>Literally blessed with some of the best land on planet Earth
>Still manage to be a 3rd world shit hole
>pic related
I will never understand this
>Literally blessed with some of the best land on planet Earth
>Still manage to be a 3rd world shit hole
>pic related
I will never understand this
It is the same with the Argies, some of the best places to grow crops, a little industry and also fuckin oil.
And still they come here to buy TV's
I have read all about the miracle of Chile.
Glad to hear capitalism is working out for you guys.
You could say this about Europe in the past. You forget that south America ( as a civilisation) is only 300/400 years old, it's only just found political stability.
North America as a civilization is even younger than that, but we somehow managed to do okay. What's their excuse?
Just like America importing niggers to do work was a mistake
All the best, most fertile lands on earth have lousy people living on them. Societies thrive on hardships and it's hard to explain why.
Sadly we are going backwards with this new commie administration. Free College, pro-nigger policies, and free shit for everyone.
oh man, there are so many reasons.
>Catholic traditions prevented the county to develop a merchant mentality. we built industries basically because of the 1929 crisis
>People believes that the State should provide them with everything, thus our income is subject of over 50% of taxation and we got shit public services
>Bureaucracy and the tributary system is the greatest legal mess in the world. I should know, i'm a lawyer
>Work laws are inflexible and literally fascist (based on Mussolini's work laws)
>We were an empire and had nobles, but we never got a bourgeois revolution. That means there's still nobles here, disguised as bureaucrats and politicians
>This is the most corrupt democracy that has ever existed
>Do you think that the nigger culture of hedonism, violence and laziness is prevalent in America? That's because you don't know the people here. Even many whites are niggers.
>Lack of morality. See the purge. Literally, the only reason people is not out there stealing and killing is because of the police.
And more and more...
its pretty self explanitory
>spanish touch something
>portugese touch something
>turns to third world shit
applicable in all forms of life
Too many niggers
If portugal and Spain weren't on Europe they will be a shithole too
Hey, Costa Rica is a nice place. I liked it there.
It seems Brazil has grown more prominent over the years.
god dammit, this feel
I will do everything in my power to help, I'm a richfag and will look to invest in the good companies in your country, trust me
Godspeed, fuck the Catholic cucks and globalism, know that the "evil white rich white people" in the US want to help
>implying it was better before colonialism
If they never imported niggers, and genocided the natives, south america would be a white mans paradise. Imagine if Europeans did the americas right, we'd be at 2+ billion in population.
All Hue anons: Is pic related even human?
Kek, most pictures of earth are made by artists
If it was really the Catholic Church's fault, then why did Quebec succeed and prosper?
Necessity is the mother of invention user. Africans live in the fucking garden of eden and thus never had to strive to be anything other than lazy hedonists with childlike mentalities
We were colonized by the portuguese, what did you expect?
Diversity happened
Thanks, based burger, but right now may not be the best moment. The political world is in turmoil, as the fucking president has been linked to corruption scandals, and there may be a huge happening right around the corner. I wouldn't invest here, to be honest
Don't you guys produce and consume the world's largest amount of ethanol fuel?
yes, more than half of the cars here run on ethanol. why?
>catholic traditions
France does fine.
>state should provide for them
Niggers and spics do this. Hence why Argentina has the same problem.
Corruption more likely. More loopholes means more money being trimmed. Again something the nogs do insanely well.
>work laws
That's not an excuse really.
>no bourgeois revolution
Doesn't really stop half of Europe.
>most corrupt democracy
Every democracy is corrupt from the ground up. The closest to a legitimate democracy is Switzerland. Even in the modern era where everyone has a portable computer in their pocket and could easily vote on EVERY issue remotely we still rely on people voting for someone who can be corrupted instead of direct democracy.
too much slavery
too much pardos
>best land on planet Earth
Won't be that way for long. Monkeys are fucking braindead. They pollute everything, they cut down hundreds of acres of rainforest every day because they're literally too fucking stupid to understand crop rotation so they just abuse the fuck out of the soil in one location until it's worthless and then just cut down more jungle. They also power like 50% of their country with hydroelectric, which is good, except they're fucking stupid and put them in terrible locations, destroying tons of ecosystem and flooding flood basis that aren't supposed to be flooded year round.
