"Oh haaaii gai's im here for the customer assistance job XD"
What is your reaction when this comes into your shop Sup Forums?.
"Oh haaaii gai's im here for the customer assistance job XD"
What is your reaction when this comes into your shop Sup Forums?.
Offer them the job and ask for their preferred pronouns.
Deploy autoturrets
this guy gets it.
911 pls there's an Alex Jones impersonation going on
I see absolutely nothing wrong with giving Chris-Chan not only the pr job, but my entire business to run. I wish I could elect >her and have our first autistic trans president in 2020. I didn't want to live much longer anyway
Chase him with a pickle
Holy shit it's Chris chan
I better give him a job so I can make daily threads about his autism on Sup Forums
>daily Chris chan works for me thread day one
>today he wore a diaper calling it his tampon
>he then continued to shit in it while yelling at customers not to call anybody
>he then asked a girl if she wanted to finger his pussy
>I fired him
>Implying Chris Chan would ever get his fat ass out of the house and try to get a job
I would give him the job in hopes of starting a new saga
not a Sup Forums thread move back to Sup Forums
why are you only wearing a loincloth t work
I am 95~% sure either him or Barb will die before the tranny shit ends.
I can't imagine the stench.
Yeah I don't see it ever ending
Someone needs to introduce him to speed say it's sonics choice of drug
It would be fun to see him go through a big drug saga
I'm in charge of hiring for my department at my company, passed over a transgender person. I told my bosses it was because they were starting shit on facebook and looked technically inept, but really I just hate them.
Unless they're convincing, single, and find me attractive then I'd consider it.
>What is your reaction when this comes into your shop Sup Forums?.
>Call police that A MAN WHO IS DRESSED LIKE A WOMAN has enter the premises where HE has have been banned from.
can i get a rundown please?
Is this what Chris is doing with himself these days?
Does anyone find it hilarious how does human pile of shit will probably be homeless, depressed and miserable after his disgusting excuse of a human being he calls his "mother" gets a well-deserved stroke? He has said before that Barb is the only reason that keeps him alive inside. Sup Forums should make life hell for him when that happens, making anti-Barb memes and sending shit to his house
I really want to see this cocksucker squeal on Youtube again
Can you like not fuckhead
Chris is the only tranny I feel bad for.
He's had a hard enough life.
SOme people ask
When was America great?
I say when Chris chan trolling was at its peak
If we can return to that than trump did it
Also checked
Do not feel bad for this beggar. Do not feel bad for this leech. Do not feel bad for the man who allowed his father to spend his final days being eaten alive by bed bugs.
No pity for this scumbag.
welp, looks like chris might be committing suicide when barb dies
He's pretty much retarded, he doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. If anything it's his Mom's fault for enabling his delusions, Chris never had a chance.
Thank you for this educational video. I will be trying that spinning jew position.
Does anyone know if she consented to being filmed?
Don't worry, His infected "vagina" will kill him first
>Chris is under the impression that the hole is a result of white noise videos on Youtube, which Chris listens to since he believes it can aid in his transformation into a true and honest woman. When trolls told Chris to seek medical attention, he lied about already having visited a doctor for his new "vagina", with Chris claiming that the doctors told him that his "vagina" is good and beautiful.
In truth, this is a combination of circumstances which may ultimately kill Chris. In the event that the puss pocket which is likely embedded deep within (Chris has stated that he has been wearing Maxi Pads in order to contain the bleeding) his cursed hole tunnels deep enough into his taint to reach his digestive system, he will suffer a septic shock (which is shit being released directly into the bloodstream), if Chris suffers a septic shock, he will likely die.
>Sonics arms are blue.
I have to give Chris Chan credit. I don't think I can think of a meme with as much longevity and that has gone through so many interesting stages as has Chris Chan.
Newfag, Chris used to hold the most Sup Forums views before becoming a tranny.
I don't want CWC to exit bag
This is the most A-log post I've seen in years.
Tell him our gas chamber is actually an interview room.
>Chris-Chan looking for a job.
My reaction is nothing because such a thing would never happen.
Why tho
Let me see your application and lets sit down for an interview. Unfortunately, attractive =/= good worker.
>tfw Christine chandler is actually kind of cute now and you'd probably fuck her if you found her naked in your bed
I think I might be sick in the head
You're a huge beta. Those quints are confirmation that you should stop. Stop...
You can not like people, or not wanna deal with them but when you start getting pleasure from other peoples suffering merely because you don't like their life choices, you sir, have crossed the line. We don't like that.
Give him the job just so I can film him and add content to the Chris-chan wiki.
OK So barb definitely knows about this, why is she letting this insanity go on? Has she lost her mind?
Get out of my game shop Chris or I'm calling the cops. For the last time stop stalking female customers.
and pour stuff into the cup he keeps on his deska nd mix desiccated feces into the coffee grounds in the desk drawer? Then you can chan-wiki it even more after you put the shit into the coffee because you can ask, "Hey why do you drink that coffee instead of the office coffee," and then when he says that he likes that brand of coffee better you can enter it into the record that he said likes to drink shit.