>watch highly redpilled video on youtube exposing elites doing shady stuff
>panic and quickly check view count
>relax as you see over 10k people have seen the video and they cant come and murder you all
Watch highly redpilled video on youtube exposing elites doing shady stuff
Other urls found in this thread:
That's what they want you to think
linky or you stinky
>you will never be under this much fear and paranoia unlike typical coke addicted conspiracy nutjobs
Feels good bros
Why don't spaghetti noodles knot when you boil them?
>Not realizing that those videos are made by the elites
and yet you post on an obvious honeypot website?
I got very paranoid when pizzagate first showed up and I dug into it.
>Rothschild video on front page if youtube
>oh shit! Go incognito.
>still there
Phew. But still wtf? People are woke.
asking the questions that matter right here
Likewise. Psychic vampires bro.
We still know who you are, user. All of this is being recorded and filed away for future use.
Maybe you can look forward to a visit at some point.
Apply VPN and check for many countries, if it follows then they want you to see
Apply VPN and check for some countries like Cyprus and shrilanka
Its the key to life
link it NOAAAWW!
Not enough grip to make a tight knot. Ever had dry spaghetti? It knots.
>using the term woke, like a nigger
I no longer fear death as I am on the side of righteousness
>mfw all those other views were me
we're gonna be okay
Where can I get a free vpn server, google giving me shady links
Opera browser offers a free, built-in VPN. Don't know if it is trust worthy, though.
>tfw I intentionally use chrome, google, youtube, gmail, and android logged in with tracking. Never censoring myself to let them know I could give a fuck about their kikery.
C'mon lad, link.
>turns out the other 9,999 viewers don't exist
>they're just bots
>9,999 bots are now assigned to monitor you constantly
>driving down the road at 11:00 PM to get tendies
>suddenly breaks fail
>car starts accelerating
>your car slams 200 miles per hour into the side of Chic Fil A and explodes
>your bones shatter and you rupture your internal organs
>skin is burned off in the inferno
>your gray matter is collected from the crash site and used to build more youtube bots
This lol
mfw when I feel so special that I might be on a watch list
if we all do it, it's not much use
plus you'll never know when i am being serious or just shitposting because my reality is literally satire and i do these things to cope
1 point to post-modernism
This. Everything is tracked about you already if you have a SIN and a bank account. Might as well not give a fuck. You can tell the feds you're an insane mudslime and still shoot up an airport with barely any resistance.
So fuck it. The Film Actor's Guild is saying that they can change the world through their acting. Ancaps and ancommies are openly being violent and the MSM doesn't care. There are bigger things to worry about than some board fag.