Another century and Brazil will look like Haiti. The whole thing.
The only South American countries that know how to respect their environment are like Peru and Bolivia and that's just because they're too fucking poor to actually do anything
Indirect democracies might be susceptible to corruption but direct democracies are only as good as the people, and most people are retarded. Look at all of the SJWs and shit we have today. Now imagine if every single one of them was allowed to vote directly on an issue instead of leaving it in the hands of people who actually understand the law.
And yes I realize there are some pretty dumb politicians but most of them have a law background and are at least have a very slight ability to put aside feelings and look at something from the perspective of the law.
>be pardo
>mother and her whole family is white
>father's whole family is white, he is the only pardo
>all my siblings are white
Sometimes it feels like I was chosen
the FUCK is wrong with ethanol?? You fucking piece of shit leaf ethanol is my family's business fuck you. Muslims are pouring your precious maple syrup over your mom's face while she's crying about being impregnated with a mulatto jihadi fucking kys
No offense, but you do not know how things work here. Let me explain:
The catholic mentality that the portuguese brought here is that one which despises profits and hard work, as opposed to the protestant ethics, described by Weber. It was quite worse in the past: in 1840 or so a british ambassador had to write a letter to the english parliament explaining why he employed slaves. The reason? there was NO FUCKING FREE LABOR here. If a slave was freed, the first thing he would do is buy a slave to work for him. Not kidding.
>state providing shit
To trust in the state as the provider of everything became a mentality here, it's not a nigger/spic thing, actually. No politician has ever talked about getting rid of taxes and public enterprises, and business as they'd never get elected. The subject even became taboo. Also the state is seen as a fucking robin hood.
I've worked with it. It's inefficient, full of unnecessary details, laws, legal loopholes and is slow. If you want to open a business you'd have to wait two years, sign a fuckton of paperwork and pay about $2K to work legally. And not counting all the bureaucracy you're subject after that. It's a nightmare.
>work laws
Also worked with this. No flexibility means that a business owner should know all the 1000-page law codes and jurisprudence to avoid breaking the law - and if they do break the law, oh man, he may have to pay some serious amounts of money to the worker. I've seen many businesses going bankrupt because of it.
>bourgeois revolution
didn't get your point there. I mean that the same Imperial nobles are still in power here, leeching the State and controlling whole cities and states
>most corrupt democracy
Your corruption is puny compared to ours. One lawmaker once said that you couldn't lay a brick on the floor without paying bribes to someone. What happened to him? Lost his chair in no time!
Let me explain it fast and simple:
Masons fucked up our Republic because we freed the slaves.
Gommies tried to rise to the power which led to a "right-wing" dictatorship.
After the dictatorship has fallen, the gommies rise in power again.
We Impeached them and we are trying to free our markets, so we can prosper.
You are spot on, but the developement of a country is directly tied to economic freedom, which we never had.
Not really an excuse, but Socialism.
Working on uncucking Uruguay right now.
we were full liberal during the empire and the old republic, since all our economy revolved the commerce of coffee. And we didn't develop anything - only when we could not buy industrial shit during the great depression we built industries.
Not saying we need more economic freedom nowadays, though. We definitely need it, but the lack of it is not the main reason of our underdevelopment.
Not an excuse in anyway, but the US got into be independent some 50 years before Brazil.
If he poos in loo then yes, he is human
>a miracle
>17,2% of citizens have depression
>young people suicide more and more every year
oh but look at that economic grow
this board don't know shit
>Full liberal
>Had slaves.
No, we weren't liberals.
Liberal/libertarian has a different meaning for us. It doesn't mean leftist/communsit, but the true meaning of the word, based on von Mises and stuff.
Economic freedom AND personal freedom.
Here you go.
For the Brazilian anons, I'm going to Rio next month. What should I check out?
> why did Quebec succeed and prosper?
Except it didn't. Quebec is a 3rd world level socialist kleptocracy that is sustained by the rest of Canada.
No, RJ police is almost stopping to work as protest for better salary. (Did it sound correct?)
Google about Espirito Santo and what is happening right now.
