Python script I wrote to see which is stronger, sand nigger or regular nigger.
your're script is racist and is shit
use some random values but always make the nigger stronger
>kiddy's first if statement assignement
Fucking casuals.
Should be just 'else' fucking pajeet.
>using equality to compare floats
>putting exit() in all three cases
>using exit()
i shiggidy diggidy
your script is shit.
post this on Sup Forums, you deserve the shit they would fling at you
also this.
floating point equality works like actual shit
you better be glad python isnt even a real programming language or else id be really upset
So... what the output?
PHP7 is great
You don't need the exit() function. The script will end by itself.
Thought I was on Sup Forums what the fuck is this doing in Sup Forums
Use a universal language user.
>not putting a space at the end of your prompt string for input()
>unnecessary exit() statements
Delete those
>parenthesis around if statements
Delete those too
>unnecessary elif
Just use an else, you don't need the last comparison for comparing two floats
Of course that happens, both are getting rounded to 1.0.
1.0 == 1.0 obviously.
I will only evaluate once you've put in a real, non-meme language, son.
>Sup Forums
>talking about programming
>Sup Forums
>talking about anything but politics
come on senpai
okay, let's kick it up a notch, then.
nigga explain this shit
u assign a to a memory location? does that mean its null (or whatever c uses)
so null == null?
If(coolaid || chicken)
rate my code
a career for virgins that will be unemployed in 15 years time
0x7FFFFFF isn't a memory location you retard. It's the black area of floating point numbers.
id fire you
what the fuck are you talking about