Did whites evolve from blacks or did blacks devolve from whites?
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White people are Neanderthals
homo erectus =/= present-day africans.
Practically all human populations have Neanderthal DNA except for Sub-Saharan Africans
The map doesn't imply that.
They both evolved from a common ancestor.
Neanderthals kept Cro-Magnons at bay for nearly 50,000 years, take from that what you will...
There has been no Neanderthal to sample from, which means all current data is fake and White people don't have 3% but 100%. Greatest coverup ever.
There is no such thing as devolution only evolution, autist.
Whites landed
Neither is the case
Black people decend from Ham, the cursed son of Noah.
After the flood Noah grew vineyards and got drunk off the wine he made. His son Ham saw his dad naked and made fun of him to his other brothers.
For this he and all his decedents were cursed to be servants of the decedents of the other two brothers.
Whities came from the Gods.
We built dem pyramids, we did dem sciences, we wuz chillans of the sun until those damn Jews enslaved us.
>Did whites devolve from blacks or did blacks evolve from whites?
Must have auto corrected, I got you senpai
homo sapiens came from Australia, the Africa theory was disproven. Explain the iq and technology drop-off in Australia even compared to Africa.
Black people and White people as we know them, didn't exist at the time. Basically, we all evolved from neanderthal (ug stone club ug) man, and developed into the races you know now.
Nigs stayed in the local area, and didn't develop mentally as it wasn't needed for survival.
Whites migrated north, and the basic low intelligence uggos died out, and intelligent proto-euros flourished.
We are basically products of our environment. Colder weather forced whites to invent, improvise and the intelligent flourished and reproduced.
Warmer weather encouraged speed and stamina rather than brainpower. Thats why US sports is dominated by nigs.
Abos were in the process of devolving into some sort of family raping quadruped when the convictolonials showed up
we aren't the same species.
similar, but not the same.
>autocorrected word placement
2 different species. That is like asking if eagles are related to potatoes.
Pre-asiatic < blacks/whites
>we all evolved from Neanderthal
No. The rest of your post is more or less accurate but this part in untrue. Subsaharans have no Neanderthal lineage and Abbos, Negritos, and Papuans have nearly no Neanderthal lineage (if any) but possess Denisovan admixture instead.
Subsaharans are virtually 100% Homo sapiens with some unknown amount of admixture from other archaic hominids that inhabited Africa for millions of years.
Niggers are the feral children of the stupidest and least curious and intuitive of our ancient ancestors. They stayed behind not only because it was easier but because they had no internal drive to "see what was beyond." They built no boats, no roads, they never mined the earth nor invented the wheel.
Don't even get me started on Abbos, Negritos, and Papuans.
>There has been no Neanderthal to sample from
They can get Neanderthal DNA out of Neanderthal bones, retard.
It might have been the combination of Neanderthal and Sapiens DNA that created people capable of forming civilizations. Neither Neanderthals or Sapiens made much technological progress before the mixing happened.
Yes but those bones weren't 100% Neanderthal, they were a mixed breed.
They are the sons of Cain, the murderer, cast out from society, obviously.
>T. Book of Genesis
Neither. Same people who back "out of africa" deny race exists altogether. Multiregional makes more sense and there is some evidence supporting it.
Sauce? You think 100% Neanderthal bones don't exist?
Neither. The truth is humans are a slave race genetically engineered by the Annunaki. The Annunaki mixed their DNA with various species of ape, resulting in whites/blacks/asians.
Those guys look bretty cool.
Winter also taught whites how to conserve for later, even if it means going through winter hungry. Blacks live in a goldmine of food so they never had to develop the patience needed to save food for later.
separate evolutionary path from a projenerator species.
basically one tribe was smart enough to gtfo africa, the rest were dumb and stayed.
fast forward an ungodly amount of time, and the dumb still stayed.
Sorry conserve food FOR winter.*
The final red pill:
The out of Africa theory is the first documented case of white flight.
Neanderthals are more likely to be autistic whiteboi