It's probably your culture. See: Japan
No, if everything goes according to plan we will be starting a civil war soon.
It's a business vacation I won, probably 100 people from an insurance company I sell for will be there. I'm not missing it
Well if you must come, heed my advice: do your homework. Don't sound ignorant, weak or naive for even one second. People can and WILL take advantage of you with a smile on their face while calling you gringo (don't be mistaken, this is a derogatory term here).
Nope. Brazil never had anything that could be called free market. The state has been always a major player in the Brazilian economy.
I'll keep that in mind. In fact I probably won't be leaving the hotel.
the word you are looking for is "strike"
The military police is going on strike
Yes we were, and i'm talking about true liberalism, not the american liberal shit. The masons were responsible for the introduction the liberalism in Brazil back during the independence. The most proeminent figures of the time, like the first independent journalist Hipolito da Costa, were all masons (i believe that Jose Bonifacio was one as well). Liberalism was seen as the only viable economic way during that time. As for slavery, it was a notorious distortion of the brazilian mentality - they were all for liberalism but couldn't see a world without slaves, until 1850.
Economic freedom, by itself, is not the way to the development. If you see the history of every European country but Great Britain, and US, you'll see that all of them applied protectionist measures (the british didn't need to fear rival industries because they were the top dogs at the time. Take the Meiji Japan for instance
Brazil was always protectionist
The milk and coffee republic was absolutely protectionist, purposefully working to undermine Colombian coffee, placing tariffs on foreign products, buying excess coffee and burning it to keep the agricultural elite's finances going.
which had to isolate itself to develop a proper industry. Do you really think that you country would go anywhere if other countries flooded your market with cheap and well-made products to compete with your own?
Brazil never, ever, had free market.
Have you ever studied about "coffee and milk policy?" (Política do Café com leite)
Do you follow Nando Moura or something?
That guy is like a shit machine gun. He says a lot of stupid and dumb stuff to defend his conservative perspective and religion.
man, i'm an historian and i've read a book about it the other day, ofc i know what i'm talking about. You can't pick anything you see on the internet and adopt it as a dogma. I'm a liberal myself, but I wouldn't pretend that liberalism work by simply opening the markets.
The coffee and milk policy was a maneuver from SP and MG to stay in power. Yes they attempted to control the coffee prices by burning it, especially during the WWI and the great depression, as coffee is a non-essential product and no one would buy it if they were fucking dying of starvation on trenches
That's a distortion of how things are really like. Protectionism and economical nationalism's only achievement in our entire history was protecting big industrials, ensuring Brazil remained an absolute oligarchy.
When the golden age of coffee ended, the great producers moved to industrialism, and continued to control the economy and politics. If foreign products were allowed to compete and gain place here, it would hurt the order of things, and they spent the last 100 years or so trying to stop that from happening.
Third world people produce third world nations. Notice how only the colonies that committed genocide against natives became first world?
Also, liberalismo is not only about economic freendom, but individual too. One without the other is not liberalism.
We commited genocide too, that's not about it.
You had economic freedom and liberty, we didn't.
We are always fighting our governments.
oh if you want to read something, there's Boris Fausto's Historia do Brasil, José Murilo de Carvalho's A construção da Ordem and also the four Hobsbawm books Age of Revolution, Capital, Empire and Extremes. All good reads.
Maybe you need less government then. Worked for America, and I think we would be better off if we took it even further. Imagine a world where FedEx delivers your mail, but doesn't tell you who you are allowed to marry.
You act like you know everything.
Read Mises, so you can learn about liberalism.
No reason really, I saw it mentioned in passing in a documentary and just wanted confirmation.
Funny, I could almost smell the stench comming from your unwashed walmart sweatpants from here. Why don't you take a break? Give your cum and dorito dust encrusted keyboard a break from labouring under the intense weight of your plump, varicose, sausage shaped fingers as they strain to slowly form plodding, barely cohesive sentences. I know your blood is thick as fucking gravy and you're half braindead from all the monster energy drinks you consume daily so I understand this will take your shriveled, dried raisin of a mind a little longer than average to comprehend. But in 5 minutes when the electricity finally cycles back from your tiny little blank eyeballs to your thick skull you will realise just how fucking stupid you sound.
