>use to like all women (except blacks)
>Now I can't help but be disgusted by all women that aren't blonde haired blue eyed aryan girls
Thank you Sup Forums
How has Sup Forums changed you?
>use to like all women (except blacks)
>Now I can't help but be disgusted by all women that aren't blonde haired blue eyed aryan girls
Thank you Sup Forums
How has Sup Forums changed you?
and you still have shit taste
kstew is my degenerate weakness. pls no bully user
Hasn't changed me much considering I'm not an impressionable faggot like you.
I really hope antifa doesn't send you a pamphlet in the mail. Who knows what you'll believe then.
>dont be so impressionably goy
>enjoy the company of people from many different walks of life
Your brain is evolving.
You are unironically wecome
>liking ugly high heel wearing whores
Reevaluate your life.
Chicks without dicks disgust me. Thanks, Sup Forums.
>used to like all women
>discovered anime
>now I strongly prefer japanese girls
yet the majority of Sup Forums defends anime when in reality all media produced by Japan aims to stop white people from ever breeding, mostly by turning white males into permavirgin weeaboos incapable of functioning in western society.
Thank you
She is my guilty pleasure. Also, gtfo you creep
Sup Forums helped me to realize that race is a social construct, and the more we meme/lampoon it, the closer we get to destroying racial identity all together.
who cares since you sit in your room and masturbate all day anyway
Faggot detected.
Just remember: it's ok to be gay.
>he thinks that these nogs in hollywood are attractive
More real woman for real men.
White men will never know what real woman feel like.
Attractive white woman try to look like real African queens.
>k stewart
pick one
a bit like me. I grew up in the middle east and didn't really see many whites until I was a teenager and met tourists in the cities. At first I thought whites looked really weird, particular blondes (but I liked the different coloured eyes). But because of fucking pol ive developed a fetish for cucking white people and really want to nail a qt blonde. Didn't use opportunities in the past. If it doesn't work out with current gf I will be slamming blonde qt's faster than you can say inshallah. Still got a few years studying here in aus
that's milo yiannopolous in drag you fucking faggot
I used to be right wing as fuck, Trump/Pence 2016 MAGA all the way, but then I started browsing Sup Forums. Sup Forums actually made me left because I thought all the shit on here was so cringy, I didn't even want a chance of being generalized with it. Holy fuck. Just look at this shit that Fox News aired today and tell me Trump supporters aren't fucking retarded for considering Fox a better news source than CNN.
Another faggot located. Fortunately, you're in supportive and non-prejudicial company here at Sup Forums.
Used to be a retarded apolitical Bernout, now I am addicted to politics and want to MAGA.
Well Sup Forums I'm going to try and be honest about my politics. This is what I've learnt since the old /new/ days, and what I actually believe
1. The left have degenerated into a cannibalistic cesspool of virtue signalling, hysteria and quibbling over ideological minutae. Their obvious infatuation with the true 'populism' - whatever bone the mob has got stuck in it's maw at that particular instant - disgusts me to the core of my being.
2. Despite this, I've always been broadly left-wing. However, I can't express where any of my beliefs fall on the political spectrum of the left any more. I believe in healthcare, affordable housing, strong limitations on corporate power in the political and public sphere - but at the same time, I have no patience for benefit sucking scum, entitled fools with irrelevant degrees and anything short of the death penalty for violent subhumans.
3. I'm, unwilling to concede that all islam is irreconciable with western civilisation - though I'm increasingly aware that my narrow definition of moderate islam is almost irrelevant, and that the wahabist filth need to be dealt with by any means necessary.
4. Israel is a gigantic liability in every sense and should be abandoned by the west. There is some sort of fucking conspiracy emanating from Israelis/jews, and I wish it could be investigated without life/career-ending consequences.
5. The EU was always doomed, and it's neo-liberal ideology is the greaqt corrupter of surope. It's also inherently undemocratic. I voted for brexit.
6. Trump, whatever he does, is a necessary catalyst for reform - particularly to purge the left of their corporatist filth. His protectionism is probably sound, as is his opposition to china and the EU.
7. I'm moving more towards something like Evola, in that I believe that a state is only sustainable when it has ideals, and it's citizens work towards them. Duty and honour, not the mindlessness of 'revolution' and throwing away everything old.
8. At the came time, the championing of 'you can become whatever you want to be' is a problem on both the left and right. The left's ridiculous indulgence of minority quotas and infatuation with 'balance' is infuriating. So too is the right's idealism when it comes to wealth, the rise of the most able being the most ruthless, and the overall callousness. I increasingly find the left's mantra's more disgusting, but the lawless capitalism of the right is also idiotic.
