
Pretty damn warm actually considering it's typically sub zero.
36C/97F here. Hotter than usual, but not the absolute hottest it's ever been.
Scorched my upper body while I was gardening. Didn't think I'd get burned from just being outside for 15 or 20 minutes. Gonna wear a hat next time.
>you get bothered by 24C
Mate, 24C is what I set my airconditioner to when I want it to be cool.
Central Ohio.
Fuckers making me convert to metric.
Try googling "Seattle" you fuck.
It was -35-40 for the past three weeks but it has now warmed up to 4 with 6 feet of snow within three days
Yeah pretty much, I mean remember all those government propaganda adverts which recommended we all run our air con at 24c.
Fuck that though, I like 22.
2C right now
Translates to bloody cold
Nah, it doesn't sting properly until about -18c.
That's when you feel your nostrils freeze up.
Ohio can get cold.
>A few hours
Have fun with the blisters and cancer
-6c and snowing
Fuck winter.
Jesus christ you're so paranoid of the sun you won't go a few hours with no protection?
Feels comfy!
61°F (16°C). It's been abnormally cold and wet this winter in San Diego.
kinda glad I'm not sweating my balls off tb.h
26° F on Long Island.
This is why no one likes people in San Diego.
>bloody cold
Eat shit
Its -4c here, doesn't even feel that bad. Talk to me when it's -30
Lots of Australians are paranoid about skin cancer since so many of us get it.
Were at around 28℃ every day but the thermal sensation (or whatever its called in english) is around 35℃ at its peak. Kill me.
Last year here was some strange weather, it's warm here now, well, "warm" depending on what you're used to. -12C
It's not a matter of paranoia. Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Our summer sunshine can scorch white people to a crisp in minutes.
It's above freezing temperature, it can't be cold you silly!
How much snow did you get?
26 f,light snow
Crawl into your freezer where you keep your food.
That's about -18c so you'll get a good indication from that
I love the fact burgers are the only ones you referred to with using a retarded measuring system for everything.
I always see a teacher explaining this to a burger:
19ºC now
This summer was pretty shitty desu, only one day with 42ºC and the rest with 36~38ºC max, you don't even need a/c.
If it keeps like this we will freeze to death in winter.
The cold is expected the amount of snow not so much
You dumb shit any exposure longer than 5 minutes in this weather and I have to chuck a sickie cause I'm brick red
Long island here also,10.5 inches in south west nassau
-9C, was -40C a couple of days ago, weather is sperging out.
Yeah I heard you guys got rocked. We got shit on around christmas and blew our whole winter's snow clearing budget
Sad, snow is the best.
Around 10 inches.
>tfw 50° Fahrenheit, the Peach State.
-32 C, coldest I've been in is about -50 C
lol english people are funny.
My fiancee is from the UK, there is probably less than a 10C spectrum where she is comfortable. Anything outside of that and it's too hot or cold. And if it's extreme enough that I am complaining it's too hot or cold then she's really suffering.
I was over there for a few weeks, it hit 24.4c and Britbongs were calling that a heat wave. Like wtf, that's a beautiful spring day in Ohio.
Balmy 22 in Sydney thanks
Fresh snow is the best.
The worst is rain followed by subzero temps. The sidewalks become one giant slip n slide.
The sun in the US is babby tier and I was fine over there for 45 minutes at a time without sunscreen. But if you're in the sun for 20 minutes without protection here or in Australia you will be burnt. An hour and you're in chronic pain for the next week.
Perks of having no ozone layer
Its snowing right now -4C
66F to 18C for you faggots
Here in winter Texas
Last time it was -50 here, the trees started splitting. Shit was freaky.
I'm a Long Island native away for uni and that is just absurd. Kind of wish I was there to see the mayhem.
SC here
-1C or about 23 freedoms.
Well just apply to a ski resort with your work permit you silly fuck. I took a lift up the other day with one of your kind, they are practically taking over the entire shit tier wage cuck resort job sector. Gtfo of your desert island shithole in the heat of summer, never forget, your entire country was an island prison for a good reason.
You'll get bad burns for a few hours in the sun here.
Blisters bad.
78 degrees F, 25 degrees C
feels good man
You're not going to say which state you went to?
M8, in Australia it's literally 1 in 2 people will have skin cancer at some point in their lives.
We've got reason to be paranoid about it
That's warm to us lol
18 °C
59F in SoCal
light rain
Why arent you being a liftie in big white right now?
30c indoors non-air conditioned.
>wanting to date a fucking leaf
Day of the emu when?
>Central Western Australia
>Smack dab in the middle of the desert
>Currently in the middle of the mildest summer on record
>Literally hasn't gone above 40 once, only a few days above 30
Feels comfy.
This. Same thing in the US. National Parks and ski resorts all ship in overseas labor.
Kind of a cool gig for them. See the sights and shit.
You've never experienced an extreme temperature, you only think you have.
-3 had to enable heating
>Temperatures around the world
Fucking freezing. I can't wait for temperatures fit for humans to come.
Were you here for the 25-30 inch blizzard last winter?
THAT was fucking nuts
How the fuck??? Central Queensland here and it's been 43+ for the last month. Expected to hit 50 tomorrow.
All over the place, was in Cali, NY and Virginia mostly in the middle of summer. It was hot sure but the sun wasn't strong at all
Vancouver leaf here, vacationing in Hawaii. It's always 80 here all year long
It was 15F or something and windy today.
Pretty comfy.
43F, 6C
where in bc did you get -40 lel
interior or what
Holy fuck how do people live in Australia don't you melt
It's a little chilly, nothing too bad. Kinda cozy with a space heater on.
NorCal here
Also, shitposting from my inner tube floating down a rushing river over what used to be my home town
Just two years ago we needed water desperately. Now we're all fucking drowning
>guy living in a desert complaining about it being hot.
>chuck a sickie
What about the abos?
Damn, okay I get it, your ancestors were just a bunch of pasty britbongs.
I kid.
I'm guilty of not wearing it enough, I am 29 and I am starting to check for cancer now, I will wear it from now on.
That said, I tan very well, I go reddish brown and don't even lose it all in the winter. Having injun blood is a help.
Rain. We got 50mm of raid last night alone.
18f/-8c here in NY too
Got to like -8f/-22c here during the night
You ready for more snow?
All to do with the winds.
East is getting hit with desert winds, so it's hot.
West and North aren't getting them, and have rain.