All colonies in the Americas commited genocide against natives.
Maybe not Peru and Bolivia but certainly all others
i've read it too, but a long time ago. he has very good points, but it doesn't necessarily work that way.
pick South Korea. How they became such a rich country in half a century? By buying American cars and ships, or taxing the hell out of them and building their own?
The problem of Brazil is not simply a question of open markets, it's much much worse than that. Again, not saying some free market would be bad to us, but it's not a magic spell to development.
>What's their excuse?
The good old "rape babies without identity", plus "Spaniards were plunderers, English were settlers".
>young people suicide more and more every year
pick one you fucking nigger
>read this book that defends my views
>no u do it
Yes, we need, but we had a catholic culture, so people are extremely passive and it comes to arms. Even though we are violent as fuck.
Take a look at this picture. They were our presidents, the ones marked in yellow are the ones that finished their campaign.
Also, take a look at Dilma, the last one, she was impeached last year.
t. Proddicuck who sold their souls for the eternal merchant
There has not been 1 Brazilian I've meet who isn't based. Even far left commies know that if a young black males starts walking towards you, he's gonna rob you. Protestants are the source for the world's degeneracy.
You read that South Korean book full of falacies about protecionism, didn't you?
I download it, but that book is already refuted.
Jews and niggers.
>Protestant nations are unilaterally richer, more developed, and produce more great people than Catholic nations
>People wonder why Protestant nations succeed
to put it in perspective: what do you think of Trump's economic policies? The American industries went overseas. China is selling lots and lots of shit to them. Mexico got $60 bi on trade advantage. That's because the US didn't play smart on the world of negotiations, and basically gave free passage to foreign products into the american market.
Same thing happened after the Independence, when the inexperienced Brazilian diplomats signed very disadvantageous treaties with the British, providing them with free market and obliterating the small manufactures that were installed by D. Joao VI. That's playing dumb.
"he had good points", his book is one of the most important books about liberalism. If it "doesn't work that way", than it is not liberalism.
If you had slaves, oligarchs, masons, a giant state, it is not liberalism, not even close.
Singapore is a good example of liberalism, or nordic countries up to 70~80s.
Too many niggers i think
That's not the point, he is saying that Old Republis was liberal, which clearly it wasn't.
I like how he completely ignored the USA.
And Lula will probably go to jail this year.
South Korea built up from investments and aid from the US. They had a huge population for the small area they occupy, but it wouldn't have grown like this using their own resources
singapore and hong kong are trade outposts. libertarianism is the best for them, no questions. but brazil is not the exact same.
They started with a jungle start so there production suffers as a result. But wait until end game starts and they will be a cultural powerhouse.
>believing correlation = causation
It's worst for Venezuela.
>shitloads of oil
>still manage to ruin the country
South Korea is quite authoritarian, though. They played smart and invested in actual education (not like brazil). Again, there's no magic spell that leads towards development. It's not just abolishing taxes and that's it.
>28% below poverty line
I wonder how much it is right now.
They elected a leftist president, I heard she is fucking a lot of stuff.
Trump's economic policies are disastrous and bound to failure.
If those "small manufactures" were unable to compete with foreign enterprises selling cheaper/better products, despite having the advantage of selling in their home country, they were weak. If they get outsold it's because their products are inferior. The only advantage of protectionism is being able to force the populace to buy the worse, more expensive national products and profit from it through taxation
This suicidelet thinks his country is hot shit
I think he meant the outsourcing went out of control user.
That's basically what happened here. See, the manufacture made X and spent 10 coins. But the INDUSTRIAL Britain made X and spend 5 coin in production, plus 1 for the trip and 1 in taxes. It's also better. Which product will quench the demand? The british one, and the small manufacture will go out of business because of it. That's the reason that Brazil did not develop industry, and focused all its willpower into coffee. Under the free market, no manufactures could prosper.
The same thing kept going through the od republic. Notice that the industrial boom happened in 1929, when most industries of the world stopped producing - but there was still demand in brazil.
fuck this
it's 5 am I am going to sleep
It's full of retarded shitskins. How does this surprise you?
You also have enormous high tariffs especially on electronics lmao