9. As such, I'd support a high minimum wage - even a basic income, but with the proviso that people exploiting the system lose everything. I also don't believe corporations can cure the jobs shortage, and that the government needs to actively create jobs - as Roosevelt or Hitler did - with public works. Having said this, they need to compel people to virtue, and they need to end this 'everyone can go to uni and become a celebrity' shit. Merit is the only thing that matters.
10. I believe racism makes evolutionary sense, and my contempt for general savages (niggers/sandniggers) is total. Having said this, I still believe racial differences are largely cultural as race is a vast simplification, biologically speaking.
I've learned to appreciate traps
I still love red heads
had to get a snackbar tattoo
into the trash it goes
Is that the best nog you can pull? Jesus if you think that's attractive no wonder you guys fuck sheep
>be blonde, blue-eyed Aryan girl
>visit Sup Forums hoping for interesting discussion of politics
>instead, white men have become a turn off
Not all, but definitely the kind who post here. Still, while Sup Forumss general beliefs are shit, it's a fun board to start shit on.
Honestly, it's completely OK to be homosexual. You won't be judged in this community. Come flying out of that closet, like a butterfly out of a cocoon.
Not bad Brit.
God she is one sexy bitch. Shame she's a degenerate lesbian now.
You know the drill, roastie.
>The Last of the Swedians
It's Coon Town from now on Fredrik
All females are lesbians.
Black woman are queens.
Go away nigger and/or niggerlover
Doesn't look arabic to me.
I know the feeling OP.
I now judge every female on their looks kek
Blond blue eyes etc.
>Dyed hair
Fuck off beta boy. You can't handle a real woman.
I not only judge by their whiteness but also their degeneracy
tfw there are no real blonds anymore
Depends where, I think it's about 50/50 here.
Usually I can easily spit the difference.
The dark hair at the scalp
come to Minnesota, not Niggerapolus though. a lot of nordic beauties. you know she's a real blonde when the pussy matches
Stillettos confirm fe-manlet
kristen stewart was so hot on snl
I demand source merrica
You're beating that horse to death user. The homosexual stuff is supposed to stop being funny when you cease being an edgy teenager. Now stop shitposting and go beat off to your nig-apes.
Germanic women are the traitors that are selling out our race. Look at how women in Europe vote vs how men vote, and how most SJWs are female. Germanics are the most cucked of all the European races.
this bitch looks like milo in drag
Posting more than two chimp bitches from the same IP should auto temp ban
I got my hopes up for this thread until I found the only example of the following word, which is present there, and is literally the following:
>water bottle figure
>ankle thicker than bicep
>over compensating with 6" heel
>excessive eye makeup
>five head w/ receding hair line
i'm with you OP, this one is a tosser
>Implying white plain janes could ever be this beautiful
white beta boys btfo
>posts pig faced 2/10
>"supreme beings"
>will never be as spicey as latinas
>beauty marks
what do you faggots think of that?
I have many. You're not really white if you don't
Also, people with more beauty marks tend to delay aging.
I always wanna gas the trikes and race more now
wew lad, she looks like a mexican mixed with an arab
Man that picture brings me back
Basically when a hetero male says what OP said and phrases it the way OP did, it sucks when you find out (especially on Sup Forums because right wing straight is best straight) that he's just putting some conditions on his hatred of women aside from any obvious ones. Her dress was too blue. I don't like her hair. Etc etc. Some threads touch on an MGTOW aspect which is great. But men are tending to start shitting on eachother too hard. The quality of females is declining not improving. If boomers wrote us all off. Which they did. Men need male friends. telegraph.co.uk
Me too help me Pol.
I want a white waifu like Emma stone
There's red white people. Called "ruddy" in the Bible. And then there is carotene. Pick one.
I only like traps now thanks to Sup Forums
>I can be easily manipulated by anyone including non-white NEETs from shitposting board
>not liking superior Southern European girls
>blonde haired blue eyed aryan girls
Literally niger/shitskin tier taste.
I'm hispanic so I don't give a flying fuck. I pass as a pasty white guy so it can go either way and I don't feel disgusted by my life choices.
Found the manlet
If women can't even wear high heels the fuck do we need em for. Ahoy hoy. Surrogacy Hotline?
>muh like blonde haired, blue eyed shiksas
Nothing wrong with brunettes you neurotic perma-virgin
don't forget her vagina leaf
Sup Forums gave me a fetish for jewish girls
I want to hate fuck them now
Here we go.
Extra clamdifferous